
Introduction to Equity Pair Trading

Jason Ramchandani
Lead Developer Advocate Lead Developer Advocate


This article will cover the Equity Pair trading use case and go from a single pair example to an industrialised search process with commonly used statistical tests, combinatoric generators and computed in a brute force fashion using vectorization and parallelization where appropriate. Finally, we will use some filtering and visualization tools to eyeball the results and suggest potential next steps.


Introduction to Pair Trading

Single Pair Example

Introducing More Statistical Rigour

Industrializing Our Search Process

Calculation Details - Vectorization or Parallelisation

Final Visual Check - Seaborn FacetGrid



Refinitiv Eikon / Refinitiv Workspace with access to Eikon Data APIs (Free Trial Available)

Python 2.x/3.x

Required Python Packages: eikonpandasnumpymatplotlibstatsmodelsswifterseaborn

Introduction to Pair Trading

Pair trading is a time-honoured market-neutral type of statistical arbitrage trading strategy. It is market-neutral because once you have identified a suitable pair (two stocks for example) - you would be long one stock and short the other. This means that whatever the broader market does ie goes up or down - you are theoretically somewhat insulated. Another interesting characteristic of this strategy is its low capital outlay as the short side of the trade funds the long side of the trade - so this type of approach is very efficient from a capital as well as a risk point of view.

So how can we find these pairs? Well there are many approaches - some concentrate on finding companies in similar sectors or business areas or geographies or markets. Some focus on identifying groups of fundamental criteria.

Lets start by taking two well-known automakers - say Tesla and General Motors in the United States and see what we can find out about the price movement of these.

Single Pair Example

First lets import some of the packages we will be using.


%matplotlib inline

import eikon as ek

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as ts 

from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller

import itertools

import swifter

import seaborn as sns


ek.set_app_key('Your API KEY here')

First, lets load some timeseries data for both stocks using the ek.get_timeseries function.


rics = ['TSLA.O','GM']

s = '2010-01-06'

e = '2019-12-08'

i = 'daily'

df = ek.get_timeseries(rics,  # RICs

              fields=['CLOSE'],  # fields to be retrieved

              start_date=s,  # start time

              end_date=e,  # end time



2013-12-23 143.55 41.29
2013-12-24 151.41 40.88
2013-12-26 155.50 41.52
2013-12-27 151.12 40.94
2013-12-30 152.44 40.69
... ... ...
2019-12-02 334.87 35.88
2019-12-03 336.20 35.53
2019-12-04 333.03 35.80
2019-12-05 330.37 35.31
2019-12-06 335.89 35.54

1500 rows × 2 columns

Next we want to get rid of any non-complete (ie N/A) rows as thiis will not play well with some our routines downstream.




2013-12-23 143.55 41.29
2013-12-24 151.41 40.88
2013-12-26 155.50 41.52
2013-12-27 151.12 40.94
2013-12-30 152.44 40.69
... ... ...
2019-12-02 334.87 35.88
2019-12-03 336.20 35.53
2019-12-04 333.03 35.80
2019-12-05 330.37 35.31
2019-12-06 335.89 35.54

1500 rows × 2 columns

Lets add both Spread and Ratio columns as we will want to chart these - particularly the Ratio - as this is the series we will be hoping to trade on and we also print a Pearson Correlation Coefficient.


df['Spread'] = df['TSLA.O'] - df['GM']

df['Ratio'] = df['TSLA.O'] / df['GM']

mean = df['Ratio'].mean()

corr = df['TSLA.O'].corr(df['GM'])



CLOSE TSLA.O GM Spread Ratio
2013-12-23 143.55 41.29 102.26 3.476629
2013-12-24 151.41 40.88 110.53 3.703767
2013-12-26 155.50 41.52 113.98 3.745183
2013-12-27 151.12 40.94 110.18 3.691255
2013-12-30 152.44 40.69 111.75 3.746375
... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-02 334.87 35.88 298.99 9.333055
2019-12-03 336.20 35.53 300.67 9.462426
2019-12-04 333.03 35.80 297.23 9.302514
2019-12-05 330.37 35.31 295.06 9.356273
2019-12-06 335.89 35.54 300.35 9.451041

1500 rows × 4 columns

The code below charts our ratio between TSLA.O and GM. We add a mean value of the ratio - this is the mean to which we hope the ratio will revert to. Adding a mean and standard deviation thresholds onto the chart can give us interesting entry and exit signals over time.


fig = plt.figure()

ax = plt.axes()


x = df.index.values

plt.plot(x, df['Ratio'], label='Ratio')

plt.plot(x, (df['Ratio'].values.mean().repeat(len(x))), label='Mean')

stdplus = df['Ratio'].values.mean() + (1.5*df['Ratio'].values.std())

stdminus = df['Ratio'].values.mean() - (1.5*df['Ratio'].values.std())

#plt.plot(x, (df['Ratio'].values.mean().repeat(len(x))), label='SD1')

plt.plot(x, (stdplus.repeat(len(x))), label='SD+1.5')

plt.plot(x, (stdminus.repeat(len(x))), label='SD-1.5');

From the above chart we can see that adding the mean and standard deviation thresholds onto the chart might give us interesting entry and exit signals over time. The lower bound of 1.5 times standard deviation seems to be a pretty reliable entry point for this pair - and has been tested on 5 occasions over the last decade - all with minimal drawdown and large reversion to mean in each case.

The upper bound of 1.5 times standard deviation seems to be a reasonable threshold till 2017 - but since then it has been breached on a number of occasions - so we may wish to expand the upper bound to 2 standard deviations or more.

Whilst interesting - this approach suffers from 2 drawbacks - firstly, its still a bit imprecise and secondly it relies on me knowing what the appropriate pair should be. Lets deal with the first of these drawbacks.

Introduce More Statistical Rigour

Lets consider some more rigorous statistical tests.

For this particular strategy we want to see a relatively high level of correlation between the two stock price series. Correlation is a measure of directional relatedness - ie if GM rises does Tesla rise. The range of correlation is from -1 to +1. Correlation in non-stationary timeseries may just be reflecting autoregression (AR processes) - so we need conduct some additional tests.

It is important that the ratio series is mean reverting. It is this property that we wish to identify & exploit. To help us in this task we can test for stationarity of the series. We will use the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test to see if we can reject the null hypothesis that the Ratio timeseries has a unit root (ie the series is non-stationary).

Another statistical property we wish to be present is that the two stocks should be cointegrated. This is the co-movement of both time series (which could be non-stationary). We will use the Engle-Granger two-step cointegration test to see if we can reject the null hypothesis that the pair are NOT cointegrated. This is important as both stocks in the pair should display some quality of cointegratedness for this type of strategy to be exploitable. Thankfully the excellent statsmodels package provides this functionality for us.




            (-3.5915050452251878, 0.005925525329472267, 0, 1499, {'1%': -3.4347199356122493, '5%': -2.86347004827819, '10%': -2.567797534300163})

result = ts.coint(df['TSLA.O'], df['GM'])


            (-3.698009073896884, 0.018433668450995002, array([-3.90376106, -3.34020915, -3.04728056]))

From the ADF output we can see that the critical value is -3.59 with a p-value of 0.005. The critical value is less than the t-values at the 1%,5% & 10% confidence levels and the p-value is less than 0.05 (95% confidence level). So we can reject the null hypothesis.

From the cointegration output we can see that the critical value is -3.69 with a p-value of 0.018. The critical value is less than the t-values at the 5% & 10% confidence levels, but not at the 1% level and the p-value of 0.018 is less than 0.05 (95% confidence interval). So we can reject the null hypothesis.

Industrialising Our Search Process

So we have seen how it works for one pair - lets try and deal with the second drawback and try to industrialise this search for potential pairs to a whole universe of stocks - say the FTSE 100 index - but it could of course be any universe or list of instruments. So lets get a list of constituents for our chosen index using the ek.get_data function. The get_data function can be passed a chain RIC or a list of RICs - here we pass a chain RIC for the FTSE 100.


rics, err = ek.get_data('0#.FTSE','CF_Name')


  Instrument CF_NAME
... ... ...

101 rows × 2 columns

Here we take our list of RIC codes for FTSE 100 index and then we add a start and end date parameter, select the daily interval and the 'CLOSE' field and get the underlying time series for each RIC in the list of instruments. We then build a larger dataframe by concatenating each Price series to the base dataframe, whilst renaming the column to the relevant RIC.


instruments = rics['Instrument'].astype(str).values.tolist()


s = '2010-01-06'

e = '2019-12-08'

inv = 'daily'


data1 = pd.DataFrame()


for i in instruments:


    df1 = ek.get_timeseries(i,  # RICs

              fields=['CLOSE'],  # fields to be retrieved

              start_date=s,  # start time

              end_date=e,  # end time


    df1.rename(columns = {'CLOSE': i}, inplace = True)

    if len(data1):

        data1 = pd.concat([data1, df1], axis=1)


        data1 = df1

So lets have a look at our larger base dataframe.




2010-01-06 1485.034145 843.591603 1038.0 269.360555 356.172569 660.0 226.058168 1083.0 278.9 457.9 ... 1930.5 1435.864625 294.342982 371.4 1783.713916 1955.0 NaN 660.001109 412.05 80.10
2010-01-07 1471.279583 854.853142 1023.0 275.012838 347.547586 663.0 229.659094 1072.0 276.5 458.7 ... 1926.5 1487.559972 296.953118 371.5 1809.564843 1931.0 NaN 666.449131 412.00 81.80
2010-01-08 1489.160513 854.341254 1024.0 277.546621 347.253553 663.5 229.959171 1084.0 280.5 461.4 ... 1910.0 1517.100170 297.153897 368.5 1822.490306 1936.0 NaN 651.710795 415.95 84.30
2010-01-11 1457.983507 855.365030 1020.0 282.809092 342.843050 674.0 230.059197 1091.0 278.3 473.4 ... 1927.0 1504.440085 296.149999 367.4 1809.564843 1930.0 NaN 656.777098 417.85 82.55
2010-01-12 1421.304677 839.496499 1001.0 285.927593 342.254983 658.5 229.959171 1089.0 269.9 473.6 ... 1896.0 1526.595234 292.937524 366.3 1792.330892 1929.0 NaN 641.117616 421.00 82.90
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-02 694.200000 4964.000000 869.6 199.350000 1325.000000 2120.0 736.400000 2200.0 628.4 566.4 ... 2215.5 6658.000000 1542.000000 561.2 6562.000000 4542.0 1227.0 6750.000000 231.50 275.80
2019-12-03 677.200000 4894.000000 845.2 195.550000 1306.500000 2056.0 732.000000 2211.0 618.8 571.6 ... 2161.0 6474.000000 1533.000000 548.4 6486.000000 4524.5 1194.0 6682.000000 226.30 270.70
2019-12-04 679.000000 4874.000000 866.6 192.800000 1373.500000 2071.0 722.200000 2236.0 640.2 585.6 ... 2164.0 6636.000000 1553.000000 552.6 6474.000000 4520.5 1228.0 6794.000000 226.10 277.20
2019-12-05 671.600000 4900.000000 868.0 197.000000 1360.000000 2084.0 716.800000 2216.0 639.6 596.2 ... 2144.5 6612.000000 1550.000000 551.0 6422.000000 4475.0 1221.0 6740.000000 227.00 276.30
2019-12-06 675.800000 4906.000000 898.6 201.700000 1388.000000 2129.0 725.200000 2249.0 648.2 607.0 ... 2181.0 6666.000000 1561.000000 559.0 6400.000000 4551.0 1220.0 6790.000000 232.30 283.50

2515 rows × 101 columns

We need to check our dataframe to see if the are any NAN values present as this will not play well with the statsmodels package we wish to use downstream.





Drop any rows that are entirely blank - I noticed a few of these being returned


data2.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)


Drop columns which have a nan in them


nalist = data2.columns[data2.isna().any()].tolist()














data2.drop(nalist, axis=1, inplace=True)


2010-01-06 1485.034145 843.591603 1038.0 269.360555 356.172569 660.0 226.058168 1083.0 278.9 457.9 ... 283.590022 1930.5 1435.864625 294.342982 371.4 1783.713916 1955.0 660.001109 412.05 80.10
2010-01-07 1471.279583 854.853142 1023.0 275.012838 347.547586 663.0 229.659094 1072.0 276.5 458.7 ... 291.441863 1926.5 1487.559972 296.953118 371.5 1809.564843 1931.0 666.449131 412.00 81.80
2010-01-08 1489.160513 854.341254 1024.0 277.546621 347.253553 663.5 229.959171 1084.0 280.5 461.4 ... 296.106780 1910.0 1517.100170 297.153897 368.5 1822.490306 1936.0 651.710795 415.95 84.30
2010-01-11 1457.983507 855.365030 1020.0 282.809092 342.843050 674.0 230.059197 1091.0 278.3 473.4 ... 292.827482 1927.0 1504.440085 296.149999 367.4 1809.564843 1930.0 656.777098 417.85 82.55
2010-01-12 1421.304677 839.496499 1001.0 285.927593 342.254983 658.5 229.959171 1089.0 269.9 473.6 ... 292.457984 1896.0 1526.595234 292.937524 366.3 1792.330892 1929.0 641.117616 421.00 82.90
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-02 694.200000 4964.000000 869.6 199.350000 1325.000000 2120.0 736.400000 2200.0 628.4 566.4 ... 169.180000 2215.5 6658.000000 1542.000000 561.2 6562.000000 4542.0 6750.000000 231.50 275.80
2019-12-03 677.200000 4894.000000 845.2 195.550000 1306.500000 2056.0 732.000000 2211.0 618.8 571.6 ... 166.340000 2161.0 6474.000000 1533.000000 548.4 6486.000000 4524.5 6682.000000 226.30 270.70
2019-12-04 679.000000 4874.000000 866.6 192.800000 1373.500000 2071.0 722.200000 2236.0 640.2 585.6 ... 167.160000 2164.0 6636.000000 1553.000000 552.6 6474.000000 4520.5 6794.000000 226.10 277.20
2019-12-05 671.600000 4900.000000 868.0 197.000000 1360.000000 2084.0 716.800000 2216.0 639.6 596.2 ... 167.160000 2144.5 6612.000000 1550.000000 551.0 6422.000000 4475.0 6740.000000 227.00 276.30
2019-12-06 675.800000 4906.000000 898.6 201.700000 1388.000000 2129.0 725.200000 2249.0 648.2 607.0 ... 169.400000 2181.0 6666.000000 1561.000000 559.0 6400.000000 4551.0 6790.000000 232.30 283.50

2509 rows × 91 columns

Calculation details - Vectorization or Parallelization - decisions, decisions? Who cares with swifter!

We now wish to derive a list of all combinations of RICs - we can do this using the excellent itertools.combinations combinatoric generator function - with no repeated elements.

Then for each of the RIC pairs/ratios in this list we want to calculate and store the output from the ADF test, Engle-Granger cointegration test and Pearsons correlation coefficient. As this is a somewhat brute force approach I tried to follow some of the performance advice I had seen - and finally opted for the syntactically compact apply method using a lambda function. This is supposed to be more efficient than simple looping, iterrows or itertuples.

Still not satisfied - I searched for some parallelisation or speedup potential and ran across the Swifter package. It seemed to offer a great deal - supercharging any vanilla df.apply function by either:

"a) trying to vectorize the function where possible or, where vectorization is not possible:

b) automatically decide on the basis of speed whether to use Dask Parallel Processing or the vanilla Pandas apply"

Well I must say - what fantastic promise - and just one package to import and a single modifier to add - instead of df.apply I use df.swifter.apply. What is even better is we have a progress bar while we wait - super awesome. I really <3 python sometimes. I trust you are digging the slackness here :)

After some power has been consumed and heat generated - we hopefully end up with some light in the shape of complete combinatoric calculations for over 4000 pairs.


all_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(data2.columns,2)) #combinatoric generator no repeated elements, no reverses

coint_df = pd.DataFrame(all_pairs,columns =['RIC1','RIC2']) 

coint_df['ADF'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: adfuller((data2[row.RIC1]/data2[row.RIC2])), axis=1)

coint_df['EG'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: ts.coint(data2[row.RIC1], data2[row.RIC2]), axis=1)

coint_df['PCorr'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: np.corrcoef(data2[row.RIC1],data2[row.RIC2]), axis =1)



0 STAN.L CRDA.L (-4.120545230989658, 0.0008955008162009861, 27... (-2.284507588332593, 0.3813083067119164, [-3.9... [[1.0, -0.7856641647648388], [-0.7856641647648...
1 STAN.L ANTO.L (-1.9417367947019848, 0.3126885609387773, 11, ... (-1.7499873027039807, 0.653681587381541, [-3.9... [[1.0, 0.7103743817628201], [0.710374381762820...
2 STAN.L MRW.L (-1.5636739383817009, 0.5018110522175807, 2, 2... (-1.8868943697190268, 0.5866388500117173, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.6915150585143549], [0.691515058514354...
3 STAN.L EZJ.L (-1.0815313225793126, 0.7223805279081298, 25, ... (-1.7859409790285175, 0.6365256148930172, [-3.... [[1.0, -0.6405393284007486], [-0.6405393284007...
4 STAN.L BNZL.L (-1.6199502599084512, 0.47275537485243585, 11,... (-3.571602523613827, 0.026554214461811623, [-3... [[1.0, -0.9066799169016452], [-0.9066799169016...
... ... ... ... ... ...
4090 ULVR.L TSCO.L (-1.0891195749533984, 0.7193913314247994, 0, 2... (-1.4962281953137233, 0.7626355582096496, [-3.... [[0.9999999999999999, -0.7110945144533157], [-...
4091 ULVR.L LGEN.L (-3.089445313055289, 0.027344207016078093, 19,... (-1.9989593469070506, 0.5291189886093989, [-3.... [[0.9999999999999999, 0.7872802725661407], [0....
4092 LSE.L TSCO.L (0.3460843653717605, 0.9793627816553967, 9, 24... (0.4642187703555374, 0.9924018257262922, [-3.9... [[1.0, -0.6804678526385591], [-0.6804678526385...
4093 LSE.L LGEN.L (-0.18650875261534702, 0.9401107482353034, 27,... (-0.5102948541074606, 0.9635905436207146, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.7825483785686819], [0.782548378568681...
4094 TSCO.L LGEN.L (-4.19341563896519, 0.0006760156534272297, 27,... (-3.0444682547199204, 0.10000991025452888, [-3... [[0.9999999999999999, -0.8442911082188246], [-...

4095 rows × 5 columns

We now wish to narrow this list down by selecting a subset that might display promising characteristics but first we need to unpack selected values from the returns of the statistical tests we ran previously.

Here again - we use the syntatically compact apply method with a lambda function to unpack our desired values - heck why not speed this up as well by adding some swifter super-awesomeness!


coint_df['ADF_Crit'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.ADF[0], axis=1)

coint_df['ADF_t5'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: list(row.ADF[4].values())[1],axis=1)

coint_df['ADF_pVal'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.ADF[1], axis=1)

coint_df['EG_Crit'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.EG[0], axis=1)

coint_df['EG_t5'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.EG[2][1], axis=1)

coint_df['EG_pVal'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.EG[1], axis=1)

coint_df['PCorrVal'] = coint_df.swifter.apply(lambda row: row.PCorr[0][1], axis=1)



  RIC1 RIC2 ADF EG PCorr ADF_Crit ADF_t5 ADF_pVal EG_Crit EG_t5 EG_pVal PCorrVal
0 STAN.L CRDA.L (-4.120545230989658, 0.0008955008162009861, 27... (-2.284507588332593, 0.3813083067119164, [-3.9... [[1.0, -0.7856641647648388], [-0.7856641647648... -4.120545 -2.862706 0.000896 -2.284508 -3.338567 0.381308 -0.785664
1 STAN.L ANTO.L (-1.9417367947019848, 0.3126885609387773, 11, ... (-1.7499873027039807, 0.653681587381541, [-3.9... [[1.0, 0.7103743817628201], [0.710374381762820... -1.941737 -2.862698 0.312689 -1.749987 -3.338567 0.653682 0.710374
2 STAN.L MRW.L (-1.5636739383817009, 0.5018110522175807, 2, 2... (-1.8868943697190268, 0.5866388500117173, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.6915150585143549], [0.691515058514354... -1.563674 -2.862694 0.501811 -1.886894 -3.338567 0.586639 0.691515
3 STAN.L EZJ.L (-1.0815313225793126, 0.7223805279081298, 25, ... (-1.7859409790285175, 0.6365256148930172, [-3.... [[1.0, -0.6405393284007486], [-0.6405393284007... -1.081531 -2.862705 0.722381 -1.785941 -3.338567 0.636526 -0.640539
4 STAN.L BNZL.L (-1.6199502599084512, 0.47275537485243585, 11,... (-3.571602523613827, 0.026554214461811623, [-3... [[1.0, -0.9066799169016452], [-0.9066799169016... -1.619950 -2.862698 0.472755 -3.571603 -3.338567 0.026554 -0.906680
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4090 ULVR.L TSCO.L (-1.0891195749533984, 0.7193913314247994, 0, 2... (-1.4962281953137233, 0.7626355582096496, [-3.... [[0.9999999999999999, -0.7110945144533157], [-... -1.089120 -2.862693 0.719391 -1.496228 -3.338567 0.762636 -0.711095
4091 ULVR.L LGEN.L (-3.089445313055289, 0.027344207016078093, 19,... (-1.9989593469070506, 0.5291189886093989, [-3.... [[0.9999999999999999, 0.7872802725661407], [0.... -3.089445 -2.862702 0.027344 -1.998959 -3.338567 0.529119 0.787280
4092 LSE.L TSCO.L (0.3460843653717605, 0.9793627816553967, 9, 24... (0.4642187703555374, 0.9924018257262922, [-3.9... [[1.0, -0.6804678526385591], [-0.6804678526385... 0.346084 -2.862697 0.979363 0.464219 -3.338567 0.992402 -0.680468
4093 LSE.L LGEN.L (-0.18650875261534702, 0.9401107482353034, 27,... (-0.5102948541074606, 0.9635905436207146, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.7825483785686819], [0.782548378568681... -0.186509 -2.862706 0.940111 -0.510295 -3.338567 0.963591 0.782548
4094 TSCO.L LGEN.L (-4.19341563896519, 0.0006760156534272297, 27,... (-3.0444682547199204, 0.10000991025452888, [-3... [[0.9999999999999999, -0.8442911082188246], [-... -4.193416 -2.862706 0.000676 -3.044468 -3.338567 0.100010 -0.844291

4095 rows × 12 columns

Filtering our universe down to identify potentially attractive candidates

Now we have unpacked all the relevant values we can simply filter the larger dataframe for pairs that satisfy our specific - in this case - additive, conditions below:

a) ADF Critical Value being less than t-test value at the 95% confidence level AND

b) ADF pVal being less than 0.02 AND

c) EG Critical Value being less than t-test value at the 95% confidence level AND

d) EG pVal being less than 0.02 AND

e) PCorrVal being greater than 0.4

This gives us a more manageable list of potential candidates. A point to note I have selected the threshold values intuitively - but you could widen or tighten these based on your requirements.


low_coint = coint_df[(coint_df['ADF_Crit'] < coint_df['ADF_t5']) & (coint_df['ADF_pVal'] < 0.03) & 

                    (coint_df['EG_Crit'] < coint_df['EG_t5']) & (coint_df['EG_pVal'] < 0.03) & (coint_df['PCorrVal'] > 0.4)]


  RIC1 RIC2 ADF EG PCorr ADF_Crit ADF_t5 ADF_pVal EG_Crit EG_t5 EG_pVal PCorrVal
0 SVT.L NG.L (-5.671954125454224, 8.880322946991214e-07, 0,... (-5.78719635746356, 4.6056278705943724e-06, [-... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.9585981925203798], [0.... -5.671954 -2.862693 8.880323e-07 -5.787196 -3.338567 0.000005 0.958598
1 SVT.L PNN.L (-3.312144295493403, 0.014344274970529106, 0, ... (-3.6242130584665544, 0.022860967080362487, [-... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.9004486681674353], [0.... -3.312144 -2.862693 1.434427e-02 -3.624213 -3.338567 0.022861 0.900449
2 SVT.L PHNX.L (-3.4091028827317196, 0.010652441625021221, 0,... (-3.66956215632666, 0.02004277542253691, [-3.9... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.7481537907303244], [0.... -3.409103 -2.862693 1.065244e-02 -3.669562 -3.338567 0.020043 0.748154
3 MGGT.L BRBY.L (-4.4921411262348, 0.00020317045249366634, 0, ... (-4.112040684767092, 0.004938732116147297, [-3... [[1.0, 0.8570802047957281], [0.857080204795728... -4.492141 -2.862693 2.031705e-04 -4.112041 -3.338567 0.004939 0.857080
4 MGGT.L GSK.L (-3.407399311420426, 0.010709201029645586, 0, ... (-3.9099626254871276, 0.009609844674080707, [-... [[1.0, 0.7634129817146785], [0.763412981714678... -3.407399 -2.862693 1.070920e-02 -3.909963 -3.338567 0.009610 0.763413
5 AZN.L SN.L (-3.170854874403873, 0.021734919573411893, 3, ... (-4.3208762581534454, 0.0023750527808062537, [... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.9600804828900265], [0.... -3.170855 -2.862694 2.173492e-02 -4.320876 -3.338567 0.002375 0.960080
6 SGRO.L LSE.L (-3.425932072621369, 0.010105982193018016, 5, ... (-3.8885181157853936, 0.010287188787065036, [-... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.9752752743979852], [0.... -3.425932 -2.862695 1.010598e-02 -3.888518 -3.338567 0.010287 0.975275
7 SJP.L SMDS.L (-4.044186434452459, 0.0011960160342333302, 1,... (-4.038030348027013, 0.00633362148399513, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.9728436959594575], [0.972843695959457... -4.044186 -2.862694 1.196016e-03 -4.038030 -3.338567 0.006334 0.972844
8 SJP.L MNDI.L (-3.8936067732040294, 0.0020824047885084573, 1... (-3.800265420907971, 0.013544812466314416, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9687647120314822], [0.968764712031482... -3.893607 -2.862694 2.082405e-03 -3.800265 -3.338567 0.013545 0.968765
9 SMDS.L PRU.L (-3.346213777525434, 0.012934933986636744, 0, ... (-3.898804374771778, 0.009957139285551678, [-3... [[0.9999999999999999, 0.9559242979890704], [0.... -3.346214 -2.862693 1.293493e-02 -3.898804 -3.338567 0.009957 0.955924
10 NG.L UU.L (-4.8672186112842875, 4.0377246274077455e-05, ... (-4.453942326779561, 0.0014563650120344922, [-... [[0.9999999999999998, 0.9464936378485445], [0.... -4.867219 -2.862693 4.037725e-05 -4.453942 -3.338567 0.001456 0.946494
11 RB.L BAES.L (-3.5715565625615358, 0.006328675436456479, 6,... (-3.607547665577989, 0.023979615966464963, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9173975854209309], [0.917397585420931... -3.571557 -2.862696 6.328675e-03 -3.607548 -3.338567 0.023980 0.917398
12 CPG.L FERG.L (-3.775454586629724, 0.003168670349953029, 0, ... (-3.6871957229621346, 0.01903152168764232, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9592692928385156], [0.959269292838515... -3.775455 -2.862693 3.168670e-03 -3.687196 -3.338567 0.019032 0.959269
13 INF.L RMV.L (-3.3964427522970904, 0.01108073733123095, 16,... (-3.6516074129824037, 0.02112020650300832, [-3... [[1.0, 0.958672423170314], [0.9586724231703139... -3.396443 -2.862701 1.108074e-02 -3.651607 -3.338567 0.021120 0.958672
14 INF.L CRH.L (-3.784290583411848, 0.0030721949451780195, 7,... (-3.709779379416522, 0.017801626057038826, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9223648785044982], [0.922364878504498... -3.784291 -2.862696 3.072195e-03 -3.709779 -3.338567 0.017802 0.922365
15 INF.L ULVR.L (-3.6939847278884743, 0.004198564310667188, 4,... (-3.957094733875726, 0.00825952693437661, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.955498247612245], [0.955498247612245,... -3.693985 -2.862695 4.198564e-03 -3.957095 -3.338567 0.008260 0.955498
16 UU.L LAND.L (-3.4920158934663736, 0.0081945260795949, 9, 2... (-3.6201591010337557, 0.0231288457406832, [-3.... [[1.0, 0.8660767197761744], [0.866076719776174... -3.492016 -2.862697 8.194526e-03 -3.620159 -3.338567 0.023129 0.866077
17 WTB.L LGEN.L (-3.941129449194125, 0.001752165867710985, 0, ... (-3.709776988310381, 0.017801752504179508, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9526454573304534], [0.952645457330453... -3.941129 -2.862693 1.752166e-03 -3.709777 -3.338567 0.017802 0.952645
18 PRU.L SDR.L (-3.1376199791730497, 0.023891533124063155, 0,... (-4.302759968566706, 0.002535172394816846, [-3... [[0.9999999999999999, 0.972106592315118], [0.9... -3.137620 -2.862693 2.389153e-02 -4.302760 -3.338567 0.002535 0.972107
19 BP.L SPX.L (-3.64865530672489, 0.004896146796654472, 20, ... (-4.278896864982045, 0.002761302070965617, [-3... [[1.0, 0.42366419279498635], [0.42366419279498... -3.648655 -2.862702 4.896147e-03 -4.278897 -3.338567 0.002761 0.423664
20 BP.L RDSb.L (-5.239706305649027, 7.291067383322607e-06, 12... (-4.762386474181993, 0.0004393914613657982, [-... [[1.0, 0.6372719731803342], [0.637271973180334... -5.239706 -2.862699 7.291067e-06 -4.762386 -3.338567 0.000439 0.637272
21 BP.L RSA.L (-3.8285130981320066, 0.0026286966550913148, 8... (-3.9539044233016694, 0.008345238858577617, [-... [[1.0, 0.45985069765121567], [0.45985069765121... -3.828513 -2.862697 2.628697e-03 -3.953904 -3.338567 0.008345 0.459851
22 BP.L SMT.L (-3.6795778834477644, 0.0044097538020055225, 1... (-4.277762354268467, 0.0027725023202434438, [-... [[1.0, 0.41183081761537677], [0.41183081761537... -3.679578 -2.862701 4.409754e-03 -4.277762 -3.338567 0.002773 0.411831
23 BP.L RDSa.L (-5.368253602912669, 3.947984033874696e-06, 12... (-4.994383169759416, 0.00016860237908504185, [... [[1.0, 0.695860584536915], [0.695860584536915,... -5.368254 -2.862699 3.947984e-06 -4.994383 -3.338567 0.000169 0.695861
24 PHNX.L SDR.L (-3.066437925359786, 0.029138707031659074, 20,... (-3.5312404243466937, 0.02972466946292354, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9047805701197472], [0.904780570119747... -3.066438 -2.862702 2.913871e-02 -3.531240 -3.338567 0.029725 0.904781
25 PHNX.L BAES.L (-3.85053267405376, 0.00243061395819472, 2, 25... (-4.173311482923908, 0.004002403078133198, [-3... [[1.0, 0.9074279547594268], [0.907427954759426... -3.850533 -2.862694 2.430614e-03 -4.173311 -3.338567 0.004002 0.907428
26 SPX.L ICP.L (-3.910714064649744, 0.0019573971985056785, 2,... (-4.1666366596675095, 0.004095880950116409, [-... [[1.0, 0.9767395094122023], [0.976739509412202... -3.910714 -2.862694 1.957397e-03 -4.166637 -3.338567 0.004096 0.976740
27 SSE.L VOD.L (-3.589601401119114, 0.005962966936500605, 1, ... (-3.9217023132927906, 0.009256194474626304, [-... [[1.0, 0.7803646437223343], [0.780364643722334... -3.589601 -2.862694 5.962967e-03 -3.921702 -3.338567 0.009256 0.780365
28 SDR.L BAES.L (-3.5116331265502816, 0.0076933089337863185, 0... (-3.6355205810962343, 0.022127928141836815, [-... [[1.0, 0.9082194302036534], [0.908219430203653... -3.511633 -2.862693 7.693309e-03 -3.635521 -3.338567 0.022128 0.908219

Final visualisation check - Seaborn FacetGrid

Now we have our promising list of pairs - lets move onto the final stage which for me is always visualisation. We will retrieve the ratio for each pair as a series and store to new dataframe then hand off this data to the excellent Seaborn facetgrid chart.


pairlist = pd.DataFrame()

for row in low_coint.itertuples():

    pairlist[str(row.RIC1) + '/' + str(row.RIC2)] = data2[row.RIC1] /  data2[row.RIC2]



2010-01-06 1.797919 2.011142 2.159878 0.467561 0.218350 4.556260 0.497429 3.166795 0.756832 0.149372 ... 0.494008 0.333190 1.107552 5.630909 0.320850 0.382761 1.350073 4.259744 8.073287 3.527194
2010-01-07 1.820569 1.996276 2.114360 0.460833 0.216806 4.608868 0.492760 3.101942 0.732722 0.153413 ... 0.503156 0.336011 1.108368 5.635624 0.323540 0.382937 1.364762 4.171634 8.168680 3.563930
2010-01-08 1.824174 2.007407 2.138029 0.468672 0.222089 4.594787 0.504637 3.120297 0.705791 0.151602 ... 0.477506 0.338801 1.106396 5.631341 0.325497 0.379782 1.375873 4.381476 8.361694 3.622795
2010-01-11 1.844357 2.018501 2.151835 0.463447 0.219149 4.606391 0.510497 3.351154 0.755549 0.151730 ... 0.488859 0.342957 1.147266 5.725225 0.329787 0.384389 1.379992 4.389554 8.338521 3.590093
2010-01-12 1.865162 2.016667 2.163801 0.460580 0.212205 4.515806 0.508502 3.423411 0.787618 0.147162 ... 0.484560 0.347478 1.128821 5.746147 0.334283 0.385656 1.373959 4.465085 8.323269 3.562654
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-02 2.503414 2.414399 2.978205 0.313416 0.363069 4.317627 0.127852 2.836412 0.645258 0.280741 ... 0.054221 0.219027 0.889494 0.922893 0.217445 0.228983 1.316287 5.761997 8.629869 5.748396
2019-12-03 2.518223 2.414283 3.043359 0.314112 0.362465 4.360285 0.129602 2.864513 0.646446 0.283199 ... 0.053053 0.219650 0.888563 0.914494 0.217515 0.230562 1.324763 5.779517 8.779150 5.745806
2019-12-04 2.545827 2.402751 3.021622 0.322032 0.374824 4.402769 0.126641 2.816046 0.649422 0.288686 ... 0.053403 0.220261 0.879937 0.910993 0.218276 0.231178 1.339124 5.695428 8.902656 5.792617
2019-12-05 2.510479 2.419214 2.998647 0.312000 0.374736 4.323565 0.128042 3.037237 0.659364 0.269992 ... 0.052881 0.218834 0.868514 0.905350 0.216997 0.231807 1.341198 5.677419 9.115486 5.785844
2019-12-06 2.519606 2.412572 3.035907 0.308667 0.374812 4.329257 0.129337 2.932432 0.652239 0.280516 ... 0.053458 0.218421 0.870309 0.910683 0.216919 0.230277 1.325224 5.669443 9.156393 5.754919

2509 rows × 29 columns


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))

for i,col in enumerate(pairlist.columns):




In this article - we have covered the basic idea behind pair-trading - which is a time-honoured market-neutral type of statistical arbitrage (stat-arb) strategy. We explained some of the salient points using a single pair as an example. Given the 2-fold weakness in this manual strategy - we needed to know what an appropriate pair might be - and the lack of a robust statistical selection process - we then embarked on a journey to industrialise our search process using brute force calculations of all relevant combinations of index constituents - in our case the FTSE 100.

Along the way we implemented iterative API calls to build a larger dataframe than a single call would allow for. We also implemented various statistical testing routines to try to add some robustness to our search and then used some simple filters to narrow down our universe to the most promising candidates. Along the way we met a new friend - Swifter - which offers great potential speedups via vectorisation or Dask parallelisation with basically no additional knowledge, code or effort. To be honest I already thought multiprocessing/multiprocess was fairly concise and straightforward - but Swifter really blew me away. I strongly recommend adding it to your toolkit for pandas intensive calculation workflows.

Finally - we graphed the filtered pair ratios en-masse so we could see the rough shapes of the ratios using the easy to use and efficient FacetGrid charting.

From the charts above we can see some very promising candidates which appear to have stable mean-reverting shapes. Annoyingly - also present are a number of shapes which although seemingly satisfying our statistical criterial, do not appear to be of an appropriate character. We would need to investigate this further which is beyond the scope of this article - suffice to say there are statistical exceptions to our basic rule filters which we may need to take account for or modify.

From here we could select appropriate pairs and then go to the next level of selecting appropriate +/- standard-deviation thresholds - by eye - but better still automating it all via algorithm. Again that is beyond the scope of this article.

For my eye - the most promising pairs from the list are INF.L/ULVR.L, UU.L/Land.L, WTB.L/LGEN.L, BP.L/RSA.L, PHNX.L/BAES.L, SPX.L/ICP.L. Of course - these are not in any way to be construed as recommendations or solicitations - just candidates worthy of further research and testing - again beyond the scope of this article.

I hope to have introduced the basic concepts of this type of strategy and provided you with a practical codebase to investigate further.

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