
Note: Please keep in mind that this is a living document. Keep an eye on it as we update it with latest info and your feedback.
What are the COM APIs
The COM APIs are older APIs that were initially delivered with 3000 Xtra Terminals and then Eikon. They provided access to a broad set of content and capabilities in Eikon.
The COM API covers a large range of functionalities, as shown in this article. Below we will show you how to migrate the following COM Components and API calls/functions:
- RHistoryAPI.dll
- RHistory
- RSearch.dll
- RSearch
- AdxRtContribute.dll
- AdxRtContribute
----The APIs below do not currently have replacements in Workspace---------------
- Adxfo.dll
- AdfinX Analytics 2.0 Module
- Adxfoo.dll
- AdfinX Analytics 3.0 Module
Reasons you might need or want to migrate away from COM APIs:
Need to operate in 64-bit environment
The COM APIs were designed to be used in 32-bit environments. Many teams are stil migrating to 64-bit environments where these will not work correctly and are not supported environments.
You want access to new datasets and improved capabilties offered on Refinitiv Data Platform
The COM APIs are feature-complete and no new development work is being done on them. This means that new datasets and capabilities will not be available to users of these APIs.
You want to upgrade from Eikon to Workspace
The COM APIs will not be available in Workspace - so to take advantage of the best desktop experience you would need to migrate to our more modern web-based APIs - which are much better and work with modern scripting environments such as Python - one of the most popular language ecosystems used in finance.
All the Python code below works in Codebook too! You can try it out as outlined in this Tutorial Video. We will use the Refinitiv Data Library (RD Library). To learn more about the Refinitiv Data Library for Python please join the Refinitiv Developer Community. By registering and logging into the Refinitiv Developer Community portal you will have free access to a number of learning materials like:
including the ability to ask questions on our Q&A forums and much more.
COM Prerequisites - see annex at end of article for code
Documentation on using the COM API in the Microsoft Office suite is available here: COM APIs for Microsoft Office. Users were also able to use the COM APIs outside of Microsoft Office suite for example in a standalone app: COM APIs for use in custom applications. A list of the prerequisites in question can be found in the index of this article.
If you are new to Python, don't hesitate to install it on your machine and try it out yourself as outlined in this 3rd party tutorial. Otherwise, you can simply use Codebook as outlined in this Tutorial Video.
Python works with libraries that one can import to use functionalities that are not natively supported by the base coding package. Some popular distributuions of python include many of the popular packages that one could use for various tasks - Anaconda is the most popular such distribution.
The RD Library allows for code portability across the desktop and enterprise platforms - with only small changes in authentication credentials. These credentials are stored in a config file - but if you are just using the desktop you need not concern yourself with this as a desktop session is the default credential setup.
import as rd # pip install httpx==0.21.3 # !pip install --upgrade
from import Chain
from import search
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import datetime # `datetime` allows us to manipulate time as we would data-points.
from IPython.display import display, clear_output # `IPython` here will allow us to plot grahs and the likes.
< object at 0x7fa34230ac18 {name='workspace'}>
AdfinXRtLib (rtx.dll)
AdfinX RealTime AdxRtSourceList
What does 'AdfinX RealTime AdxRtSourceList' do?
This functionality was used to get the real-time field list for the selected Source Name, such as an instrument (e.g.: VOD.L) (using AdxRtSourceList Class of AdfinXRtLib, the AdfinX Real Time 6.0 Library, rtx.dll). It was best demonstrated in the Tutorial 1 - Real-time Source List, Fields - AdxRtSourceList's Excel Workbook:
The VBA for AdxRtSourceList is very simple, and consists simply in creating an instance of an AdxRtSourceList object using the PLVbaApis function:
Set myAdxRtSrcLst = CreateAdxRtSourceList()
New Method
This functionality is replaced with a user interface called the Data Item Browswer (DIB) that you can find on workspace, and for which there is a video tutorial. This will give you a list of all real-time and non-real-time fields available for a particular instrument. For real-time fields the RD library can also provide this programatically - see below:
Real-Time Fields Available With The COM API
There are a limited number of fields available on the COM API in 'AdxRtSourceList', you can lookup fields available in the Quote app for any instrument in question:
More are available on the DIB and via the code available below in the 'Real-Time Fields Available In Python' section.
Note that available fields for each instrument type difffers on the type.
Note that the CF_ fields are also available to streaming Desktop sessions (not to platform sessions due to differences in data licenses)
Real-Time Fields Available In Python
You can get a collection of all the Real-Time fields available via:
RTCurrDf = rd.get_data(universe=['GBP='])
['Instrument', 'PROD_PERM', 'RDNDISPLAY', ..., 'MIDLO1_MS', 'BID_HR_MS']
Note that available fields for each instrument type difffers on the type, e.g.:
ATMIVDf = rd.get_data(universe=['AAPLATMIV.U'])
['Instrument', 'PROD_PERM', 'RDNDISPLAY', ..., 'CF_CURR', 'SPS_SP_RIC']
AdfinX RealTime AdxRtList
What does AdxRtList do?
Returns real-time data for multiple (or single) instrument and fields. Data is returned initially as ONIMAGE - which is a snapshot of data for the requested fields, followed by a series of ONUPDATE messages - which are received whenever a data item changes or gets updated. You can also request ONTIME returns which would give an ONIMAGE snapshot at periodic intervals (say every hour for example). All the following functions rely on AdxRtList API calls - RtGet(), RData() and TR() for real-time data. Typically we would need to write callback handlers to deal with the returns from the API.
RtGet Real-Time
When using the old COM API to get RtGet Real Time data, one may be greeted with an Excel sheet that looks like the below, as per Tutorial 2 - Real-time Data Retrieval - AdxRtList's Excel workbook:
The functionalities shown here are easily recreated using the RD Library:
- Real Time FX rates snapshot - 'Real-Time ONIMAGE'
- 'Real Time Update', which updates real time, as soon as an update for the instrument and field is received
- A periodic ONTIME snapshot
When collecting data ONIMAGE, we are collecting a current snapshot of the data we're after. This could not be simpler in RD in Python!
In VBA, you'd create an instance of an AdxRtList object using the PLVbaApis function CreateAdxRtList.
Set myRtGet = CreateAdxRtList() ' The code will replicate RtGet(), one instrument, one field.'
Set myAdxRtList = CreateAdxRtList() ' The code will replicate RData(), multiple items & fields.'
Then create your function cmdGetRealTimeONIMAGE_Click:
Private Sub cmdGetRealTimeONIMAGE_Click()
Dim strRICs As String ' Can have one or more items
Dim varFIDs As Variant ' Field can be numeric as well as a string, e.g. BID is field 22
If Not myRtGet Is Nothing Then Set myRtGet = Nothing
Set myRtGet = CreateAdxRtList()
With myRtGet
.ErrorMode = DialogBox
.Source = [Source].Value
strRICs = [RIC].Value
varFIDs = [FID].Value
.RegisterItems strRICs, varFIDs
' 'Different methods shown below.
' strRICs = "EUR="
' varFIDs = "BID"
' .RegisterItems strRICs, varFIDs
' .RegisterItems "EUR=,GBP=,JPY=", "BID,ASK"
.StartUpdates RT_MODE_IMAGE ' 4
'.StartUpdates RT_MODE_ONUPDATE ' 3
'.StartUpdates RT_MODE_NOT_SET ' 5
'.StartUpdates RT_MODE_ONTIME ' 2
End With ' For the With myRtGet
End Sub
This would allow, in this example, for the 'Get Real Time ONIMAGE' buttons to work. For updates, the below could be used:
' Returns the initial image for the instrument. NOTE - .StartUpdates RT_MODE_IMAGE
Private Sub myRtGet_OnImage(ByVal DataStatus As AdfinXRtLib.RT_DataStatus)
Dim arrRICs As Variant, arrFields As Variant
Dim lngRICFidVal As Single
Dim a As Integer
If DataStatus = RT_DS_FULL Then
With myRtGet
' Array of the list of instruments - only one in this case.
' Array of the list of Fields for the ath item in the arrRics (base 0)
a = 0
arrFields = .ListFields(arrRICs(a, 0), RT_FRV_ALL, RT_FCV_VALUE)
End With
' And a specific value for a specific instrument, specific field.
'lngRICFidVal = myRtGet.Value("EUR=", "BID")
lngRICFidVal = myRtGet.Value([RIC].Value, [FID].Value)
[F7].Value = lngRICFidVal
End If
End Sub
In python, things could not be easier as most of the equivalent code about is abstracted to the library and you just use a one-line function! You can go ahead and try it all out in Codebook:
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
fields=['BID', 'ASK'])
Instrument | BID | ASK | |
0 | GBP= | 1.2003 | 1.2006 |
1 | EUR= | 1.0663 | 1.0667 |
2 | JPY= | 135.96 | 135.97 |
You can easily assign this info to an object too.
realTimeImage = rd.get_data(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
fields=['BID', 'ASK'])
Instrument | BID | ASK | |
0 | GBP= | 1.2002 | 1.2006 |
1 | EUR= | 1.0664 | 1.0667 |
2 | JPY= | 135.93 | 135.96 |
The 'Real Time ONUPDATE' buttons in the example pictured above was coded with VBA code for cmdGetRealTimeONUPDATE_Click:
Private Sub cmdGetRealTimeONUPDATE_Click()
Dim strRICs As Variant, varFIDs As Variant
Set myRtGet2 = CreateAdxRtList
With myRtGet2 .ErrorMode = DialogBox .Source = [Source].Value strRICs = [RIC].Value varFIDs = [FID].Value
.RegisterItems strRICs, varFIDs .StartUpdates RT_MODE_ONUPDATE End With ' For the With myRtGet2 End Sub
' Returns the data for updates - NOTE .StartUpdates RT_MODE_ONUPDATE. Private Sub myRtGet2_OnUpdate(ByVal a_itemName As String, ByVal a_userTag As Variant, ByVal a_itemStatus As AdfinXRtLib.RT_ItemStatus) Dim arrFields As Variant Dim lngRICFidVal As Long
If a_itemStatus = RT_ITEM_OK Then arrFields = myRtGet2.ListFields(a_itemName, RT_FRV_ALL, RT_FCV_VALUE)
' And a specific value for a specific instrument, specific field. 'If a_itemName = "EUR=" Then lngRICFidVal = myRtGet2.Value("EUR=", "BID"): [F12].Value = arrFields(0, 1) If a_itemName = [RIC].Value Then lngRICFidVal = myRtGet2.Value([RIC].Value, [FID].Value): [F12].Value = arrFields(0, 1) End If End Sub
Then, on VBA, you'd have to have a buttons to stop the stream with cmdSwitchRealTimeOFF_Click, which, in python, is stream.close():
For us to start using pricing streams with events, we need to define a callback to receive data events:
def display_data(data, instrument, stream):
current_time =
print(current_time, "- Data received for", instrument)
Open the stream and register the callback
stream = rd.open_pricing_stream(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
fields=['BID', 'ASK'],
11:38:32.995630 - Data received for EUR=
Close the stream
BID | ASK | |
EUR= | 1.0663 | 1.0667 |
We can use a Python loop with sleep to recreate that simply:
The cell below gets an update for instruments 'GBP=', 'EUR=' and 'JPY=' and fields 'BID' and 'ASK' every 5 seconds:
# This cell's code is usually commented out so that the kernel doesn't get stuck in the while loop.
now = time.perf_counter()
while time.perf_counter() < now + 30:
df = stream.get_snapshot(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
fields=['BID', 'ASK'])
Instrument | BID | ASK | |
0 | GBP= | 1.2003 | 1.2006 |
1 | EUR= | 1.0663 | 1.0667 |
2 | JPY= | 135.96 | 135.97 |
With the RD library we now have the ability to record a pricing stream. Here's how:
Create and open a Pricing stream
stream = rd.open_pricing_stream(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY='],
Start recording
... Wait for a little while (5 seconds) ...
Stop recording and display the recorded history
tick_history = stream.recorder.get_history()
GBP= | JPY= | EUR= | |
BID | BID | BID | |
Timestamp | |||
40:43.2 | <NA> | 135.97 | <NA> |
40:43.3 | <NA> | <NA> | 1.0661 |
40:43.5 | <NA> | 135.96 | <NA> |
40:43.5 | 1.1995 | <NA> | <NA> |
… | … | … | … |
40:50.2 | <NA> | 135.95 | <NA> |
40:50.8 | 1.1994 | <NA> | <NA> |
40:50.8 | <NA> | 135.95 | <NA> |
Resample the tick history to 5 seconds bars
GBP= | JPY= | EUR= | |||||||||
BID | BID | BID | ||||||||||
open | high | low | close | open | high | low | close | open | high | low | close | |
Timestamp | ||||||||||||
07/03/2023 11:40 | 1.1995 | 1.1995 | 1.1995 | 1.1995 | 135.97 | 135.97 | 135.95 | 135.95 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 |
07/03/2023 11:40 | 1.1995 | 1.1995 | 1.1994 | 1.1994 | 135.95 | 135.97 | 135.95 | 135.95 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 |
07/03/2023 11:40 | 1.1994 | 1.1994 | 1.1994 | 1.1994 | 135.95 | 135.95 | 135.95 | 135.95 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 | 1.0661 |
Close the stream
<OpenState.Closed: 'Closed'>
AdfinX RealTime - AdxRtChain
What does AdxRtChain do?
As per Tutorial 3 - Real-time Chain Retrieval - AdxRtChain's Excel Workbook, Adfin X RealTime Chain (AdxRtChain) returns a list of the constituent instrument codes for any chain such as 0#.FTSE (the FTSE 100 instruments). Data is returned as OnUpdate event, the only other event is OnStatusChange:
In VBA, we went through with the creation of cmdGetChain_Click:
Private Sub cmdGetChain_Click()
If myAdxRtChain Is Nothing Then Set myAdxRtChain = CreateAdxRtChain()
With myAdxRtChain
.Source = "IDN"
.ItemName = Range("G6").Value
End With
End Sub
then myAdxRtChain_OnUpdate:
Private Sub myAdxRtChain_OnUpdate(ByVal DataStatus As AdfinXRtLib.RT_DataStatus)
Dim i As Integer
If DataStatus = RT_DS_FULL Then
For i = 1 To UBound(myAdxRtChain.Data)
Range("G8").Offset(i - 1, 0).Value = myAdxRtChain.Data(i)
Next i
End If
End Sub
then we ought to make sure we can close the connection with cmdClearChain_Click, which is done simply in Python with rd.close_session().
We can replicate this easily in Python with the Pricing snapshots and Fundamental & Reference data function get_data() - moreover we can decode the chain and request fields in one operation:
FTSEConstituentDf1 = rd.get_data(
fields=['TR.TURNOVER.timestamp', 'TR.TURNOVER', 'TR.EVToSales'])
Instrument | Timestamp | Turnover | Enterprise Value To Sales (Daily Time Series Ratio) |
0 | STAN.L | 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z | 5254690524 | 3.641311 |
1 | CRDA.L | 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z | 1274351304 | 4.528984 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
98 | TSCO.L | 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z | 3041956489 | 0.468989 |
99 | LGEN.L | 2023-03-06T00:00:00Z | 2561324328 | <NA> |
Not all chains resolve directly - for example a commodity chain - in such cases we can use the Chain Object to decode as follows:
LCOConstituentDf = rd.get_data(
fields=["CF_NAME", "CF_CLOSE", "OPINT_1"])
Instrument | CF_NAME | CF_CLOSE | OPINT_1 |
0 | LCOTOT | BRENT CRUDE VOLS | <NA> | 2459512 |
1 | LCOK3 | BRENT CRUDE MAY3 | 86.18 | 467381 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
82 | LCOG0 | BRENT CRUDE FEB0 | 65.02 | <NA> |
83 | LCOH0 | BRENT CRUDE MAR0 | 65 | <NA> |
AdfinX RealTime - AdxRtHistory - Interday Time Series History
What does AdxRtHistory do?
Adfin RealTime History (AdxRtHistory) is used to retrieve interday (not intraday) time series (historic) data for an instrument or instruments. This was best exemplified in Tutorial 5 - Time Series History - AdxRtHistory's Excel Workbook:
In VBA, we used AdfinXRtLib:
' Note the use of CreateReutersObject - function in the PLVbaApis module.
If myAdxRtHist Is Nothing Then Set myAdxRtHist = CreateReutersObject("AdfinXRtLib.AdxRtHistory")
On Error GoTo errHndlr
With myAdxRtHist
.Source = "IDN"
.ItemName = [C7].Value
.Mode = [H8].Value
'arrFlds = Array("DATE","CLOSE","VOLUME")
'.RequestHistory ()arrFlds
'.RequestHistory ("*") ' "*" requests all fields.
End With
before the Private Sub 'myAdxRtHist_OnUpdate(ByVal DataStatus As AdfinXRtLib.RT_DataStatus)'.
Things are simpler in Python:
As aforementioned, AdxRtHistory is used to retrieve time series (historic) data for an instrument or instruments except for intraday data. This is exactly what the instruments get_history is for!
FTSEConstituents = list(FTSEConstituentDf1['Instrument'])
['STAN.L', 'CRDA.L', 'ANTO.L', ..., 'TSCO.L', 'LGEN.L']
TimeSeriesDf = rd.get_history(
fields=['TR.PriceClose', 'TR.Volume'], # 'TR' fields are usually historic ones.
CRDA.L | ANTO.L | BNZL.L | SGE.L | SVT.L | |||||
Price Close | Volume | Price Close | Volume | Price Close | Volume | Price Close | Volume | Price Close | Volume | |
Date | ||||||||||
25/01/2022 | 7666 | 371438 | 1379 | 1429044 | 2721 | 678948 | 762.4 | 3467017 | 2858 | 642275 |
26/01/2022 | 7830 | 755599 | 1411.5 | 889172 | 2754 | 628530 | 713 | 4323758 | 2871 | 318280 |
27/01/2022 | 7880 | 754142 | 1391.5 | 1460311 | 2776 | 671478 | 701 | 4752740 | 2914 | 522647 |
28/01/2022 | 7774 | 510683 | 1337.5 | 2839242 | 2786 | 1203491 | 711.2 | 3683775 | 2893 | 1017099 |
31/01/2022 | 7972 | 442252 | 1332.5 | 1333271 | 2767 | 545449 | 720.8 | 2966860 | 2873 | 751851 |
01/02/2022 | 8008 | 690445 | 1361.5 | 1605104 | 2775 | 433783 | 718.6 | 4462156 | 2903 | 439666 |
AdxRtHistory - Intraday Time Series History
Adfin RealTime History (AdxRtHistory) Intraday is similar
Which had few VBA lines needed:
Private Sub cmdGetInterday_Click()
MsgBox "AdxRtHistory cannot retrieve INTRA day data, use the RHistoryAPI instead"
End Sub
Intraday data is just as easy to get:
IntradayTimeSeriesDf = rd.get_history(
interval="1min", # The consolidation interval. Supported intervals are: tick, tas, taq, minute, 1min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min, hourly, 1h, daily, 1d, 1D, 7D, 7d, weekly, 1W, monthly, 1M, quarterly, 3M, 6M, yearly, 1Y.
Timestamp | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/06/2022 13:00 | 636.8 | <NA> | <NA> | 2785 | 652.2 | 2855 | 526.506 | 129.2256 | <NA> | 1570 | 10492 | 535.4 | <NA> | 937.2 | <NA> | <NA> | 1096 | 1256.5 | 130.95 | 4115 | 2198 | <NA> | 80.0871 | <NA> | 4253 | 306.7 | 1127.47 | <NA> | 3221 | 1620.5 | 134.6 | 924.8 | 1811.5 | 587.6 | 429.8 | <NA> | 3662.36 | 545 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | 2721 | 1022.467 | 1811 | 2602 | 1734.5 | 969.5 | <NA> | 1745.186 | <NA> | 488 | 433.308 | 123.9 | 1730 | 3869 | <NA> | 500.4 | 588.2 | <NA> | <NA> | 9450 | <NA> | 189.9 | 1546.5 | 3568.5 | 759.4 | <NA> | 10520 | <NA> | 5781 | 2139 | 1729.5 | 89.1448 | <NA> | 376.1799 | 1786 | 812.8979 | 699.5 | 846.6 | 264.5 | 45.625 | <NA> | <NA> | 6504 | 4612 | <NA> | 2370 | 515.3862 | 127.26 | 171.36 | <NA> | 1135 | 777.16 | 5606 | 3759.7 | 1794 | <NA> | 7252.004 | 260.87 | 258.3 |
01/06/2022 13:01 | 636.8 | 6884 | <NA> | 2784 | <NA> | 2854 | 526.6 | 128.74 | 2242 | <NA> | 10492 | 535.5 | 217.8 | 937.4 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | 130.9 | 4114 | <NA> | 1251.573 | 80.14 | <NA> | 4256 | 306.768 | 1127.35 | <NA> | 3223 | 1619.5 | 134.55 | <NA> | 1811.5 | 587.8 | 430.1 | <NA> | 3663.5 | 545.2 | 1049.61 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | 1022 | 1810.5 | 2605.347 | 1733.5 | <NA> | <NA> | 1746.398 | 770.4 | <NA> | 433.5681 | 123.9 | <NA> | 3868 | <NA> | 501 | 589.2 | 230 | <NA> | 9442 | <NA> | 189.716 | 1547 | 3566 | <NA> | 3272.5 | 10525 | <NA> | 5781 | 2140 | <NA> | 89.18 | <NA> | 376.3712 | 1786.5 | <NA> | 700.5 | 846.6 | <NA> | 45.6034 | 231.9109 | <NA> | <NA> | 4613 | <NA> | 2371 | 515.0922 | <NA> | 171.42 | <NA> | 1136 | 777.5818 | 5608 | 3760.406 | 1793 | 920 | 7253.768 | 260.8942 | 258.4 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
01/06/2022 15:28 | 632.4 | 6780 | 1499 | 2788 | 652.8 | 2836 | 521.2 | 126.64 | 2207 | 1558.5 | 10428 | 528.7 | 213.8 | 923.8 | <NA> | 154.2 | 1084.5 | 1242.5 | 129.65 | 4029 | 2190 | 1241 | 79.92 | 216.3931 | 4238 | 302.8 | 1119 | 6168 | 3184 | 1612 | 132.95 | 912.8 | 1770 | 586.4 | 426.95 | 1459 | 3628 | 534.2 | 1044.75 | 2560 | <NA> | 2642 | 1015.5 | 1794.5 | 2580 | 1705.5 | <NA> | 193.55 | 1722.763 | 766.6 | 478.8 | 431.5 | 122.45 | 1706 | 3850.5 | 2152.507 | 495.2 | 588.2 | 227.9 | 632.1798 | 9260.797 | 4827 | 188.71 | 1533.5 | 3541.5 | 749.2 | 3231 | 10455 | 2178 | 5754 | 2109 | 1706 | 88.53 | 1271 | 365.4757 | 1764.8 | 793.6 | 700.5 | 837 | 262 | 44.953 | 227.5902 | 491.64 | 6448 | 4557.56 | 500.2 | 2360.5 | 514.2102 | 126.383 | 167.64 | 832 | 1114 | 778 | 5606 | 3700.5 | 1804 | 909.4 | 7146 | 259 | 255 |
01/06/2022 15:29 | 632.4 | 6782 | 1500 | 2793 | 652.4 | 2836 | 520.6 | 126.54 | 2206 | 1558.5 | 10424 | 528.4 | 214 | 923.8 | 768.4 | 154 | 1084 | 1242 | 129.65 | 4027 | 2188 | 1241 | 80.02 | 216.2 | 4238 | 302.3 | 1118 | 6172 | 3186 | 1611.5 | 132.8 | 912.8 | 1772 | 586.4 | 426.7 | 1459.5 | 3625 | 533.8 | 1044 | 2560 | <NA> | 2639 | 1015 | 1794.5 | 2577 | 1703 | 961 | 193.4 | 1722.763 | 766.8 | 478.8 | 431.6 | 122.45 | 1704.5 | 3846 | 2152.507 | 495 | 587.6 | 228.1 | 632 | 9254 | 4825 | 188.7 | 1533.5 | 3540.5 | 748.4 | 3234.5 | 10465 | 2175 | 5756 | 2111 | 1707.5 | 88.51 | 1271.5 | 367.4828 | 1764 | 796.2 | 701 | 835.4 | 262 | 44.9 | 227.5902 | 491.98 | 6456 | 4553 | 499.8 | 2361.5 | 513.9162 | 126.28 | 167.52 | 832 | 1116 | 777.6 | 5600 | 3695.5 | 1805 | 910.4 | 7138 | 259 | 254.6 |
As you can see, we get the data sought after. If you are after several fields for any one instrument (e.g.: an FX Pair), it couldn't be any simpler.
The DEX2.dll COM API component provides access to a broad range of fundamental and reference data (including all the fields). The RData Excel function provided both Fundamental and Reference as well as streaming realtime prices and news using this component under the hood along with RTX.dll.
Rdata List Realtime
When using the old COM API to get Rdata List data, one may be greeted with an Excel sheet that looks like this:
In VBA, this was done with a function akin to .StartUpdates RT_MODE_ONUPDATE & myRTList = CreateAdxRtList(), e.g.:
With myRTList
.ErrorMode = EXCEPTION
' N.B.! Source name may need to be changed if not named as below!
.Source = "IDN" '_SELECTFEED"
' Register the items and fields
.RegisterItems ItemArray, FieldArray
' Set the user tag on each item. This helps indexing the results
' table for displaying the data in the callback
For m = LBound(ItemArray) To UBound(ItemArray)
.UserTag(ItemArray(m), "*") = m
For n = LBound(FieldArray) To UBound(FieldArray)
.UserTag(ItemArray(m), FieldArray(n)) = n
Next n
Next m
.Mode = "TIMEOUT:5"
' If timed basis desired, then FRQ setting and RT_MODE_ONTIME or RT_MODE_ONTIME_IF_UPDATED required,
' which will trigger the OnUpdate event, shown below.
'.Mode = "FRQ:2S"
' And, finally, request the data!
Select Case Range("dcUpdateType").Value
.StartUpdates RT_MODE_IMAGE
End Select
'.StartUpdates RT_MODE_IMAGE
'Other modes shown below; different events will be fired.
End With
To stop this update, you would have to create some VBA code to (e.g.: Sub cmdStop_Click()), but that is simpler in Python with stream.close():
However - many developers also used the RData worksheet function object directly in VBA.
Here we have a data-frame of instruments and fields updating live every x seconds, let's say (for the sake of the use-case example) every 3 seconds. This is simple to recreate in Python:
#define stream
stream = rd.open_pricing_stream(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY=', '.GDAXI', '.FTSE', '.NDX', 'TRI.TO', 'EURGBP=R'],
fields=['CF_TIME', 'CF_LAST', 'BID', 'ASK', 'TRDTIM_1'])
#open stream
<OpenState.Opened: 'Opened'>
#add temporal update functionality using stream.get_snapshot
now = time.perf_counter()
while time.perf_counter() < now + 30:
df = stream.get_snapshot(
universe=['GBP=', 'EUR=', 'JPY=', '.GDAXI', '.FTSE', '.NDX', 'TRI.TO', 'EURGBP=R'],
fields=['CF_TIME', 'CF_LAST', 'BID', 'ASK', 'TRDTIM_1'])
Instrument | CF_TIME | CF_LAST | BID | ASK | TRDTIM_1 |
0 | GBP= | 11:44:36 | 1.1983 | 1.1983 | 1.1987 | <NA> |
1 | EUR= | 11:44:36 | 1.0657 | 1.0657 | 1.0661 | <NA> |
2 | JPY= | 11:44:37 | 136.02 | 136.02 | 136.03 | <NA> |
3 | .GDAXI | 11:44:00 | 15677.13 | <NA> | <NA> | 11:44:00 |
4 | .FTSE | 11:44:00 | 7948.93 | <NA> | <NA> | 11:44:00 |
5 | .NDX | 22:15:59 | 12302.48 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
6 | TRI.TO | 21:00:00 | 165.81 | 162.61 | 167 | <NA> |
7 | EURGBP=R | 11:44:37 | 0.889 | 0.889 | 0.8897 | <NA> |
Close the stream
<OpenState.Closed: 'Closed'>
Create a Streaming Price and register event callbacks using RDP
You can build upon the example above, using the RD Library Example notebook present in Codebook that demonstrates how to use a StreamingPrice with events to update a Pandas DataFrame with real-time streaming data. Using a StreamingPrices object that way allows your application to have at its own in memory representation (a Pandas DataFrame in this example) that is kept updated with the latest streaming values received from Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace. Here we're putting ourselves in the shoes of a Foreign eXchange (FX) trader looking at Emerging Market (EM) currency exchange rates; e.g: the Nigerian Nairas (NGN) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
You can find the code for this on GitHub here.
RData Function
What does RData do?
RData is a flexible excel worksheet function allowing access to realtime and fundamental & reference data content. It can also be used programatcally in VBA and the results then dumped to an excel range for example.
For VBA related to Fundamental data, please see the 'DEX2 Fundamental and Reference' section below.
We have separated getting current fundamental snapshots - using a rd.get_data function and getting historical fundamental timeseries using either the rd.get_data function or the rd.get_history() function.
Snapshot requests
For snapshot current fundamental requests - things are pretty straight forward - select your universe of instruments and then the list of fields you want. A full list of fields is available using the Data Item Browser App (type DIB into Eikon or Workspace search bar).
df1 = rd.get_data(
universe=['BARC.L', 'TRI.N', 'TSLA.O'],
fields=['', 'TR.RevenueMean', 'TR.TRBCEconomicSector',
'TR.TRBCEconSectorCode', 'TR.TRBCBusinessSector',
'TR.TRBCBusinessSectorCode', 'TR.TRBCIndustryGroup',
'TR.TRBCIndustryGroupCode', 'TR.TRBCIndustry', 'TR.TRBCIndustryCode'])
Instrument | Date | Revenue - Mean | TRBC Economic Sector Name | TRBC Economic Sector Code | TRBC Business Sector Name | TRBC Business Sector Code | TRBC Industry Group Name | TRBC Industry Group Code | TRBC Industry Name | TRBC Industry Code |
0 | BARC.L | 06/03/2023 | 26185926370 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
1 | TRI.N | 22/02/2023 | 6937020650 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
2 | TSLA.O | 05/03/2023 | 1.03134E+11 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010
If we want to add some fundamental history to this request - we can add a parameters section to the get_data request - as below which will give us the last 4 fiscal years ('FRQ': 'FY') of history for each RIC. Note for static reference fields such sector codes - these will not be published as a timeseries history - however, we can forward fill as shown below.
df1 = rd.get_data(
universe=['BARC.L', 'TRI.N', 'TSLA.O', Peers('HD'), Customers],
'', 'TR.RevenueMean',
'TR.TRBCEconomicSector', 'TR.TRBCEconSectorCode', 'TR.TRBCBusinessSector',
'TR.TRBCBusinessSectorCode', 'TR.TRBCIndustryGroup', 'TR.TRBCIndustryGroupCode',
'TR.TRBCIndustry', 'TR.TRBCIndustryCode'],
parameters={'SDate': 0, 'EDate': -3, 'FRQ': 'FY'}
Instrument | Date | Revenue - Mean | TRBC Economic Sector Name | TRBC Economic Sector Code | TRBC Business Sector Name | TRBC Business Sector Code | TRBC Industry Group Name | TRBC Industry Group Code | TRBC Industry Name | TRBC Industry Code |
0 | BARC.L | 06/03/2023 | 26185926370 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
1 | BARC.L | 13/02/2023 | 25107439220 | ||||||||
2 | BARC.L | 11/02/2022 | 21896182240 | ||||||||
3 | BARC.L | 28/01/2021 | 21603248110 | ||||||||
4 | TRI.N | 22/02/2023 | 6937020650 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
5 | TRI.N | 01/02/2023 | 6626869820 | ||||||||
6 | TRI.N | 07/02/2022 | 6311529500 | ||||||||
7 | TRI.N | 22/02/2021 | 5980789530 | ||||||||
8 | TSLA.O | 05/03/2023 | 1.03134E+11 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010 |
9 | TSLA.O | 25/01/2023 | 81715341140 | ||||||||
10 | TSLA.O | 25/01/2022 | 52595085190 | ||||||||
11 | TSLA.O | 27/01/2021 | 31012329500 |
# The below in this cell is needed to forward fill our dataframe correctly:
df1.replace({'': np.nan}, inplace=True)
df1.where(pd.notnull(df1), np.nan, inplace=True)
for i in df1.groupby(by=["Instrument"]):
if i[0] == df1["Instrument"][0]: _df1 = i[1].ffill()
else: _df1 = _df1.append(i[1].ffill())
Instrument | Date | Revenue - Mean | TRBC Economic Sector Name | TRBC Economic Sector Code | TRBC Business Sector Name | TRBC Business Sector Code | TRBC Industry Group Name | TRBC Industry Group Code | TRBC Industry Name | TRBC Industry Code |
0 | BARC.L | 06/03/2023 | 26185926370 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
1 | BARC.L | 13/02/2023 | 25107439220 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
2 | BARC.L | 11/02/2022 | 21896182240 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
3 | BARC.L | 28/01/2021 | 21603248110 | Financials | 55 | Banking & Investment Services | 5510 | Banking Services | 551010 | Banks | 55101010 |
4 | TRI.N | 22/02/2023 | 6937020650 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
5 | TRI.N | 01/02/2023 | 6626869820 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
6 | TRI.N | 07/02/2022 | 6311529500 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
7 | TRI.N | 22/02/2021 | 5980789530 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
8 | TSLA.O | 05/03/2023 | 1.03134E+11 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010 |
9 | TSLA.O | 25/01/2023 | 81715341140 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010 |
10 | TSLA.O | 25/01/2022 | 52595085190 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010 |
11 | TSLA.O | 27/01/2021 | 31012329500 | Consumer Cyclicals | 53 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 5310 | Automobiles & Auto Parts | 531010 | Auto & Truck Manufacturers | 53101010 |
Snapshot Requests Tip 1
Some fundamental fields will give multiple rows for a given day - for example if we request ratings sources - there could be more than one per date eg if there are 5 ratings agencies providing a rating - this is not usual for a time series history - or perhaps it is very different say than non-expandable single point timeseries. In this example as we have multiple RICS whose ratings dates may not overlap ie be on the same row <NA> artifacts are added to deliver the dataframe
df2 = rd.get_history(
universe=['BARC.L', 'TRI.N','TSLA.O'],
fields=['TR.IR.RatingSourceDescription', 'TR.IR.RatingSourceType',
BARC.L | … | TSLA.O | ||||||
Rating Source Description | Rating Source Type | Issuer Rating | Date | … | Rating Source Description | Rating Source Type | Issuer Rating | Date | |
Date | … | ||||||||
16/07/2015 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
19/11/2015 | Fitch Senior Unsecured | FSU | A | 19/11/2015 | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
19/11/2015 | Fitch Short-term Debt Rating | FDT | F1 | 19/11/2015 | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
16/08/2016 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
12/12/2016 | Moody's Long-term Issuer Rating | MIS | Baa2 | 12/12/2016 | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
12/12/2016 | Moody's Long-term Senior Unsecured MTN Rating | MMU | (P)Baa2 | 12/12/2016 | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
22/10/2021 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT | … | S&P Senior Unsecured | SSU | BB+ | 22/10/2021 |
26/11/2021 | R&I Long-term Issuer Rating | RII | A | 26/11/2021 | … | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | NaT |
Snapshot Requests Tip 2
Again this same multi-row exanding timeseries history - here in the case of broker recommendations - is another example - with lots of <NA> artifacts added.
df2 = rd.get_history(
universe=['BARC.L', 'TRI.N', 'TSLA.O'],
fields=['TR.RecEstValue', 'TR.TPEstValue', 'TR.EPSEstValue'],
BARC.L | TRI.N | TSLA.O | |||||||
Standard Rec (1-5) - Broker Estimate | Target Price - Broker Estimate | Earnings Per Share - Broker Estimate | Standard Rec (1-5) - Broker Estimate | Target Price - Broker Estimate | Earnings Per Share - Broker Estimate | Standard Rec (1-5) - Broker Estimate | Target Price - Broker Estimate | Earnings Per Share - Broker Estimate | |
Date | |||||||||
02/10/2013 00:00 | 2 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
02/10/2013 00:00 | 2 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
31/01/2022 21:05 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | 326.66633 | 4.28333 |
31/01/2022 23:00 | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | 4.84999 |
What does this do?
The DEX2 interface provided a broad range of content and functionality such Fundamental and Reference as well as timeseries histories of such fields. The DEX2 interface also provided interday timeseries histories for both realtime and non-realtime data. In addition you could use it for symbology conversion.
DEX2 ID to RIC (Symbology Conversion)
As shown in Tutorial 6 - Data Engine - Dex2's Excel Workbook, we can convert symbols using the COM API.
After setting MyDex2Mgr = CreateReutersObject("Dex2.Dex2Mgr"), for ISINs, we can then go ahead with
' Must call Initialise() at once
m_cookie = MyDex2Mgr.Initialize()
' We can then create an RData object
Set myRData1 = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(m_cookie)
With MyDex2Mgr .SetErrorHandling m_cookie, DE_EH_STRING ' Could also use DE_EH_ERRORCODES End With
' Set the properties & methods for the DEX2Lib.RData object With myRData1 .InstrumentIDList = Range("B7").Value ' Could use "TRI.N", "TRI.N; GOOG.O; MSFT.O" or array, e.g. arrInstrList. .FieldList = Range("D7").Value & "; " & Range("D8").Value '"RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.ISIN" ' Could use "RI.ID.RIC", "RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.WERT" or array, e.g. arrFldList. .DisplayParam = "Transpose:Y" 'N.B. Could use .SetParameter "TRI.N; MSFT.O","RF.G.COMPNAME; RF.G.NUMEMPLOY; RF.G.CNTEMAIL", "", "RH:In CH:Fd Transpose:Y" 'Hence .SetParameter [InstrumentIDList].Value, [FieldList].Value, [RequestParam].Value, [DisplayParam].Value
'Ignore cache; get data directly from the Snapshot Server '.Subscribe False 'Or use cache by default .Subscribe End With Exit Sub
For SEDOL, we can use:
' Must call Initialise() at once
m_cookie = MyDex2Mgr.Initialize()
' We can then create an RData object
Set myRData2 = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(m_cookie)
With MyDex2Mgr .SetErrorHandling m_cookie, DE_EH_STRING ' Could also use DE_EH_ERRORCODES End With
' Set the properties & methods for the DEX2Lib.RData object With myRData2 .InstrumentIDList = [B10].Value ' Could use "TRI.N", "TRI.N; GOOG.O; MSFT.O" or array, e.g. arrInstrList. .FieldList = Range("D10").Value & "; " & Range("D11").Value '"RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.SEDOL" ' Could use "RI.ID.RIC", "RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.WERT" or array, e.g. arrFldList. .DisplayParam = "Transpose:Y" 'N.B. Could use .SetParameter "TRI.N; MSFT.O","RF.G.COMPNAME; RF.G.NUMEMPLOY; RF.G.CNTEMAIL", "", "RH:In CH:Fd Transpose:Y" 'Hence .SetParameter [InstrumentIDList].Value, [FieldList].Value, [RequestParam].Value, [DisplayParam].Value
'Ignore cache; get data directly from the Snapshot Server '.Subscribe False 'Or use cache by default .Subscribe End With Exit Sub
Symbology conversions in python are a lot more powerful than in Excel using the COM API. The extent of the use-cases for symbology conversions are best explained in our GitHub Repository, but for the sake of completeness, you can see an example use in the 2 cells directly below:
# # Get generic table of many symbols for 4 companies of choice:
from import symbol_conversion
response = symbol_conversion.Definition(symbols=["MSFT.O", "AAPL.O", "GOOG.O", "IBM.N"]).get_data()
DocumentTitle | RIC | IssueISIN | CUSIP | SEDOL | TickerSymbol | IssuerOAPermID | |
MSFT.O | Microsoft Corp, Ordinary Share, NASDAQ Global ... | MSFT.O | US5949181045 | 594918104 | <NA> | MSFT | 4295907168 |
AAPL.O | Apple Inc, Ordinary Share, NASDAQ Global Selec... | AAPL.O | US0378331005 | 37833100 | <NA> | AAPL | 4295905573 |
GOOG.O | Alphabet Inc, Ordinary Share, Class C, NASDAQ ... | GOOG.O | US02079K1079 | 02079K107 | <NA> | GOOG | 5030853586 |
IBM.N | International Business Machines Corp, Ordinary... | IBM.N | US4592001014 | 459200101 | 2005973 | IBM | 4295904307 |
# # Convert specific symbols:
response = symbol_conversion.Definition(
symbols=["US5949181045", "US02079K1079"],
from_symbol_type= symbol_conversion.SymbolTypes.ISIN, # Symbol types: RIC => RIC; ISIN => IssueISIN; CUSIP => CUSIP; SEDOL => SEDOL; TICKER_SYMBOL => TickerSymbol; OA_PERM_ID => IssuerOAPermID; LIPPER_ID => FundClassLipperID
DocumentTitle | RIC | IssuerOAPermID | |
US5949181045 | Microsoft Corp, Ordinary Share, NASDAQ Global ... | MSFT.O | 4295907168 |
US02079K1079 | Alphabet Inc, Ordinary Share, Class C, NASDAQ ... | GOOG.O | 5030853586 |
DEX2 RData Equity Data
As best exemplified in Tutorial 6 - Data Engine - Dex2's Excel Workbook, the DEX2 RData Equity Data allows us to access historical Market Capital:
DEX2 replicates RData() and TR() functions for real time data retrieval in Eikon for Excel / Eikon - Microsoft Office. The DEX2 methods differ slightly in the initialisation and use of the Dex2Mgr object depending upon whether RData() or the TR() function is being replicated. The examples below explain this. The TR() function can be used to retrieve data from ADC (the Analytics Data Cloud) and this is contained in Tutorial 11 - Dex2 TR function Analytics Data Cloud ADC data here.
NOTE - Eikon for Excel or Eikon - Microsoft Office should be logged in otherwise the sample VBA code will generate an error "ERROR #360c - AdxRtx : No connection to the platform".
Create an instance of an DEX2Mgr object using the PLVbaApis function CreateDex2Mgr().
Set myDEX2Mgr = CreateDex2Mgr()
To replicate RData(), create the Dex2Mgr object (myDex2Mgr) and initialise it. Use the return value from the initialisation to create an instance of the Dex2Lib.RData Class (myDex2RData) using the CreateRData method.
Now go ahead with cmdMktCapHist_Click creation:
Private Sub cmdMktCapHist_Click() On Error GoTo errHandler
Range("F20:G100").ClearContents If MyDex2Mgr Is Nothing Then Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateReutersObject("Dex2.Dex2Mgr")
' Must call Initialise() at once m_cookie = MyDex2Mgr.Initialize() ' We can then create an RData object Set myRData2 = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(m_cookie)
With MyDex2Mgr .SetErrorHandling m_cookie, DE_EH_STRING ' Could also use DE_EH_ERROR_CODES End With
' Set the properties & methods for the DEX2Lib.RData object. With myRData2 .InstrumentIDList = [C15].Value .FieldList = [C16].Value '"RII.A.INDEX_MKT_CAP_RTRS" '"RII.A.INDEX_MKT_CAP_RTRS; RII.A.INDEX_MKT_CAP_USDRTRS" ' Could use single "RI.ID.RIC", multiple "RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.WERT" or array, e.g. arrFldList. .RequestParam = [C17].Value .DisplayParam = "RH:D CH:Fd SORT:DESC" 'N.B. Could use .SetParameter "TRI.N; MSFT.O","RF.G.COMPNAME; RF.G.NUMEMPLOY; RF.G.CNTEMAIL", "", "RH:In CH:Fd Transpose:Y" 'Hence .SetParameter [InstrumentIDList].Value, [FieldList].Value, [RequestParam].Value, [DisplayParam].Value
'Ignore cache; get data directly from the Snapshot Server '.Subscribe False 'Or use cache by default .Subscribe End With Exit Sub
errHandler: MsgBox MyDex2Mgr.GetErrorString(Err.Number) End Sub
' OnUpdate event callback for myRData1 Private Sub myRData2_OnUpdate(ByVal DataStatus As Dex2Lib.DEX2_DataStatus, ByVal Error As Variant) Dim C As Integer, r As Integer Dim res2 As Variant
If Error <> 0 Then [F21].Value = Error: Exit Sub
res2 = myRData2.Data
If IsEmpty(res2) Then [F21].Value = "No data": Exit Sub
' r for the rows For r = LBound(res2, 1) To UBound(res2, 1) ' c for the columns For C = LBound(res2, 2) To UBound(res2, 2) [F21].Offset(r, C).Value = res2(r, C) Next C Next r End Sub
Couldn't be easier in Python:
MarketCapDf = rd.get_history(
interval="1D", # The consolidation interval. Supported intervals are: tick, tas, taq, minute, 1min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min, hourly, 1h, daily, 1d, 1D, 7D, 7d, weekly, 1W, monthly, 1M, quarterly, 3M, 6M, yearly, 1Y.
Company Market Capitalization
Date | ||
10/08/2022 | 33802223010 | 27530345491 |
11/08/2022 | 33794859479 | 27383302388 |
… | … | … |
12/09/2022 | 30687668213 | 27864039079 |
13/09/2022 | 30275827985 | 27526300175 |
You'd have to Initialize Dex2 session under the sub cmdInitialize_Click():
' Initialize Dex2 session when the data request is first started. Private Sub cmdInitialize_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
' Clear the output of logger lbLog.Clear
' Clear the Cookie and old query If Not MyDex2Cookie = 0 Then MyDex2Mgr.Finalize (MyDex2Cookie) MyDex2Cookie = 0 Set MyDex2Mgr = Nothing Set MyDex2RData = Nothing End If
' Instantiate the Dex2 manager Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateDex2Mgr() Set MyDex2MgrADC = MyDex2Mgr ' Instantiate the RSearch logger Set MyDex2Logger = New CLogger
' Initialize Dex2 session MyDex2Cookie = MyDex2MgrADC.Initialize(DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK, MyDex2Logger)
' We can choose to display error code MyDex2Mgr.SetErrorHandling MyDex2Cookie, DE_EH_ERROR_CODES ' Or display error description ' MyDex2Mgr.SetErrorHandling MyDex2Cookie, DE_EH_STRING
' Create a Dex2 query using the session cookie Set MyDex2RData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie)
' Create a Dex2 query manager using the session cookie Set MyDex2RDataMgr = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRDataMgr(MyDex2Cookie)
Exit Sub
In Python, things are a little simpler:
DEX2Df = rd.get_history(
universe=['VOD.L', 'BARC.L', 'TRI.N'],
fields=['TR.TotalReturn', 'TR.PRICECLOSE'],
VOD.L | BARC.L | TRI.N | |||
Total Return | Price Close | Total Return | Price Close | Total Return | Price Close | |
Date | ||||||
01/10/2021 | -0.970874 | 112.2 | -0.907173 | 187.88 | -0.289645 | 110.16 |
04/10/2021 | 1.4082 | 113.78 | -0.319353 | 187.28 | -0.67175 | 109.42 |
05/10/2021 | 0.773422 | 114.66 | 3.908586 | 194.6 | 0.923049 | 110.43 |
06/10/2021 | -2.651317 | 111.62 | -1.387461 | 191.9 | 1.213438 | 111.77 |
07/10/2021 | 0.734635 | 112.44 | 0.958833 | 193.74 | 1.673079 | 113.64 |
08/10/2021 | -0.302383 | 112.1 | 0.732941 | 195.16 | 0.228793 | 113.9 |
11/10/2021 | -0.303301 | 111.76 | 1.291248 | 197.68 | 0.412643 | 114.37 |
Private Sub cmdClearAll_Click()
Range("G10").Value = ""
Range("G21:J100").Value = ""
If Not myRData1 Is Nothing Then Set myRData1 = Nothing
If Not myRData2 Is Nothing Then Set myRData2 = Nothing
If Not MyDex2Mgr Is Nothing Then Set MyDex2Mgr = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetRating_Click() On Error GoTo errHandler
[G7].Value = "" ' Note the use of CreateReutersObject - function in the PLVbaApis module. If MyDex2Mgr Is Nothing Then Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateReutersObject("Dex2.Dex2Mgr")
' Must call Initialise() at once m_cookie = MyDex2Mgr.Initialize() ' We can then create an RData object Set myRData1 = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(m_cookie)
With MyDex2Mgr .SetErrorHandling m_cookie, DE_EH_STRING ' Could also use DE_EH_ERRORCODES End With
' Set the properties & methods for the DEX2Lib.RData object With myRData1 .InstrumentIdList = [C6].Value ' Could use "TRI.N", "TRI.N; GOOG.O; MSFT.O" or array, e.g. arrInstrList. .FieldList = [C7].Value '"EJV.GR.Rating" ' Could use "RI.ID.RIC", "RI.ID.RIC; RI.ID.WERT" or array, e.g. arrFldList. .RequestParam = [C8].Value '"RTSRC:S&P" 'N.B. Could use .SetParameter "TRI.N; MSFT.O","RF.G.COMPNAME; RF.G.NUMEMPLOY; RF.G.CNTEMAIL", "", "RH:In CH:Fd Transpose:Y" 'Hence .SetParameter [InstrumentIDList].Value, [FieldList].Value, [RequestParam].Value, [DisplayParam].Value
'Ignore cache; get data directly from the Snapshot Server '.Subscribe False 'Or use cache by default .Subscribe End With Exit Sub
errHandler: MsgBox MyDex2Mgr.GetErrorString(Err.Number) End Sub
' OnUpdate event callback for myRData1 Private Sub myRData1_OnUpdate(ByVal DataStatus As Dex2Lib.DEX2_DataStatus, ByVal Error As Variant) Dim res As Variant
'Debug.Print DataStatus
If Error <> 0 Then [G10].Value = Error: Exit Sub
' get the data retrieved from the database res = myRData1.Data
' Display the result. [G10].Value = res End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetHistoryOfRating_Click() On Error GoTo errHandler
Range("G21:J100").ClearContents If MyDex2Mgr Is Nothing Then Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateReutersObject("Dex2.Dex2Mgr")
' Must call Initialise() at once m_cookie = MyDex2Mgr.Initialize() ' We can then create an RData object Set myRData2 = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(m_cookie)
With MyDex2Mgr .SetErrorHandling m_cookie, DE_EH_STRING ' Could also use DE_EH_ERRORCODES End With
' Set the properties & methods for the DEX2Lib.RData object With myRData2 .InstrumentIdList = [C15].Value .FieldList = [C16].Value .RequestParam = [C17].Value .DisplayParam = [C18].Value
'N.B. Could use .SetParameter "TRI.N; MSFT.O","RF.G.COMPNAME; RF.G.NUMEMPLOY; RF.G.CNTEMAIL", "", "RH:In CH:Fd Transpose:Y" 'Hence .SetParameter [InstrumentIDList].Value, [FieldList].Value, [RequestParam].Value, [DisplayParam].Value
'Ignore cache; get data directly from the Snapshot Server '.Subscribe False 'Or use cache by default .Subscribe End With Exit Sub
errHandler: MsgBox MyDex2Mgr.GetErrorString(Err.Number) End Sub
Things are much simpler in Python:
rating = rd.get_history(
fields=['TR.IR.RatingSourceDescription', 'TR.IR.RatingSourceType',
Rating Source Description | Rating Source Type | Issuer Rating |
Date | |||
17/12/2015 | Egan-Jones Commercial Paper | EJC | A1 |
17/12/2015 | Egan-Jones Senior Unsecured | EJU | BBB+ |
06/07/2016 | Egan-Jones Senior Unsecured | EJU | BBB |
04/10/2018 | Fitch Subordinated | FBD | BBB- |
26/11/2019 | Egan-Jones Senior Unsecured | EJU | BBB- |
29/07/2021 | Fitch Commercial Paper | FCP | F2 |
25/11/2022 | Egan-Jones Commercial Paper | EJC | A1 |
DEX2 Fundamental and Reference
Time Series data as the name suggests changes with time. Reference data, on the other hand, does not primarily change with time; when it does, it usually accounts for a structural change in the instrument at play (e.g.: a company changes from banking to tech operation industries or is acquired and changes name etc). Fundamental data is released temporally say quarterly or half-yearly or annually and is usually looked at across time eg Revenue or Sales. DEX2 provides access to all of our TR fields - which allow you to specify begin dates and end dates amongst other parameters. Access to these is unchanged in our new APIs - only its a lot simpler.
In VBA, after creating 'Private MyDex2Mgr As Dex2Lib.Dex2Mgr':
Private MyDex2Mgr As Dex2Lib.Dex2Mgr
Private MyDex2MgrADC As Dex2Lib.IDex2Mgr2
Private MyDex2Cookie As Long
' Private variable that holds the Dex2 RData, able to obtain TR fields.
Private WithEvents MyDex2RData As Dex2Lib.RData
to complete the Tutorial 6 example, one could go through the following to collect DEX2 Fundamental and Reference data:
' Now create the Dex2 and IDex2 objects.
Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateDex2Mgr()
Set MyDex2MgrADC = MyDex2Mgr
' Initialise using the DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK enumeration
MyDex2Cookie = MyDex2MgrADC.Initialize(DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK)
' And create an RData object.
Set MyDex2RData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie)
With MyDex2RData
.InstrumentIDList = Range("G6").Value ' Or for multiple isntruments "TRI.N;MSFT.O;GOOG.O"
.FieldList = strInstrList ' Or single field "TR.CLOSE"
.RequestParam = "" ' Or of the form "edate:-20d sdate:-9d"
.DisplayParam = "CH:Fd" ' Or of the form "RH:In CH:Fd"
'' OR can use .SetParameter
'.SetParameter Range("G6").Value, strInstrList, "", "CH:Fd"
' Send the query without using cache
.Subscribe False ' Or use cache by default - myDex2RData.Subscribe
' When the data is returned, the myDex2RData_OnUpdate event and Sub are 'fired'.
Fundamental data was covered above under 'RData Fundamentals'; such data can be found in Python with RD (and rd.get_data, rd.get_history or rd.content.fundamental_and_reference.Definition) or EDAPI.
Fundamental and Reference Timeseries
DEX2 Fundamental and Reference Timeseries data could be fetched similarly to simple time series data:
Start with
' Private Variable that holds the instance of the Dex2 manager singleton
Private MyDex2Mgr As Dex2Lib.Dex2Mgr
Private MyDex2MgrADC As Dex2Lib.IDex2Mgr2
' Private variable that holds the cookie that identifies the Dex2 session Private MyDex2Cookie As Long ' Private variable that holds the Dex2 RData Private WithEvents MyDex2RData As Dex2Lib.RData ' Private variable that holds the Dex2 RDataMgr Private MyDex2RDataMgr As Dex2Lib.RDataMgr
' Private variable that holds the Dex2 logger Private MyDex2Logger As CLogger
Then initialise clicks:
' Instantiate the Dex2 manager
Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateDex2Mgr()
Set MyDex2MgrADC = MyDex2Mgr
' Instantiate the RSearch logger
Set MyDex2Logger = New CLogger
' Initialize Dex2 session
MyDex2Cookie = MyDex2MgrADC.Initialize(DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK, MyDex2Logger)
' We can choose to display error code
MyDex2Mgr.SetErrorHandling MyDex2Cookie, DE_EH_ERROR_CODES
' Or display error description
' MyDex2Mgr.SetErrorHandling MyDex2Cookie, DE_EH_STRING
' Create a Dex2 query using the session cookie
Set MyDex2RData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie)
' Create a Dex2 query manager using the session cookie
Set MyDex2RDataMgr = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRDataMgr(MyDex2Cookie)
Then, after some error & event handling:
' Set input values
MyDex2RData.SetParameter _
Range("Dex2Item").Value, _
Range("Dex2Fields").Value, _
Range("Dex2RequestParameters").Value, _
' Or using the following individual properties
' MyDex2RData.InstrumentIDList = Range("Dex2Item").Value
' MyDex2RData.FieldList = Range("Dex2Fields").Value
' MyDex2RData.requestParam = Range("Dex2RequestParameters").Value
' MyDex2RData.displayParam = Range("Dex2DisplayParameters").Value
' Send the query without using cache MyDex2RData.Subscribe (False) ' Or use cache by default ' MyDex2RData.Subscribe
Before creating 'OnUpdate' code.
This is all quite heavy in VBA, while it could hardly be simpler in Python:
This was covered above, in the section 'RData Fundamentals' using RD's rd.get_history function. We can also do this with the rd.get_data function:
DEX2TrDf = rd.get_data(
['VOD.L', 'MSFT.N', 'TRI.N'],
'', 'TR.RevenueMean', 'TR.TRBCEconomicSector', 'TR.TRBCEconSectorCode',
'TR.TRBCBusinessSector', 'TR.TRBCBusinessSectorCode', 'TR.TRBCIndustryGroup',
'TR.TRBCIndustryGroupCode', 'TR.TRBCIndustry', 'TR.TRBCIndustryCode'],
parameters={'SDate': 0, 'EDate': -3, 'FRQ': 'FY'})
Instrument | Date | Revenue - Mean | TRBC Economic Sector Name | TRBC Economic Sector Code | TRBC Business Sector Name | TRBC Business Sector Code | TRBC Industry Group Name | TRBC Industry Group Code | TRBC Industry Name | TRBC Industry Code |
0 | VOD.L | 14/02/2023 | 45864975420 | Technology | 57 | Telecommunications Services | 5740 | Telecommunications Services | 574010 | Wireless Telecommunications Services | 57401020 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
8 | TRI.N | 22/02/2023 | 6937020650 | Industrials | 52 | Industrial & Commercial Services | 5220 | Professional & Commercial Services | 522030 | Professional Information Services | 52203070 |
9 | TRI.N | 01/02/2023 | 6626869820 | ||||||||
10 | TRI.N | 07/02/2022 | 6311529500 | ||||||||
11 | TRI.N | 22/02/2021 | 5980789530 |
What does this do?
As per the EIKON FOR DEVELOPERS documentation that you may find here,
The RHistory API enables developers to access time series data in VBA inside Excel in the same way as the RHistory function. The RHistory function retrieves a list of time series data for one instrument or a list of instruments at regular intervals (for example, on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis) for a given time period or for a given number of records. It also provides time series data at non-regular intervals, for example, TAS (Time and Sales), TAQ (Trade and Quote), and TICK (tick by tick).
This COM API is best exemplified in Tutorial 9 - Time Series History - RHistoryAPI's Excxel Workbook in which you will find the following VBA:
In VBA, we declared myRHistoryQuery via Private WithEvents myRHistoryQuery As RHistoryAPI.RHistoryQuery before:
' Set the query parameters accordingly to your needs
With myRHistoryQuery
.InstrumentIdList = Range("G6").Value
.FieldList = Range("G7").Value 'Or of the form "TRDPRC_1.TIMESTAMP;TRDPRC_1.VALUE;TRDPRC_1.VOLUME"
.RequestParams = Range("G8").Value
.RefreshParams = Range("G9").Value
.DisplayParams = Range("G10").Value
End With
This allowed us to run sheets such as:
For this, we can (yet again) use the get_history function:
IntradayTimeSeriesDf2 = rd.get_history(
interval="10min", # The consolidation interval. Supported intervals are: tick, tas, taq, minute, 1min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min, hourly, 1h, daily, 1d, 1D, 7D, 7d, weekly, 1W, monthly, 1M, quarterly, 3M, 6M, yearly, 1Y.
Timestamp | … | ||||
01/06/2022 13:00 | 637.6 | 6918 | … | 260.64 | 258.4002 |
01/06/2022 13:10 | 636.6 | 6936 | … | 260.1 | 257.7 |
… | … | … | … | … | … |
01/06/2022 15:40 | <NA> | <NA> | … | <NA> | <NA> |
01/06/2022 15:50 | <NA> | <NA> | … | <NA> | <NA> |
PLSynchronization Manager
This synchronisation manager was an old method whereby the COM API managed connections to Refinitiv Datasets. It is no longer required in python.
RSearch is a COM API function for instrument level search - designed for building instrument lists conforming to various search criteria. See the example below:
RSearch is a powerful COM API function. It was best exemplified in Tutorial 7 - Instrument Search - RSearch's Excel Workbook.
Creating the sub cmdRSearch_Click:
' Instantiate the RSearch manager
Set myRSrchMgr = CreateRSearchMgr()
If Not myRSrchMgr Is Nothing Then
' Initialize RSearch session (we do not provide any logger here)
' NOTE - This will error if Eikon for Excel is not logged in.
myRSrchCookie = myRSrchMgr.Initialize(RS_CT_EIKON)
' Create a RSearch query using the session cookie
Set myRSrchQry = myRSrchMgr.CreateRSearchQuery(myRSrchCookie)
If Not myRSrchMgr Is Nothing Then
With myRSrchQry
'Initialize the RSearch query with the criteria to use for the search
.AssetClass = [AssetClass].Value
.SearchCriteria = [SearchCriteria].Value '"EPS:>5 RCSIssuerCountryLeaf:Canada"
.SearchParameters = [SearchParameters].Value '"NBROWS:50 SORT:EPS:A"
' Send the query
End With
End If
End If
Then you can check the status of the query with 'myRSrchQry_OnUpdate'.
RSearch is a powerful COM API function, and we're happy to announce that the Python equivalent - Search API - is even more powerful. For the full works on it, please do read Nick Zicone's article 'Building Search into your Application Workflow'.
The code below is a simple example of how one may use the Search API in Python. The last example requests M&A data using the filters specified above and orders the data by the announcement date in descending order. More on how you can use search, including guidance, examples, and tips to determine the possible approaches, from simple discovery through experimentation to more advanced techniques, are presented in this article. More is shown here.
bondsSearch =
view = rd.discovery.Views.BOND_FUT_OPT_QUOTES,
top = 10,
filter = "IssueCouponRate ge 2",
select = "CommonName, IssuerCommonName, IssueCouponRate, Currency, IssuerCountryName",
CommonName | IssuerCommonName | IssueCouponRate | Currency | IssuerCountryName |
0 | TTN 2.375 11/16/24 '24 | Titan Global Finance PLC | 2.375 | EUR | United Kingdom |
1 | BNP 4.000 10/21/23 | Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA | 4 | EUR | Italy |
equitySerarch =
view = rd.discovery.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES,
top = 100,
filter = "MktCapCompanyUsd ge 1000000000000",
select = 'CommonName, PriceCloseUsd, MktCapCompanyUsd',
CommonName | PriceCloseUsd | MktCapCompanyUsd |
0 | APPLE ORD | 151.03 | 2.38959E+12 |
1 | MICROSOFT ORD | 255.29 | 1.90033E+12 |
2 | ALPHABET CL A ORD | 93.65 | 1.20158E+12 |
3 | SAUDI ARABIAN OIL ORD | 8.526739 | 1.87588E+12 |
4 | ALPHABET CL C ORD | 94.02 | 1.20158E+12 |
MnA =
view = rd.discovery.Views.DEALS_MERGERS_AND_ACQUISITIONS,
# specify filtering properties
filter="((AcquirerCompanyName ne 'Creditors' and AcquirerCompanyName ne 'Shareholder') and (TargetCountry eq 'US' or TargetCountry eq 'UK')"
+ "and TransactionValueIncludingNetDebtOfTarget ge 100 and TargetPublicStatus eq 'Public')"
+ "and (TransactionStatus eq 'Completed' or TransactionStatus eq 'Pending' or TransactionStatus eq 'Withdrawn')"
+ "and (FormOfTransactionName xeq 'Merger' or FormOfTransactionName xeq 'Acquisition') and (TransactionAnnouncementDate le 2021-11-15 and TransactionAnnouncementDate ge 2020-09-15)",
# select only the required fields and order them based on announcement date
# then specify number of items to be 10000, which is the max; default value is 100
select='TransactionAnnouncementDate, TargetCompanyName, TargetRIC',
top = 10000,
order_by='TransactionAnnouncementDate desc'
#remove companies which doesn't have RIC
MnA = MnA.dropna(subset = ['TargetRIC']).reset_index(drop = True)
print(f'Number of M&A deals for the specified period is {len(MnA)}')
Number of M&A deals for the specified period is 326
TransactionAnnouncementDate | TargetCompanyName | TargetRIC |
0 | 15/11/2021 | CyrusOne Inc | [CONE.O^C22] |
1 | 15/11/2021 | CoreSite Realty Corp | [COR^L21] |
2 | 15/11/2021 | LAACO Ltd | [LAACZ.PK^L21] |
3 | 15/11/2021 | Casper Sleep Inc | [CSPR.K^A22] |
4 | 08/11/2021 | McAfee Corp | [MCFE.O^C22] |
A more complex method may be to create a function that incorporates that search function, outputing an excel file. This is a real-life use case replicating RSearch functionality's in looking for Government and Corporate Debt Instruments; the function is rather large, so we put it online for you to access.
The RD Library has also added a number of ease-of-use features as the Search API is very comprehensive - but with that comes some complexity. Search Templates is one such useful feature.
The "Mines" and "VesselsBoundFor" templates shown here are template examples that you can modify and adapt to your needs. They are defined in the "search-templates.config.json" configuration file. Below is a brief description of the parameters you can use for each template definition.
Search templates are defined using the following JSON structure
- description (string): Description of the template.
- parameters (object): Parameters of the template. These parameters can be used as placeholders in the request_body of the template and as named parameters of the search() method of the template. Each parameter has a name, a description, and an optional default value.
- request_body (object): Body of the request sent to the Search REST API. This request body can include template parameters surrounded by '#{' and '}' (for example: “#{my_param}”). More details on the structure of the request body can be found in the Search API reference guide (access to this guide requires a Refinitiv Workspace account or RDP account to log in).
Template example
"MyTemplate": {
"description": "Search template example.",
"parameters": {
"name": {
"description": "Name of the person to search for.",
"default": "Edison"
"request_body": {
"Query": "#{name}",
Example of usage
from physical_assets_map import PhysicalAssetsMap
#some imports to start with
from physical_assets_map import PhysicalAssetsMap
#load the search templates configuration file
<ConfigurationSet: 0x7fe91a3c3908>
Mine Search Template example
mines = rd.discovery.search_templates["Mines"]
Get help about this template
Help on DiscoverySearchTemplate in module object:
class DiscoverySearchTemplate(
| DiscoverySearchTemplate(name=None, *, placeholders_defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType] = None, pass_through_defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType] = None, optional_placeholders: Iterable[str] = None, ns: 'Namespace' = None, **search_defaults)
| Discovery search preset class
| Method resolution order:
| DiscoverySearchTemplate
| builtins.object
| Methods defined here:
| __repr__(self)
| Return repr(self).
| search(self, **kwargs) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
| Please, use help() on a template object itself to get method documentation
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from
| __init__(self, name=None, *, placeholders_defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType] = None, pass_through_defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType] = None, optional_placeholders: Iterable[str] = None, ns: 'Namespace' = None, **search_defaults)
| Parameters
| ----------
| name : str, optional
| name of the template
| placeholders_defaults: dict, optional
| Dict of string template placeholders default values.
| pass_through_defaults: dict, optional
| default values for the Target parameters
| optional_placeholders: Iterable[str], optional
| names of placeholders that are optional without default values
| ns: Namespace
| Namespace in which template will operate. Used for subtemplates.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Use the predefined parameters of the template to search for gold mines in south Africa
from ipyleaflet import Map
mines_coordinates ="Gold", region="South Africa")
Map(center=[-26.416700363159, 27.666700363159], controls=(ZoomControl(options=['position', 'zoom_in_text', 'zo…
RIC | RCSRegionLeaf | RCSCommodityTypeLeaf | DTSubjectName | PhysicalAssetStatus | Latitude | Longitude |
0 | C}PX7309413492 | South Africa | Gold | South Deep | Normal Operation | -26.4167 | 27.6667 |
1 | C}PX7309413493 | South Africa | Gold | Target | Normal Operation | -27.76 | 26.63 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
91 | C}PX7310054031 | South Africa | Gold | Far West Gold Recoveries (FWGR) | Normal Operation | -26.3895 | 27.36032 |
92 | C}PX7310101973 | South Africa | Gold | Mine Waste Solutions | Normal Operation | -26.8417 | 26.8667 |
Streaming News
The Office COM API allowed for streaming real time news. This was rather inconvenient because one would have to (i) record news flowing through on their own environment, (ii) be recording with an open streaming session when the news they're looking for is published, (iii) deal with the memory management involved with such streaming data. The Python code below recreated this, but takes a snapshot at the time the code is run:
(N.B: The Accessing News data with the RD or EDAPI Python libraries will only allow you access to news data up to three months ago. For news data predating that, look into this article.)
#Define Callback for stream
def display_data(data, instrument, stream):
current_time =
print(current_time, "- Data received for", instrument)
# This will trigger the stream:
stream = rd.open_pricing_stream(
11:21:11.353212 - Data received for NFCP_UBMS
NFCP_UBMS | None | nBER3DRDqJ | 543729 | 1 | None | news_bma | 3 | BER | BER | 457 | None | ######## | None | 3 | 3 | S | None | ######## | None | 232 | 30 | bma | CRUDE PALM OIL FUTURES CLOSING: MARCH 6 | A:4 G:1 G:2EK G:8S G:CI G:K G:S M:1QD M:2CM M:... | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | 1 | L | en | 2 | 52 | 40871439 | 40871327 | 30 |
<OpenState.Closed: 'Closed'>
Selecting Only a Subset of Fields
Above we are dumping all the fields - you may only be interested in a subset of fields - if so you can manage as below:
stream = rd.open_pricing_stream(
11:21:21.862759 - Data received for NFCP_UBMS
NFCP_UBMS | nNSEsrY7f | APOLLOTYRE-Loss of Share Certificates |
<OpenState.Closed: 'Closed'>
newsResponse ='LSEG',start="20.03.2022",end="25.03.2022",count=3)
headline | storyId | sourceCode |
versionCreated | |||
27:20.0 | BRIEF-London Stock Exchange Secondary ABO Book... | | NS:RTRS |
09:06.0 | BRIEF-London Stock Exchange Secondary ABO Book... | | NS:RTRS |
Get News Story
Thankfully, the ek library News API is much more powerful and simple to use. Again, most of it is better shown and explained on GitHub, but the below is a great starting point of how to collect News data (that is 15 months old or older):
story_id = newsResponse.iat[1,1]
from IPython.display import HTML
story =
March 24 (Reuters) - London Stock Exchange Group Secondary ABO Bookrunner:
Further company coverage: LSEG.L
(( ;))
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2022. Click For Restrictions -
Contribution - AdxRtContribute.dll
What does AdxRtContribute.dll do?
AdxRtContribute is for data contribution either locally (SCOPE:LOCAL) within the instance of Excel (or application if EikonDesktopDataAPI has been used) or on to a server (SCOPE:SERVER) and potentially on to IDN (where the Source Alias of "TRC" should be specified).
AdxRtContribute replicates the RtContribute() function in Eikon for Excel or Eikon - Microsoft Office.
NOTE - Eikon for Excel or Eikon - Microsoft Office should be logged in otherwise the sample VBA code will generate an error "ERROR #360c - AdxRtx : No connection to the platform".
1. Open a new single sheet Excel workbook.
Save As with an appropriate name (e.g. AdxRtContribute.xls or AdxRtContribute.xlsm in Office 2007 or higher).
2. Go to the VBE (Visual Basic Editor), ensure the Project Explorer is visible and select the project for the workbook above.
<ALT><F11> or Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003 or Developer, Visual Basic in Excel 2007 and above, View, Project Explorer If the Developer header is not visible in Excel 2007 and above, go to the Excel Office Button, select Excel Options (lower right), Popular, and check the 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon' box.
3. In the VBE, click on File, Import File and import PLVbaApis.bas.
The .bas location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Z\Bin (Z may be X or Y, depending on the last Eikon update). The .bas is loaded as a new VB project module, PLVbaApis.
4. In the PLVbaAPis module, comment out the sections which aren't required.
As this example is dealing with AdxRtContribute, part of the real time library AdfinXRtLib, the AdfinX Real Time section can remain uncommented.
5. In the VBE, go Tools, References and ensure that AdfinX Real Time Library is checked.
If it is not in the list the library is called rtx.dll and its location for Eikon 4 is >C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Z\Bin (Z may be X or Y, depending on the last Eikon update).
6. Create an instance of an AdxRtContribute object using the PLVbaApis function CreateAdxRtContribute.
Set myAdxRtContrib = CreateAdxRtContribute
7. To replicate RtContribute(), when the object has been created set the source, item name and mode (if required) and then contribute the field(s) and value(s) desired.
Public myAdxRtContrib As AdfinXRtLib.AdxRtContribute
Dim fields (1 To 3) As Variant
Dim values (1 To 3) As Variant
Sub myContribution()
Set myAdxRtContrib = CreateAdxRtContribute
If myAdxRtContrib Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to create RtContribute"
With myAdxRtContrib
.Source = "DAVID2"
.ItemName = "TEST_RIC2"
fields (1)="BID"
fields (2)="ASK"
fields (3)="ASKROW80_1"
.Contribute fields, values
'.Contribute "ASK", 220 ' Alternative method of actual names and values'
'.Contribute Array("BID", "ASK"), Array(210, 220) ' Another alternative method'
End With
End Sub
8. RtGet() or RData() can be used in Eikon for Excel to check that the contribution has been successful. If the AdxRtList COM API for real time data retrieval is being used this can be set with the appropriate source and instrument parameters.
9. If no more contributions are required the AdxRtContribute object can be closed (set to Nothing).
You can use the Refinitiv Data Library (RD Lib.) for Python's Content Layer's Pricing stream set of functions to send contributions. Using the Content Layer allows for a better ease of use than the Delivery Layer that nesesitates a better understanindg of APIs' inner workings; with the Content Layer, you have the option to set initialization parameters of the RD Lib. in the _refinitiv-data.config.json_ configuration file. You can find an example version of this configuration file here. This file must be located beside your notebook, in your user folder or in a folder defined by the _RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH_ environment variable; the _RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH_ environment variable is the option used by this series of examples; you can find more information about the configuration proccess here. The following code sets this environment variable.
import os
os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "../../../Configuration"
Next, we will need to import some libraries and modules/functions:
import as rd
from import pricing
from import ContribType
FYI, we advise using the RD Lib. for Python version 1.4.0 or higher:
Next, let's open our session. The open_session() function creates and open sessions based on the information contained in the refinitiv-data.config.json configuration file. Please edit this file to set the session type and other parameters required for the session you want to open. Note also the format expected in the config file here:
In this config file, you will see that we specified details for the highlighed `platform` & `rtds`; you ought to have already been provided with your contribution RTDS URL and DACS details. We can poit to these details in-code, in Python, in our code:
< object at 0x111a0ac1100 {name='rtds'}>
Now let's see what we can do. Start with defining the service we aould like to use; here we'll be using `ATS_GLOBAL_1` that is here for example purposes only:
service = "ATS_GLOBAL_1" # Accept contribs on only a curated list of RICs
Now let's try some off-stream contributions:
def display_contrib_response(response):
if response.is_success:
print(f">> Contribution successfully sent.")
if response.nak_code:
print(f'>> Contrib rejected because "{response.nak_message}".')
if response.error:
print(f'>> Contrib failed because "{response.error}\n\t{response.debug}"')
response = rd.content.pricing.contribute(
name = "TESTRIC01",
fields = {
"BID": 5.555,
"ASK": 4.444
>> Contribution successfully sent.
Now let's try some on-stream contributions by subscrigin to test RICs created for test purposes:
stream = rd.content.pricing.Definition(
universe=["TESTRIC01", "TESTRIC02", "TESTRIC03"],
<OpenState.Opened: 'Opened'>
Let's have a look at our contribution:
0 | TESTRIC01 | 123 | BANK 1 | 57:20.5 | 05/12/2023 | 15:39:00 | 5.555 | 4.444 | 10 | 20 | 209 | 22-Mar-23 | contrib ask and bid | 3 | 25-Jul-21 | 16:30:00 | 01/05/2003 |
1 | TESTRIC02 | 153 | INVESTMENT BANK HKG | 55:51.7 | 05/12/2023 | 15:39:00 | 2.1 | 2.11 | 30 | 2 | 209 | 22-Mar-23 | 25-Jul-22 | 25-Jul-23 | 25-Jul-21 | 11:12:13 | 27/07/2022 |
2 | TESTRIC03 | 123 | BANK 2 | 12:19.4 | 05/12/2023 | 10:12:00 | 6 | 3 | 50 | 60 | 209 | 25-Jul-21 | 25-Jul-22 | 25-Jul-23 | 25-Jul-21 | 11:12:13 | 18/10/2021 |
Let's not foret to close our stream and session:
In conclusion, we can see that the Office COM API had many great uses, but limitations too. This was without mentioning its reliability on DLLs that can be heavy to run on a personal machine. But the Refinitiv Python Libraries (RD, RDP and EDAPI) can not only replicate these COM functionalities but enhance them in many instances, the simplest example being the Historical News functionality shown above.
Several COM API functionalities relying on a technology called Adfin was not replicated in Python in this article, but we will investigate them in another article - so stay tuned!
Further Information
Annex: COM Prerequisites
Open a new single sheet Excel workbook.
Save As with an appropriate name (e.g. AdxRtSourceList.xls or AdxRtSourceList.xlsm in Office 2007 or higher).
Go to the VBE (Visual Basic Editor), ensure the Project Explorer is visible and select the project for the workbook.
<ALT><F11> or Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003 or Developer, Visual Basic in Excel 2007 and above, View, Project Explorer If the Developer header is not visible in Excel 2007 and above, go to the Excel Office Button, select Excel Options (lower right), Popular, and check the 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon' box.
In the VBE, click on File, Import File and import PLVbaApis.bas.
The .bas location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Z\Bin (Z may be X or Y, depending on the last Eikon update). The .bas is loaded as a new VB project module, PLVbaApis.
In the PLVbaAPis module, comment out the sections which aren't required.
E.G.: when dealing with AdxRtSourceList, part of the real time library AdfinXRtLib, the AdfinX Real Time section can remain uncommented.
In the VBE, go Tools, References and ensure that AdfinX Real Time Library is checked.
If it is not in the list the library is called rtx.dll and its location for Eikon 4 is ">C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Z\Bin (Z may be X or Y, depending on the last Eikon update).
Further Resources
COM APIs: Overview | Quickstart Guide | Documentation | Downloads | Tutorials | Q&A Forum
RD Library: Overview | Quickstart Guide | Documentation | Tutorials | Q&A Forum