PermID - Entity Search - RESTful API

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Entity Search API - Overview

PermID Entity Search API supports organizations,  equity instruments and quotes. The Search API allows you to search in two ways:

  • by providing the PermID of a specific entity (PermID Lookup): Here you retrieve all the fields/attributes of the entity that maps to the PermID provided
  • by providing the entity's name, ticker, RIC, LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) or other standard identifiers: The search results are a list of matching entities, with basic information (such as the Official Name) that enables you to identify the entity you're looking for. Once you’ve found the entity’s PermID using the Search API, the PermID Lookup lets you retrieve all the attributes for that entity

We support about 7.5mn organizations, 320K equity instruments, 2mn equity quotes, and for each of the entities, we provide a set of fields/attributes. The assigned credentials provided during the authentication process, gets you access to both basic and premium content.

Contact Us

What you think is important to us. Please feel free to contact us in the following ways:

  • For general queries and support issues, please use the Q&A Forum of the Developer Community and raise them there
  • If you would like to send us your feedback, comments and suggestions (not support issues), please send them to