News Services

Our News Service is the only programmatic news feed powered by Reuters for financial professionals. Common uses include macro and corporate actions, event-based trading, algorithmic and quantitative investment using sentiment and buzz metrics, risk and market surveillance based on company news flagged with select topic codes.


LSEG provide News to our Workspace desktop offering. This covers almost 10,000+ news sources in-product and available via API. This service is designed for individual users only and does not permit any redistribution or server side usage.


Textual News with headline, story body text, and metadata sourced from:

    – Reuters News

    – Third-party sources including press releases and regulatory wires

    – News Alerts


    – Reuters: 15 languages

Main use cases

    – Human - Machine Workflows


   – Five quarters of data available through API


    – Topic codes: over 4,000 codes tagged to asset class, geography, events, industry, sector, etc.

    – LSEG PermID: open organisational identifier

    – Timestamps: normalised across all news sources, in UTC

    – Relevance, confidence

    – Sentiment

    – Significance

    – Most read

    – Deduplication

Delivery frequency

    – Real time and archive and curated news experiences


    – API: JSON and Streaming Websocket


    – API via Streaming Websocket and JSON