Workspace Web Integration Capabilities
Fundamental and Reference data is a wide array of reference data content including Fundamentals, Prices, Estimates, Indexes, Corporate Actions, Fixed Income, Lipper, Ownership, etc.
The example below contains three requested instruments - International Business Machines corp., Google, Microsoft corp. In the parameter Fields we can specify values that we want to retrieve data for. As a consequence, in our example, we will get the latest available closing price, volume for the latest trading day and low price for the latest trading day for the mentioned above instruments.
Example Code with async/await
const { ContainerSession, FundamentalAndReference } = window['@refinitiv/dataplatform-containersession'];
const sxs = window.sxsWeb;
// For users, who use a private network
// sxs("config", "use-network", "private");
sxs.start(new Date());
sxs.onLoad(async () => {
console.log('[DEMO] WebSDK Loaded at time: ' + new Date());
const dataSession = ContainerSession.Definition({
appKey: 'InputAppKeyHere',
bus: sxs
try {
const fundAndRefDefinition = FundamentalAndReference.Definition({
universe: ['IBM', 'GOOGL.O', 'MSFT.O'],
fields: ['TR.PriceClose', 'TR.Volume', 'TR.PriceLow'],
parameters: { SDate: '0CY', Scale: 6 }
const response = await fundAndRefDefinition.getData(dataSession);
console.log('get Data result:',;
} catch (e) {
} finally {
await dataSession.close();
Example package
All our examples are available here for download