World-Check Customer Risk Screener

Map countries

To ensure successful integration between Salesforce and World-Check Customer Risk Screener (CRS) when using country data as a secondary identifier, it's crucial to use standardized ISO 3166-1 country names, Alpha-3 codes, or Alpha-2 codes. Discrepancies in country data often cause integration failures. To address this, follow these steps to configure country exceptions in the "WC1 Countries Configuration" Custom Metadata Type.

Customers using CRS version 6.0 and above can configure this:

  1. Compare your country data with the list in the "Country Names and ISO Codes" file and identify any differences.

  2. Navigate to Salesforce Setup:

    • Go to Setup.
    • Select Custom Code.
    • Select Custom Metadata Types.
    • Choose WC1 Countries Configuration.
    • Click on Manage Records.
    • Click on New.
  3. For each exception, enter the following details:

    • Label
    • Country Name: Enter the name of the country as it appears in your Salesforce instance.
    • Country Code: Enter the ISO3 format country code.
  4. Save the record.

Note: CRS versions 6.2 and above automatically include common exceptions for customers using the standard out-of-the-box Salesforce native Country/Territory picklists. Customers using CRS version 5.0 and below are encouraged to upgrade to benefit from these and other features.