News Services
Our News Service is the only programmatic news feed powered by Reuters for financial professionals. Common uses include macro and corporate actions, event-based trading, algorithmic and quantitative investment using sentiment and buzz metrics, risk and market surveillance based on company news flagged with select topic codes.
This page will allow you to understand what types of News services and content we offer, for what purposes and also further resources and examples of how to use these offerings. We hope this can guide you toward the right offerings for your News-powered use cases and workflows.
Desktop News
LSEG provide News to our Workspace desktop offering. This covers almost 10,000 news sources etc etc. This service is designed for individual users only and does not permit any redistribution or server side usage.
News Feeds
LSEG News Feeds address use cases beyond our desktop offerings. While Wealth customers use News via portals for redistribution applications, News Feeds and Analytics are used by algorithms to create derived data, seize market opportunities, exploit inefficiencies, and manage risks. Our customers and partners use Real Time News Feeds to integrate published news headlines, stories and data derived from the feeds into their solutions and workflows.
Our news offering lies on three main pillars of support.
- We are the exclusive provider of Reuters financial news. Reuters' strong and international reputation of covering market-moving news as it unfolds makes our News Service of real value to our customers.
- The accompanying plethora of metadata and analytics available that can be delivered along with the news allow for machine and human consumption, and advanced search and filter methods to only target relevant news data.
- Lastly, the multiple methods of Real-Time (ms) and archive delivery allow for speed of delivery to be customizable to customer needs and can be low latent enough to trade algorithmically and automatically on.
News Feeds are licensed primarily for programmatic internal end uses such as algorithmic trading, programmatic risk management, and market surveillance. Historical news data dates back as far as 1996 in select offerings.
**Standard News Feeds licenses do not permit distribution or redistribution, even for client-derived data based on News content. Separate licenses and approvals are required for any end use of News Feeds content that is not completely both programmatic and internal. **