Updated: 28 Jan 2025
This article introduces a Python library for Open PermID APIs. This library covers all features of Open PermID APIs including Record Matching, Entity Search, and Intelligent Tagging. A sample Open PermID Python application is available on GitHub.
Open PermID
PermID is a shortening of “Permanent Identifier” which is a machine-readable number assigned to entities, securities, organizations (companies, government agencies, universities, etc.), quotes, individuals, and more. It is specifically designed for use by machines to reference related information programmatically. Open PermID is publicly available for free at https://permid.org/.
Open PermID also supports several APIs.
- Open PermID - Record Matching - RESTful API
- Open PermID - Entity Search · RESTful API
- Intelligent Tagging - RESTful API
Python OpenPermID Usage
1. Installation
The Python OpenPermID is available on pypi.org. It can be installed via the following pip command.
pip install OpenPermID
It supports Python 3.
2. Initialization
To use the Python OpenPermID, the application needs to create an OpenPermID object and set an access token to it.
from OpenPermID import OpenPermID
opid = OpenPermID()
opid.set_access_token("<API Token>")
The access token can be retrieved after login to the Open PermID website. Then, select APIs and Display my API token.
3. Entity Search
This function is used to search an entity's PermID value from a string.
search(q, entityType='all', format="dataframe", start=1, num=5, order='rel')
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
q | Yes | A query string to search for. It could be either just the search string value, or prefix it with ":" to constrain the search to a specific field, such as "LSEG", "ticker:IBM", and "ticker: msft AND exchange:NSM". For a list of all available fields, please refer to the PermID User guide. |
entityType | No | The type of entity to search for. Possible values are all, organization, instrument, or quote. The default value is all. |
format | No | The format of the output. Possible values are dataframe, json, or xml. The default value is dataframe. |
start | No | The index of the first result returned, in the list of results ordered according to the order parameter. The index is 1-based. The default value is 1. |
num | No | The maximum number of results returned for each entity (separately). Possible values are 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. The default value is 5. |
order | No | The order of the search results. Possible values are rel (Descending order of relevance), az (Ascending alphabetical order of the entity name), or za ( Descending alphabetical order of the entity name). The default value is rel. |
This function returns a tuple containing a result and error string. When the entityType is all and the format is dataframe, it returns multiple data frames indexed by the entity types (quotes, organizations, and instruments). For other entity types with the dataframe format, it returns a data frame. The result could be a data frame, JSON, or XML string depending on the format parameter.
Sample Usages
- Call the search method to search for a "LSEG" string with the default parameters
output,err = opid.search('LSEG')
The default value of the entityType parameter is all so the returned result contains multiple data frames indexed by the entity types.
- Call the search method to search for a "LSEG" string with 'organization' and 10 for the entityType and num parameters respectively
output,error = opid.search('LSEG',entityType='organization', num=10)
The returned result is a data frame containing 10 entries of the organization entity type.
- Call the search method to search for an "IBM" string with 'quote' and 'json' for the entityType and format parameters respectively
output,err = opid.search('IBM',entityType='quote',format='json')
The returned result is a JSON string.
"result": {
"quotes": {
"entityType": "quotes",
"total": 173,
"start": 1,
"num": 5,
"entities": [
"@id": "https://permid.org/1-55838323096",
"assetClass": "Ordinary Shares",
"isQuoteOfInstrumentName": "International Business Machines Ord Shs",
"hasRIC": "IBM.N",
"hasMic": "XNYS",
"hasExchangeTicker": "IBM",
"isQuoteOf": "https://permid.org/1-8590927768"
"@id": "https://permid.org/1-55839165994",
"assetClass": "Ordinary Shares",
"isQuoteOfInstrumentName": "International Business Machines Ord Shs",
"hasRIC": "IBM",
"hasMic": "XXXX",
"hasExchangeTicker": "IBM",
"isQuoteOf": "https://permid.org/1-8590927768"
"@id": "https://permid.org/1-21475465740",
"hasName": "IBM SOUTH AFRICA",
"assetClass": "Ordinary Shares",
"isQuoteOfInstrumentName": "IBM South Africa Common Stock",
"hasRIC": "IBMZF.PK^H09",
"hasExchangeTicker": "IBMZF",
"isQuoteOf": "https://permid.org/1-8590025323"
"@id": "https://permid.org/1-21475582828",
"hasName": "IBM ORD",
"assetClass": "Ordinary Shares",
"isQuoteOfInstrumentName": "International Business Machines Ord Shs",
"hasRIC": "IBM.B^J07",
"hasExchangeTicker": "IBM",
"isQuoteOf": "https://permid.org/1-8590927768"
"@id": "https://permid.org/1-21475582861",
"hasName": "IBM ORD",
"assetClass": "Ordinary Shares",
"isQuoteOfInstrumentName": "International Business Machines Ord Shs",
"hasRIC": "IBM.S^K08",
"hasExchangeTicker": "IBM",
"isQuoteOf": "https://permid.org/1-8590927768"
4. Entity Lookup
This function is used to look up the entity information by the PermID.
lookup(id, format='dataframe', orient='row')
It accepts three parameters:
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
id | Yes | The PermID used to lookup e.g. 1-5064690523 |
format | No | The format of the output. Possible values are dataframe, json-ld, or turtle. The default value is dataframe |
orient | No | The format of the returned data frame. Possible values are row, or column. The default value is row |
This function returns a tuple containing a result and error string. The result could be a data frame, JSON, or turtle string depending on the format parameter.
Sample Usages
- Call the lookup method to retrieve the entity information of the 1-5064690523 PermID with the default parameters
output,err = opid.lookup("1-4298007752")
It uses the default values of the format and orient parameters, so the returned result is a data frame with the row orient.
- Call the lookup method to retrieve the entity information of the 1-5064690523 PermID with the 'column' orient parameter
df,err = opid.lookup("1-4298007752", orient="column")
The returned result is a data frame with the column orient.
- Call the lookup method to retrieve the entity information of the 1-5064690523 PermID with the 'json-ld' format parameter
output,err = opid.lookup("1-4298007752", format="json-ld")
The returned result is a JSON string.
"@id" : "https://permid.org/1-4298007752",
"@type" : "tr-org:Organization",
"tr-common:hasPermId" : "4298007752",
"hasOrganizationPrimaryQuote" : "https://permid.org/1-55850485015",
"hasPrimaryInstrument" : "https://permid.org/1-8590928053",
"mdaas:HeadquartersAddress" : "10 Paternoster Square\LONDON\EC4M 7LS\United Kingdom\",
"mdaas:RegisteredAddress" : "10 Paternoster Square\LONDON\EC4M 7LS\United Kingdom\",
"hasActivityStatus" : "tr-org:statusActive",
"tr-org:hasHeadquartersPhoneNumber" : "442077971000",
"hasHoldingClassification" : "tr-org:publiclyHeld",
"hasIPODate" : "2006-05-15T04:00:00Z",
"tr-org:hasLEI" : "213800QAUUUP6I445N30",
"hasLatestOrganizationFoundedDate" : "2005-02-18T00:00:00Z",
"hasPrimaryBusinessSector" : "https://permid.org/1-4294952739",
"hasPrimaryEconomicSector" : "https://permid.org/1-4294952740",
"hasPrimaryIndustryGroup" : "https://permid.org/1-4294952738",
"isIncorporatedIn" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2635167/",
"isDomiciledIn" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2635167/",
"hasURL" : "https://www.lseg.com/",
"vcard:organization-name" : "London Stock Exchange Group PLC",
"@context" :
"hasIPODate" : {
"@id" : "http://permid.org/ontology/organization/hasIPODate",
"@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime"
5. Record Matching
The PermID Record Matching API allows you to match entity Person, Organization, Instrument, and Quote records with LSEG’s PermIDs.
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
data | Yes | A CSV string or data frame for matching. For formats of the CSV string, please refer to the PermID User guide. |
dataType | No | The type of entity to search for. Possible values are Person, Organization, Instrument, or Quote. The default value is Organization. |
numberOfMatchesPerRecord | No | A number of possible matches to output for each record in the input. The maximum number of possible matches is 5. The default value is 1. |
raw_output | No | A boolean value set to retrieve a result as a JSON string instead of a data frame. The default value is False which returns a data frame. |
This function returns a tuple containing a result and error string. The result could be a data frame, or JSON string depending on the raw_output parameter.
Sample Usages
- Call the match method to match the organization entities with a CSV string
LocalID,Standard Identifier,Name,Country,Street,City,PostalCode,State,Website
1,,Apple,US,"Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop",Cupertino,95014,California,
3,,Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd,IL,,Petah Tikva,,,
4,,Tata Sky,IN,,,,,
output,err = opid.match(organization)
The returned result is a data frame.
- Call the match method to match the person entities with a data frame
person = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['LocalID',
person = person.append(pd.Series(['1','Satya','','','Nadella','','Microsoft Corp','',''],
person = person.append(pd.Series(['2','Satya','','','Nadella','4295907168','','',''],
person = person.append(pd.Series(['3','Martin','','','Jetter','','International Business Machines Corp','',''],
person = person.append(pd.Series(['4','Bill','','','Gates','','Microsoft Corp','',''],
output,err = opid.match(person, dataType='Person')
The returned result is a data frame.
- Call the match method to match the Quote entity with a CSV string and return a JSON string
LocalID,Standard Identifier
output,err = opid.match(quote, dataType='Quote',raw_output=True)
The returned result is a JSON string.
"ignore": " ",
"unMatched": 0,
"matched": {
"total": 3,
"excellent": 3
"numReceivedRecords": 3,
"numProcessedRecords": 3,
"numErrorRecords": 0,
"headersIdentifiedSuccessfully": [
"standard identifier"
"headersNotIdentified": [],
"headersSupportedWereNotSent": [],
"errorCode": 0,
"errorCodeMessage": "Success",
"resolvingTimeInMs": 33,
"requestTimeInMs": 33,
"outputContentResponse": [
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-55838323096",
"Match Level": "Matched",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "2",
"Input_LocalID": "1",
"Input_Standard Identifier": "RIC:IBM.N|Ticker:IBM"
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-55835377165",
"Common Name": "MICROSOFT ORD",
"Match Level": "Matched",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "3",
"Input_LocalID": "2",
"Input_Standard Identifier": "Ticker:MSFT"
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-55838323096",
"Match Level": "Matched",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "4",
"Input_LocalID": "3",
"Input_Standard Identifier": "RIC:IBM.N&&Ticker:IBM"
6. Record Matching File
This method is similar to the above match method. It is used to match the entity Person, Organization, Instrument, and Quote records with LSEG’s PermIDs. However, instead of passing a string or data frame, it accepts a file name that contains records to be matched.
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
filename | Yes | A filename of the CSV file containing records to be matched. Templates for the CSV files can be downloaded at the Record Matching website. |
dataType | No | The type of entity to search for. Possible values are Person, Organization, Instrument, or Quote. The default value is Organization. |
numberOfMatchesPerRecord | No | A number of possible matches to output for each record in the input. The maximum number of possible matches is 5. The default value is 1. |
raw_output | No | A boolean value set to retrieve a result as a JSON string instead of a data frame. The default value is False which returns a data frame. |
This function returns a tuple containing a result and error string. The result could be a data frame or JSON string depending on the raw_output parameter.
Sample Usages
- Call the matchFile method to match records in an organization CSV file
output,err = opid.matchFile("Organization_input.csv")
The returned result is a data frame.
- Call the matchFile method to match records in a person CSV file and return a JSON string
output,err = opid.matchFile('Person_input.csv', dataType='Person', raw_output=True)
The returned result is a JSON string.
"ignore": " ",
"uploadedFileName": "Person_input.csv",
"unMatched": 0,
"matched": {
"total": 7,
"excellent": 4,
"good": 3
"numReceivedRecords": 7,
"numProcessedRecords": 7,
"numErrorRecords": 0,
"headersIdentifiedSuccessfully": [
"headersNotIdentified": [],
"headersSupportedWereNotSent": [],
"errorCode": 0,
"errorCodeMessage": "Success",
"resolvingTimeInMs": 5517,
"requestTimeInMs": 5517,
"outputContentResponse": [
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match Score": "0.75",
"Match Level": "Good",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "2",
"Input_LocalID": "1",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-34413262612",
"Match First Name": "Satya",
"Match Last Name": "Nadella",
"Match OrgOpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-4295907168",
"Input_First Name": "Satya",
"Input_Last Name": "Nadella",
"Input_OrgName": "Microsoft Corp"
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match Score": "0.95",
"Match Level": "Excellent",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "3",
"Input_LocalID": "2",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-34413262612",
"Match First Name": "Satya",
"Match Last Name": "Nadella",
"Match OrgOpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-4295907168",
"Input_First Name": "Satya",
"Input_Last Name": "Nadella",
"Input_OrgOpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-4295907168"
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match Score": "0.83",
"Match Level": "Excellent",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "4",
"Input_LocalID": "3",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-34418338814",
"Match First Name": "Martin",
"Match Last Name": "Jetter",
"Match OrgOpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-4295904307",
"Input_First Name": "Martin",
"Input_Last Name": "Jetter",
"Input_OrgName": "International Business Machines Corp"
"ProcessingStatus": "OK",
"Match Score": "0.52",
"Match Level": "Good",
"Match Ordinal": "1",
"Original Row Number": "5",
"Input_LocalID": "4",
"Match OpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-34418338814",
"Match First Name": "Martin",
"Match Last Name": "Jetter",
"Match OrgOpenPermID": "https://permid.org/1-4295904307",
"Input_First Name": "Martin",
"Input_Last Name": "Jetter",
"Input_OrgName": "IBM"
7. Intelligent Tagging
This method allows you to tag free-text documents with rich semantic metadata, by identifying and tagging entities, events, and topics.
calais(text, language='English', contentType='raw', outputFormat='json')
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
text | Yes | Content to be tagged. It could be raw text, html, xml, or pdf |
language | No | Indicates the language of the input text. Currently, possible values are English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish. The default value is English. |
contentType | No | Indicates the content type of the input text. Possible values are raw, html, xml, or pdf. The default value is raw. |
outputFormat | No | Defines the output response format. Possible values are json, rdf, or n3. The default value is json. |
This function returns a tuple containing a result and error string. The result could be a JSON, RDF or N-Triples string depending on the outputFormat parameter.
- Call the calais method to tag the raw text
raw_text ="""
TOKYO (Reuters) - Financial markets reeled on Thursday as stocks dived and oil slumped after U.S. President Donald Trump took the dramatic step of banning travel from Europe to stem the spread of coronavirus, threatening more disruptions to trade and the world economy.
With the pandemic wreaking havoc on daily life of millions worldwide, investors were also disappointed by the lack of broad measures in Trump's plan to fight the pathogen, prompting traders to bet of further aggressive easing by the Federal Reserve.
Euro Stoxx 50 futures STXEc1 plunged 8.3% to their lowest levels since mid-2016. They were last down 6.9% while investors rushed to safe-haven assets from bonds to gold to the yen and the Swiss franc.
U.S. S&P 500 futures ESc1 plummeted as much as 4.9% in Asia and last traded down 3.6%, a day after the S&P 500 .SPX lost 4.89%, leaving the index on the brink of entering bear market territory, defined as a 20% fall from a recent top.
MSCI's broadest gauge of world shares, ACWI .MIWD00000PUS, could follow suit, having fallen 19.2% so far from its record peak hit only a month ago.
output,err = opid.calais(raw_text)
The returned result is a JSON string.
"doc": {
"info": {
"calaisRequestID": "c63ecfd3-54aa-2414-170c-e03228e137a4",
"docDate": "2020-03-12 09:11:17.261",
"docId": "http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/f341bd22-d2f1-384c-8d9d-e187ac9897cd",
"docTitle": "",
"document": "\nTOKYO (Reuters) - Financial markets reeled on Thursday as stocks dived and oil slumped after U.S. President Donald Trump took the dramatic step of banning travel from Europe to stem the spread of coronavirus, threatening more disruptions to trade and the world economy.\n\nWith the pandemic wreaking havoc on daily life of millions worldwide, investors were also disappointed by the lack of broad measures in Trump's plan to fight the pathogen, prompting traders to bet of further aggressive easing by the Federal Reserve.\n\nEuro Stoxx 50 futures STXEc1 plunged 8.3% to their lowest levels since mid-2016. They were last down 6.9% while investors rushed to safe-haven assets from bonds to gold to the yen and the Swiss franc.\n\nU.S. S&P 500 futures ESc1 plummeted as much as 4.9% in Asia and last traded down 3.6%, a day after the S&P 500 .SPX lost 4.89%, leaving the index on the brink of entering bear market territory, defined as a 20% fall from a recent top.\n\nMSCI's broadest gauge of world shares, ACWI .MIWD00000PUS, could follow suit, having fallen 19.2% so far from its record peak hit only a month ago.\n",
"id": "http://id.opencalais.com/XE-dhoMh83H3a*0o3GJE7A",
"ontology": "http://mdaas-virtual-onecalais.int.thomsonreuters.com/owlschema/13.0.rc2/onecalais.owl.allmetadata.xml"
"meta": {
"contentType": "text/raw",
"language": "English",
"processingVer": "AllMetadata",
"serverVersion": "13.0.310:310",
"signature": "digestalg-1|g5yOGgsi+542qCVNwsNMZOfjZ4E=|DVubTQASDl1JBtYoqpnAQOWoEHptbLAnKuqJb2WUfAHuL1WkuIw8Zw==",
"stagsVer": "defaultVersion",
"submissionDate": "2020-03-12 09:11:16.878",
"submitterCode": "0ca6a864-5659-789d-5f32-f365f695e757"
"http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/40cd4901-3bf1-3417-a016-b9cba7e8f6e8": {
"__label": "Processing section",
"__value": "STXEc1",
"_type": "Company",
"_typeGroup": "entities",
"_typeReference": "http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/e/Company",
"confidence": {
"aggregate": "0.196",
"dblookup": "0.0",
"resolution": "0.0",
"statisticalfeature": "0.489"
"confidencelevel": "0.196",
"forenduserdisplay": "false",
"frompersoncareer": "0",
"instances": [
"detection": "[by the Federal Reserve.\n\nEuro Stoxx 50 futures ]STXEc1[ plunged 8.3% to their lowest levels since]",
"exact": "STXEc1",
"length": 6,
"offset": 545,
"prefix": "by the Federal Reserve.\n\nEuro Stoxx 50 futures ",
"suffix": " plunged 8.3% to their lowest levels since"
"name": "STXEc1",
"nationality": "N/A",
"recognizedas": "name",
"relevance": 0.2,
"score": 3
"http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/ca1ae707-1c75-3e1a-ba90-74c4ab722247": {
"__label": "Processing section",
"__value": "SPX",
"_type": "Company",
"_typeGroup": "entities",
"_typeReference": "http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/e/Company",
"confidence": {
"aggregate": "0.799",
"dblookup": "0.0",
"resolution": "0.98194927",
"statisticalfeature": "0.565"
"confidencelevel": "0.799",
"forenduserdisplay": "false",
"frompersoncareer": "0",
"instances": [
"detection": "[last traded down 3.6%, a day after the S&P 500 .]SPX[ lost 4.89%, leaving the index on the brink of]",
"exact": "SPX",
"length": 3,
"offset": 837,
"prefix": "last traded down 3.6%, a day after the S&P 500 .",
"suffix": " lost 4.89%, leaving the index on the brink of"
"name": "SPX",
"nationality": "N/A",
"recognizedas": "name",
"relevance": 0.2,
"resolutions": [
"commonname": "SPX",
"id": "https://permid.org/1-4295910086",
"ispublic": "true",
"permid": "4295910086",
"primaryric": "SPXC.N",
"score": 0.98194927,
"ticker": "SPXC"
"score": 3
- Call the calais method to tag the raw text and return an RDF string
output,err = opid.calais(raw_text, outputFormat='rdf')
The returned result is an RDF string.
#Relations: PersonCareer, PersonLocation, PersonTravel,
#Company: SPX, STXEc1
#Continent: Asia, Europe
#Country: United States
#IndustryTerm: oil
#MarketIndex: S&P 500 INDEX - CBOE
#Organization: US Federal Reserve
#Person: Donald Trump
#Position: President
@prefix c: <http://s.opencalais.com/1/pred/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
a <http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/SocialTag> ;
c:docId <http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/f341bd22-d2f1-384c-8d9d-e187ac9897cd> ;
c:forenduserdisplay "true" ;
c:importance "2" ;
c:name "Euro Stoxx 50" ;
c:originalValue "Euro Stoxx 50" ;
c:socialtag <http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/5cf7d5dd-2310-3a18-b0c5-cd3325e20de1> .
a <http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/e/Position> ;
c:__label "1" ;
c:__value "President" ;
c:forenduserdisplay "false" ;
c:name "President" .
a <http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo> ;
c:detection "[disappointed by the lack of broad measures in ]Trump['s plan to fight the pathogen, prompting traders]" ;
c:docId <http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/f341bd22-d2f1-384c-8d9d-e187ac9897cd> ;
c:exact "Trump" ;
c:length "5" ;
c:offset "408" ;
c:prefix "disappointed by the lack of broad measures in " ;
c:subject <http://d.opencalais.com/pershash-1/3cb6735d-ad40-304e-b561-6fae64c71c32> ;
c:suffix "'s plan to fight the pathogen, prompting traders" .
8. Quota
Open PermID APIs have a daily quota limit. There is no API used to get quota information. However, the quota information is available in the HTTP's headers of response messages.
x-permid-quota-daily: 5000
x-permid-quota-used: 18
This library records this quota information and users can retrieve it by calling the following method.
Sample Usage
This method returns a data frame contains the quota information recorded by this library.
Note: This method doesn't return the current quota information. It returns records of daily and used quota inside the HTTP's headers.
9. Logging
This library uses the logging module to create log files. The following method must be called to enable logging in this library.
For example:
By default, the log file name is openpermid will be created in the working directory. The maximum size is 10 MB with 10 backup counts. These default settings can be changed by calling the following methods.
Method Name | Description | Default Value |
set_log_file_name | Set the log file name created by the library | "openpermid" |
set_log_path | Set the location of the created log file | The current directory |
set_log_max_size | Set the maximum size (bytes) of the log file | 10000000 |
set_log_format | Set the format of log content in the log file | "%(asctime)s -- %(name)s -- %(levelname)s -- %(message)s \n" |
set_log_backup_count | Set the number of the backup log files | 10 |
To change the default settings, the above functions must be called before the set_log_level method. For example, the below code changes the default log file name to "application" and set the maximum log file size to 1MB.
10. Error Handling
All data retrieval methods return a tuple containing the result and error. The application needs to determine the value of the error. If the error is None, it means that the request is successful and the result contains the data. Otherwise, the result is None and the error is populated with an error string.
result,err = p.search('IBM')
if(err == None):
11. Others
This library also provides other methods to change the PermID service URLs, set HTTP request timeout, get logging level and get the latest retrieved HTTP response.
Method Name | Description | Default Value |
set_lookup_url | Set a new URL for the entity lookup | https://permid.org/ |
set_search_url | Set a new URL for the entity search | https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/search |
set_match_url | Set a new URL for the record matching | https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/match |
set_matchFile_url | Set a new URL for the record matching file | https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/match/file |
set_calais_url | Set a new URL for the intelligent tagging | https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/calais |
set_timeout | Set timeout value in seconds for the HTTP request | 30 |
get_log_level | Get the current logging level | None |
get_response | Get the latest HTTP response | None |
Open PermID provides REST APIs to look up, search, match, and tag PermID entities. This article introduces an Open PermID Python library (OpenPermID) to access those services. To use this library, you need to have an access token which is freely available when registering at the PermID website. The library is easy to use and the source code is available in GitHub.
- Open PermID, LSEG, accessed 13 Mar 2024, https://permid.org/
- Open PermID, LSEG Developer Community, accessed 13 Mar 2024, https://developers.lseg.com
- Open PermID APIs, Python Package Index, https://pypi.org/project/OpenPermID/
- Python Open PermID source code, GitHub, https://github.com/LSEG-API-Samples/Article.OpenPermID.Python.APIs
- Python Open PermID example code, GitHub, https://github.com/LSEG-API-Samples/Example.OpenPermID.Python.Jupyter
GitHub: Article.OpenPermID.Python.APIs