
How to use a Java SOAP client library created from wsdl2java and Apache CXF on Eclipse

Presenter: Jirapongse Phuriphanvichai from LSEG

Length: 5:41 mins

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based web service protocol. Each SOAP web service provides a WSDL file which describes the definition and functionality of the web service. Wsdl2java is a tool in the Apache CXF that can generate Java classes and libraries from WSDL files. Then, the generated Java classes or libraries can be added to a Java project in Eclipse to access the SOAP web services. 

This video demonstrates how to use the wsdl2java tool to generate a Java SOAP client library and use that library on Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. 


For more information, please also refer to the How to use a Java SOAP client library created from wsdl2java and Apache CXF on Eclipse article.