Presenter: Olivier Davant from Refinitiv
Length: 17 Mins
In this video we show how dramatically we have improved the developer experience with our Elektron Message API (EMA), part of our Open Source Elektron SDK, for applications consuming realtime data from our Elektron Realtime Platform. Compared to previous generations of APIs – you will see how this new fluent API works in a modern IDE with intelligent code completion, convention over configuration paradigms and lots more – to save you significant time and boost your productivity – whilst delivering a fantastic intuitive developer experience.
For more information on Elektron:
Elektron SDK Overview:
Elektron SDK Java:
Elektron SDK Java: Q&A Forum:
Elektron SDK C/C++:
Elektron SDK C/C++: Q&A Forum:
Download Elektron SDK source code on Gtihub:
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