Eikon Data API - Python Quants Tutorial 6 - Portfolio Theory

Presenter: Dr. Yves Hilpisch of The Python Quants                   

Length: 22 Mins
It is easy to retrieve historical cross asset data using the Eikon Data API. We show how easy it is to generate statistics for single instruments and for portfolios of intruments. For an example, we use Markovitz's seminal 1952 paper, 'Portfolio Selection' to analyse a portfolio of risky assets using Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory (MVP) and then we derive a minimum volatility portfolio using boundaries and constraints.

  • How to retrieve historical data across asset classes via the Eikon Data API
  • How to work with such data using Pandas, Plotly and Cufflinks
  • Generating statistics for single instruments
  • Generating statistics for portfolios
  • Simulating portfolio composition
  • How to compose and analyze portfolios with regard to their expected return and volatility
  • How to construct a Minimum Volatility Portfolio                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Next Tutorial>>>

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