Eikon Data API - Python Quants Tutorial 4 - Data Retrieval

Presenter: Dr. Yves Hilpisch of The Python Quants                 

Length: 16 mins
Here we introduce the Eikon Data API Python wrapper package, its data retrieval and conversion capabilities. We show how to install the Python wrapper, connect to the API and we review the main functions of the package used to interact with the API, including:

  • get_symbology() : convert between muliple symbology types
  • get_data() :  a general purpose data retrieval function for reference & historical data
  • get_timeseries() : retrieve historical inter- and intra-day pricing
  • get_news_headlines() : retrieve news headlines for instruments, topics and more
  • get_news_story() : retrieve full text of news stories                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Next Tutorial>>>

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