Developer Day - New York
Join us for a half day event where you have the opportunity to:
- Find out how to get the most from the Thomson Reuters Developer Community and how to join.
- Discover and experiment with Thomson Reuters APIs for retrieving real time market data.
- Explore how to empower your desktop applications with Eikon API’s data and capabilities
This is a half day organized by developers for developers who want to find out how to leverage Thomson Reuters APIs to address their current and future challenges.
Strategy Update: The New Elektron Data Platform – Iain Scott
Discover how to access all our content and services in a simplified and standardized way with our new cloud based distribution platform and web API
Demonstration: The New Streaming WebSocket API for Elektron – Zoya Farberov
New Elektron Data Platform (EDP) - Integrate the full universe of real-time content into a multitude of client technology environments with ease, using our new Elektron WebSocket API (accessible from AWS)
Demonstration: EMA Ease of Use API - Zoya Farberov
Demonstration: New Eikon Data APIs - Quantitative Analysis with Python - Alex Putkov
Harness the full power of Eikon using our new language & OS agnostic Eikon Data APIs. Explore quantitative analysis use cases with Python
NEW YORK GUEST FEATURE: Performance tuning tools and techniques that matter - J.D. Patel, Intel Corporation
Followed by a Networking Reception
Start Date & Time: 17 Jul 2018 13:00 CDT
End Date & Time: 17 Jul 2018 17:00 CDT