
Eikon provides access to real-time market data, news, fundamental and reference data, research and analytics etc. Most of the data available from Eikon can be retrieved programmatically via Eikon Data API. This API is designed for ease of use and for rapid application development and allows developers to tap into the full breadth of community tools through a modern API with native Python support.
Leveraging on Eikon Data API can facilitate:
- Quantitative and analytical users to test models using Python tools and Eikon data
- Trading users working with an OMS utilizing Eikon market data, analytics and fundamental data directly in to your OMS.
- 3rd-party apps to complete workflow. Being able to access to Eikon data flexibly, it creates a seamless workflow across all applications running on the desktop.
Goal: Kicking off and building on the basics of Eikon Data API. Learn how to code and work with Eikon data on Python.
- Overview of Refinitiv API solutions.
- Set up of Python environment and installation of the Eikon Data API Python wrapper.
- Working with Eikon symbology conversions, data fields, chain RICs.
- First steps with Python and the Eikon Data API.
- Python retrieval of Eikon historical inter- and intra-day pricing data, News and Company fundamentals.
- High intensity training on Eikon Data API used scenarios.