Migrating from Refinitiv Legacy to Strategic APIs

Umer Nalla
Developer Advocate Developer Advocate

Whilst, Refinitiv offers several current APIs and SDKs for working with Real-Time streaming data - many of our users have a considerable deployment of applications developed using our legacy APIs.

Whilst we continue to support these legacy APIs in terms of investigation, analysis, replication, recommend workarounds and bug fixes for any issues, it is not feasible to provide the same level of support for things like newer OSs, compilers and IDEs - as we are able to do for our newer Strategic APIs.

Or there are customers migrating from a legacy real-time delivery to a strategic one - from Elektron Connect to Refintiiv Real-Time Optimized.

This has meant that many of our customers are increasingly looking to migrate their legacy applications away from these legacy APIs and rewrite them using the Strategic APIs.

When we have previously helped developers migrating from a legacy API, there is often a certain level of anxiety. The code was usually written several years ago by someone else and could consist of several hundred or thousands of lines. Identifying and understanding the key Market Data related code snippets and things like key config parameters - may not always be obvious. Whilst we do have documentation for the legacy APIs - the required information is often spread out across several documents.

In these circumstances, we usually find that a quick walkthrough of the key bits of the existing code usually goes a long way in alleviating these concerns. 

We often also help the customer in choosing a Strategic API to migrate to - by discussing their requirements and criteria in terms of performance, language choice and content - to help narrow the list down to the most appropriate candidate(s).

To help guide customers in such a position, we recently delivered a Refinitiv Acadamy session around the topic of Legacy API migration which can be viewed below.

**Note** At the time of this video's publication, RTSDK C# was not available. However, it was subsequently released in Q3 2023. The detail can be found at RTSDK C# API page.