
How to monitor the health of services in your apps using RFA Java

Pimchaya Wongrukun
Developer Advocate Developer Advocate

How to monitor services in your apps using RFA Java

This article is intended for Java software users who develop RFA Java applications and are planning to monitor the health of services on a server. The users should have a basic understanding of:

  • RFA Java configuration
  • RFA Event Dispatch Mechanism
  • RFA Logging
  • RDM Login and event registration

These can be learnt from RFA Java Tutorials 2, 3-6 in Refinitiv Developer Community website. In addition, the general techniques outlined below could be applied to any of Refintiv Real-Time streaming APIs e.g. RFA.NET/C++, ETA C++/Java.


Refinitiv Real-Time Distribution System (will be refered as "infrastructure") facilitates interactions between many different service provider applications and consumer applications. While provider applications implement services and expose a certain set of capabilities or contents e.g. Market Price (level 1 data) or Market by Order (level 2 data) , consumer applications use this content to serve their business requirements. Consumer applications can consume content which provided by the provider applications via infrastructure.

ADH (Advanced Data Hub) is a data distribution server that runs in the infrastructure. It consumes content from provider applications and reliably fans these contents out to ADS(s) over a backbone network

ADS (Advanced Distribution Server) is one component of infrastructure. It interacts with consumer applications directly to deliver content that the consumer applications request.

Source Directory Domain is one of Refinitiv Domain Models (RDMs) provided or consumed by a Refinitiv product, such as Refinitiv Real-Time Distribution System, Data Feed Direct, or Refinitiv Real-Time. It is used to advertise information about available services and their state(Up or Down), quality of service (QoS), and capabilities. Therefore, the application can monitor the services if they are available or not by requesting Source Directory to the server (ADS) providing the services. For example, a Consumer application connects to ADS which provides the services as the figure below:


f the application requests Source Directory to ADS, it can monitor the four services(OMM Non-Interactive Provider, OMM Interactive Provider, Data Feed Direct\Exchange and Refinitiv Real-Time Edge Device\Refinitiv Real-Time) provided by ADS. The application will be notified if there is a change in any service e.g. Refinitiv Real-Time Edge Device goes down later.


RFA Java consumer applications can be implemented to monitor the services by requesting Source Directory to the server(ADS) as a simple diagram below:


A consumer can request information about all services by omitting OMMAttribInfo.ServiceName information. Because the Source Directory domain uses a OMMFilterList, a consumer can indicate the specific source related information in which it is interested via an OMMAttribInfo.Filter. Each bit value represented in the filter corresponds to an information set that can be provided in response messages.


Refinitiv recommends that a consumer application minimally request RDMSERVICE.Filter.INFO and RDMSERVICE.Filter.STATE for the Source Directory:


  • The Info filter contains the ServiceName and ServiceID information for all available services with theirs available data.
  • The State filter contains current state for the service whether the service is up(available) or down (unavailable).

Source Directory Request Message


The message that the consumer application sends to the server contains the components below:

MsgModelType Required.
IndicationFlag Required.
  • OMMMsg.Indication.NONSTREAMING
  • OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH
Only Streaming and NonStreaming request are supported. If you need the ConsumerStatus generic messages to be sent over the Directory stream, you must specify the InteractionType as "Streaming" in the request.
QoS Not used.
Priority Not used.
ExtendedHeader Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Filter Required.
A filter indicates the specific information in which a consumer is interested. Available categories include:
OMMAttribInfo.NameType Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Name Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceName Optional.
  • If present, the directory request is for this specified service.
  • If neither the ServiceID nor the ServiceName is specified, then the request is for the entire directory.
  • If the application intends to request a specific service, then it should set either the ServiceID or ServiceName of the service, but not both.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceID Optional.
  • If present, the directory request is for this specified service.
  • If neither the ServiceID nor the ServiceName is specified, then the request is for the entire directory.
  • If the application intends to request a specific service, then it should set either the ServiceID or ServiceName of the service, but not both.
OMMAttribInfo.Id Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Attrib Not used.
Only getAttrib() exists. Attrib implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.
OMMAttribInfo.Attrib Not used.
Only getPayload() exists. Payload implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.


  • The application will set IndicationFlag to OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH to make a streaming request, so it receives Update messages when any service changes after making source directory request as well.
  • The application will set OMMAttribInfo.Filter to RDMSERVICE.Filter.INFO and RDMSERVICE.Filter.STATE to get Service Info and State. Both are enough to be used to monitor the services.

The example of a Source Directory Request message which OMMAttribInfo.Filters is RDMSERVICE.Filter.INFO and RDMSERVICE.Filter.STATE is shown below:



Msg Type: MsgType.REQUEST

Msg Model Type: DIRECTORY

Indication Flags: REFRESH



    Filter: 3 (INFO | STATE)

Payload: None

Source Directory Refresh Message

The message that the consumer application receives from the server contains the components below:

MsgModelType Required.

MsgType Required.

State Required.
RespTypeNum Required.
  • OMMMsg.RespType.SOLICITED = 0
  • OMMMsg.RespType.UNSOLICITED = 1
IndicationFlag Optional:
  • OMMMsg.Indication.CLEAR_CACHE
  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_CACHE
  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_CONFLATE

Not use.

  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_RIPPLE
QoS Not used.
ExtendedHeader Not used.
SeqNum Optional.

A user-specified, item-level sequence number which can be used by the application for sequencing messages within this stream.
ConflationCount Not used.
ConflationTime Not used.
OMMItemGroup Not used.
PermissionData Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Filter Required.

The filter represents the filter entries being provided in this response. When possible, this should match the filter as set in the consumer’s request.
OMMAttribInfo.NameType Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Name Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceName Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceID Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Id Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Attrib Not used.

Only getAttrib() exists. Attrib implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.
Payload Required.

The payload contains information about available services in the form of a OMMMap where each OMMMapEntry.KeyData is one ServiceName.

Only getPayload() exists. Payload implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.

Service Info and State are in the payload of Refresh Message and we will explain them in the Source Directory Info Filter Entry and Source Directory State Filter Entry section respectively.

An example of a Source Directory Refresh message containing 2 services, API_NEON_NI and ELEKTRON_NEON, with their Service Info and State is shown below:


 Msg Type: MsgType.REFRESH_RESP

       Msg Model Type: DIRECTORY

       Indication Flags: REFRESH_COMPLETE


       State: OPEN, OK, NONE,  ""

       Group: 0000

       RespTypeNum: 0 (RespType.SOLICITED)


           Filter: 3 (INFO | STATE)

       Payload: 561 bytes



               MAP_ENTRY (Action.ADD) : 


               Key: API_NEON_NI




                       FILTER_ENTRY 1 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Name: API_NEON_NI

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Vendor: Reuters

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY IsSource: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Capabilities: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 5

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 6

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 10

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesProvided: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesUsed: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY QoS: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: (RT, TbT)

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportsQoSRange: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceID: 4844

                       FILTER_ENTRY 2 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceState: 1

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY AcceptingRequests: 1

               MAP_ENTRY (Action.ADD) : 


               Key: ELEKTRON_NEON




                       FILTER_ENTRY 1 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Name: ELEKTRON_NEON

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Vendor: Reuters

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY IsSource: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Capabilities: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 5

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 6

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 10

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesProvided: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesUsed: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY QoS: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: (RT, TbT)

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportsQoSRange: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceID: 4544

                       FILTER_ENTRY 2 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceState: 1

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY AcceptingRequests: 1

Source Directory Update Message

The message that the consumer application receives from the server when any service changes contains the components below:

MsgModelType Required.

MsgType Required.


Update will be used for Service and Group status messages.
State Not used
RespTypeNum Not used, is always 0.
IndicationFlag Optional:
  • OMMMsg.Indication.CLEAR_CACHE
  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_CACHE
  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_CONFLATE

Not use.

  • OMMMsg.Indication.DO_NOT_RIPPLE
QoS Not used.
ExtendedHeader Not used.
SeqNum Optional.

A user-specified, item-level sequence number which can be used by the application for sequencing messages within this stream.
ConflationCount Not used.
ConflationTime Not used.
OMMItemGroup Not used.
PermissionData Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Filter Optional.

The filter represents the filter entries being provided in this response. For an Update, this conveys only the ID values associated with filter entries present in the Update payload.
OMMAttribInfo.NameType Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Name Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceName Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.ServiceID Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Id Not used.
OMMAttribInfo.Attrib Not used.

Only getAttrib() exists. Attrib implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.
Payload Required.

The payload is OMMMap contains only the changed information associated with the provided services.

Only getPayload() exists. Payload implicitly get populated by OMMEncoder.

Service Info and State are in the payload of Update Message and we will explain them in the Source Directory Info Filter Entry and Source Directory State Filter Entry section respectively.

The example of a Source Directory Update message containing a service which goes down, ServiceState is 0, is shown below:


 Msg Type: MsgType.UPDATE_RESP

       Msg Model Type: DIRECTORY

       Indication Flags: DO_NOT_CONFLATE


       RespTypeNum: 0    AttribInfo

           Filter: 3 (INFO | STATE)

       Payload: 83 bytes



               MAP_ENTRY (Action.UPDATE) : 


               Key: API_NEON_NI




                       FILTER_ENTRY 2 (Action.SET) : 



                               ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceState: 0

                               ELEMENT_ENTRY AcceptingRequests: 1

                               ELEMENT_ENTRY Status: OPEN, SUSPECT, NONE,  ""

Source Directory Info Filter Entry

The Info filter entry (RDMSERVICE.Filter.INFO, RDMSERVICE.FilterId.INFO) conveys information that identifies a service and the content it can provide. This includes information about provided domain types (e.g. MarketPrice, MarketByOrder), available QoS, and the names of any dictionaries needed to parse the published content.

Source Directory Info Filter Entry contains the components below:

Name ASCII_STRING Yes n/a e.g.IDN_RDF Service name. This will match the concrete service name or the service group name that is in the OMMMap.KeyData.
ServiceID UINT No n/a 0-65535 ServiceID of the service.

Allows OMM Consumer applications to know the ServiceID of a service.
Vendor ASCII_STRING No None e.g.Refinitiv Name of the vendor that provides the data for this service
IsSource UINT No 0 0,1
  • 1: Service is provided directly by original publisher
  • ·
  • 0: Service is a consolidation of multiple sources into a single service.
Capabilities OMMArray of UINT Yes None e.g. [5, 6] List of MessageModelTypes which this service can provide. The UInt MesageModelType is extensible, using values defined in the RDM Usage Guide (1-255). For example, a list containing RDMMsgTypes.DICTIONARY(5) and RDMMsgTypes.MARKET_PRICE(6) indicates consumer can request dictionaries and market price data from this service.
DictionariesProvided OMMArray of ASCII_STRING No None e.g. RWFFld List of Dictionary names which this service can provide. A consumer may obtain these dictionaries by requesting them by name on the RDMMsgTypes.DICTIONARY MessageModelTypes.
DictionariesUsed OMMArray of ASCII_STRING No (Yes if any are used.) None e.g.RWFFld,RWFEnum List of Dictionary names that may be required to process all of the data from this service. Whether or not the dictionary is required depends on the needs of the consumer. For example, if the consumer application is not a display application, it might not need a Enumerated Types Dictionary.
QoS OMMArray of QoS No Real-time,TickByTick e.g. Real-time, TickByTick The available Qualities of Service
  • If the data comes from one source, there will usually be only one QoS.
  • If there are multiple sources, more than one QoS may be available.
  • Note the default.
  • If QoS is not provided, RFA assumes the service provides Realtime, Tick-By-Tick data.
  • If RFA receives a Qos value of Unspecified, RFA interprets it as QoS of Realtime, Tick-By-Tick data.
SupportsQoSRange UINT No 0 0,1 Can a consumer application request a QoS range with a best and worst QoS? While RFA applications can always request a QoS range,this value reflects if the range will be supported on the network or locally by RFA.
  • 0: Not supported (supported locally by RFA)
  • 1: Supported (supported across the network)
ItemList ASCII_STRING No None   Name of SymbolList that includes all the items that publisher currently provides. If it is not present, this feature is not supported. The consumer requests this item via RDMMsgTypes.SYMBOL_LIST MessageModelTypes
SupportsOutOfBandSnapshots UINT No 1 0,1 Indicates whether Snapshot requests can be made even when the OpenLimit has been reached
  • 1: Yes
  • 0: No
AcceptingConsumerStatus UINT No 1 0,1 Indicates whether a service can accept and process messages related to Source Mirroring
  • 1: Yes
  • 0: No

The example of a Source Directory Info Filter Entry of a service is shown below:


FILTER_ENTRY 1 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Name: API_NEON_NI

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Vendor: Reuters

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY IsSource: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY Capabilities: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 5

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 6

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: 10

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesProvided: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY DictionariesUsed: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFFld

                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: RWFEnum

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY QoS: 


                                           ARRAY_ENTRY: (RT, TbT)

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY SupportsQoSRange: 0

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceID: 4844

Source Directory State Filter Entry

The State filter entry (RDMSERVICE.Filter.STATE, RDMSERVICE.FilterId.STATE) conveys information about the current state of a service. This information usually has some bearing on the availability of data from a service. If a service becomes temporarily unavailable or becomes available again, consumers are informed via Update messages to this category.

Source Directory State Filter Entry contains the component below:

ServiceState UINT Yes n/a 0,1
  • 1: Service is Up
  • 0: Service is Down

Indicates whether the original provider of the data is available to respond to new requests.

AcceptingRequests UINT No 1 0,1
  • 1: Yes
  • 0: No

Indicates whether the immediate provider can accept new requests and/or handle reissue requests on already open streams.

Status STATE No Open (1),Ok (1),None (0), “” e.g.,OMMState.Stream.OPEN,


OMMState.Code.NONE ,

Specifies a status change to apply to all items provided by this service. This status only applies to item streams that have received a Refresh or status of OPEN/OK.

The example of a Source Directory State Filter Entry of a service is shown below. The service is up, ServiceState is 1:


  FILTER_ENTRY 2 (Action.SET) : 



                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY ServiceState: 1

                                   ELEMENT_ENTRY AcceptingRequests: 1

Solution Code

We will start with DictionaryDemo application located in RFA Java package. The application demonstrates how to request source directory to get a list of dictionaries available for each service on the server. Then, download the dictionaries. We will modify the application to get the Services Info and their State for monitoring all services on the server and not to downloading dictionaries. Only the file named in [RFA_Java_package]\Examples\com\reuters\rfa\example\omm\dictionary will be modified. The steps to modify the file are list below:

1. Declare a map named _serviceStateMap to keep service names and their state(up or down). Next, initialize the map in the constructor of DirectoryClient class:


 public class DirectoryClient implements Client



           //create a private HashMap to keep a service’s name as a key and its state as a value

           private HashMap<String, Boolean> _serviceStateMap;


           protected DirectoryClient(DictionaryDemo mainApp)



               //initialize the map 

               _serviceStateMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();




2. Modify a source directory request to be streaming not snapshot. Hence, the application can get changes of services in Update messages.


private OMMMsg encodeSrcDirReqMsg(){


           OMMMsg msg = pool.acquireMsg();

           // This application need only a snapshot of directory.



           //remove OMMMsg.Indication.NONSTREAMING to make streaming request

           /* msg.setIndicationFlags(OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH

                               | OMMMsg.Indication.NONSTREAMING);*/




3. Make the application accept Update messages because the application accepts only a Refresh message.


public void processEvent(Event event){



           //add || respMsg.getMsgType() == OMMMsg.MsgType.UPDATE_RESP

           //if (respMsg.getMsgType() == OMMMsg.MsgType.REFRESH_RESP)

           if (respMsg.getMsgType() == OMMMsg.MsgType.REFRESH_RESP || respMsg.getMsgType() == OMMMsg.MsgType.UPDATE_RESP)


               // comment out 3 lines below to remove them because there is no State: OPEN, OK, NONE,  "" in any Update message

               //1 if ((respMsg.getState().getDataState() == OMMState.Data.OK))

               //2 {


                           if (respMsg.isSet(OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH_COMPLETE)) 




               //3 }




4. Update services’ state in _serviceStateMap according to a source directory response. The application updates _serviceMap according to the source directory response. Hence, you just modify the application to update _serviceStateMap instead.


public void processEvent(Event event){


           else if (action == OMMMapEntry.Action.UPDATE)


               //in Update action, check if the service is in _serviceStateMap because the application checks the service in _serviceMap keeping service’s name with its dictionary names

               //If so, decode the entry to get the service’s state

               //if (_serviceMap.containsKey(serviceName))

               if (_serviceStateMap.containsKey(serviceName))     





           else if (action == OMMMapEntry.Action.DELETE)


               //in Delete action, remove the deleted service in_serviceStateMap instead of _serviceMap and print the deleted service on the console  

               // _serviceMap.remove(serviceName);


               System.out.println("## Monitor - "+"Service=" + serviceName + " has been deleted from the server");


           //remove source code to process snapshot request because a streaming request is made.

           /*if (respMsg.isSet(OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH_COMPLETE))


                    // Receive all dictionary names from all source directory

                    // Notify application to download dictionary


                    _dirHandle = null; // Because the request is NON-Streaming


           //add the line below to call reportServiceState() method 

           //the method prints state of each service in _serviceStateMap which has been updated according to the response message 




5. Decode source directory response message to get state(UP or Down) of a service. This application already decodes and gets the service's state. Hence, you just modify the application to put the service name with its state in _serviceStateMap after the application decodes the state.


private void decodeServiceData(String serviceName, OMMMapEntry serviceData){


           if ((int)value.getLongValue() == RDMService.State.UP)


               stateUp = true;

               //put the service name with UP state(true)

               _serviceStateMap.put(serviceName, true);



               //put the service name with DOWN state(false)

               _serviceStateMap.put(serviceName, false);



6. Add a method named reportServiceState() which prints each service in _serviceStateMap with its state.


//the method prints each service in _serviceStateMap with its state.

public void reportServiceState() {     

           Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> iter = _serviceStateMap.entrySet().iterator();

           Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry;

           while (iter.hasNext())


               entry =;

               String serviceName = entry.getKey();

               Boolean state = entry.getValue();

               System.out.println("## Monitor - "+"Service=" + serviceName + " State="+(state?"Up":"Down"));



The complete modified as explained above is available at Github. Please replace in [RFA_Java_package]\Examples\com\reuters\rfa\example\omm\dictionary with this file. You can run the application using the following command line:

            java -cp ..\Libs\rfa.jar;..\Examples com.reuters.rfa.example.omm.dictionary.DictionaryDemo -session myNamespace::consSession -user username
  • -session is an OMM consumer session name in your RFA Java Configuration in the Registry of Windows machine or in the file preference on the Unix machine. For the steps to setup RFA Java Configuration, please refer to RFA Java Tutorials 2.
  • -user is a user who is authorized to access all services on the server.

The example output below shows a server containing the service named API_NEON_NI and ELEKTRON_NEON and both services are available(Up):


If you are planning to develop an application to monitor the health of the services providing by a server(ADS - Advanced Distribution System), you can use this article as a guide line. RFA can be used to request source directory messages to get the services' state representing their health(Up or Down). Implementing an application to monitor the health of services based on RFA Java example application is easy and can be very useful.


For further details, please check out the following resources: