The World-Check One API enables developers to integrate the next generation of LSEG screening capabilities into existing workflows and internal systems (such as CRMs) in order to help streamline the processes for on-boarding, KYC and third party due diligence. The API provides, among other features:
© 2018 LSEG. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of LSEG content, including by framing or similar means, is prohibited without the prior written consent of LSEG. 'LSEG' and the LSEG logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of LSEG and its affiliated companies.
Get Map of 'ISO-3166-1 alpha-3' country codes and country names in English.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Get a profile by its ID.
This service returns a specific subclass of 'Entity', depending on its particular 'ProfileEntityType' discriminator field. Please note in the context of World-Check One, 'Profile' and 'Entity' are synonymous concepts.
For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', this endpoint should be called on the dedicated 'ZFS' gateway host.
The 'Entity' subclasses corresponding to each type of entity are:
profileId required | string Profile identifier. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "actions": [
- {
- "actionId": "string",
- "actionType": "CIVIL_ACTION",
- "comment": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "publicationType": "string",
- "published": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "source": {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
}, - "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "active": false,
- "addresses": [
- {
- "city": "string",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "postCode": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "street": "string"
], - "associates": [
- {
- "reversed": false,
- "targetEntityId": "string",
- "targetExternalImportId": "string",
- "type": "ADVISOR"
], - "category": "string",
- "comments": "string",
- "contacts": [
- {
- "contactDetailType": "EMAIL",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "detail": "string"
], - "countryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "detailType": "BIOGRAPHY",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "entityId": "string",
- "entityType": "CountryEntity",
- "externalImportId": "string",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "identityDocuments": [
- {
- "entity": { },
- "expiryDate": "string",
- "issueDate": "string",
- "issuer": "string",
- "locationType": {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "images": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "imageUseCode": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "width": 0
], - "lastAdjunctChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "names": [
- {
- "fullName": "string",
- "givenName": "string",
- "languageCode": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "lastName": "string",
- "originalScript": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "type": "PRIMARY"
], - "previousCountryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "provider": {
- "identifier": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "master": false
}, - "sourceDescription": "string",
- "sourceUris": [
- "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
], - "subCategory": "string",
- "updateCategory": "UNKNOWN",
- "updatedDates": {
- "ageUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "aliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alternativeSpellingUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "asOfDateUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "categoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "citizenshipsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "companiesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deceasedUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dobsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eiUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "enteredUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "externalSourcesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "firstNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "foreignAliasUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "furtherInformationUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "idNumbersUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "keywordsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "linkedToUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "locationsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lowQualityAliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "passportsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "placeOfBirthUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "positionUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ssnUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subCategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "titleUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatecategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "weblinks": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
Create or update a provider source for uploading entity records to. An example usage would be for a client watchlist.
identifier required | string Unique identifier for this provider source. Has to be alphanumeric. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Provider source details.
abbreviation required | string <= 255 characters Abbreviated form of this source's 'name'. |
identifier required | string <= 255 characters ^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]*$ An alphanumeric value. |
name required | string <= 255 characters Full name of this source. |
providerSourceStatus required | string (ProviderSourceStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "DELETED" "HIDDEN" Provider source status enumeration. |
required | object (ProviderSourceType) Details about the Provider's source type. |
creationDate | string <date-time> Creation date and time. |
importIdentifier | string An import identifier of the source. |
object (Provider) Details about the Provider. | |
regionOfAuthority | string Region of the Provider's authority. |
subscriptionCategory | string (SubscriptionCategory) Default: "STANDARD" Enum: "PREMIUM" "STANDARD" Subscription category type enumeration. |
{- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Maintain your Watchlist data using the following supported entity actions.
'entityCreateOrUpdate' - Add a new entity to your Watchlist or replace it if it already exists.
'entityDelete' - Mark the given entity as deleted in your Watchlist.
'entitySupersede' - Supersede enables you to redirect matches against your superseded entity to a new entity. This is useful if you want to redirect users with existing matches against an old entity to a newer / more accurate version of those entities.
'entityPurge' - Purge enables you to remove an entity as required by GDPR, whereby the personally identifiable information is removed.
Due to the large number of entries within a Watchlist it is not possible to update the entire Watchlist in a single request. The overall request must be split into blocks of up to 500 individual entity actions.
The response consists of a list of any entities which were not successfully processed and a reason for failure.
Note: The client watchlist record may not be considered for re-screening if the 'modificationDate' field has not been specified while modifying the record.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
A collection of maintenance actions to be performed on your Watchlist.
Array of objects (Entity) [ items ] A list of Create or Update actions. | |
Array of objects (EntityDelete) [ items ] A list of Delete actions. | |
Array of objects (EntitySupersede) [ items ] A list of Supersede actions. | |
Array of objects (EntityPurge) [ items ] A list of Purge actions. |
{- "entityCreateOrUpdate": [
- {
- "actions": [
- {
- "actionId": "string",
- "actionType": "CIVIL_ACTION",
- "comment": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "publicationType": "string",
- "published": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "source": {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
}, - "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "active": false,
- "addresses": [
- {
- "city": "string",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "postCode": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "street": "string"
], - "associates": [
- {
- "reversed": false,
- "targetEntityId": "string",
- "targetExternalImportId": "string",
- "type": "ADVISOR"
], - "category": "string",
- "comments": "string",
- "contacts": [
- {
- "contactDetailType": "EMAIL",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "detail": "string"
], - "countryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "detailType": "BIOGRAPHY",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "entityId": "string",
- "entityType": "COUNTRY",
- "externalImportId": "string",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "identityDocuments": [
- {
- "entity": { },
- "expiryDate": "string",
- "issueDate": "string",
- "issuer": "string",
- "locationType": {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "images": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "imageUseCode": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "width": 0
], - "lastAdjunctChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "names": [
- {
- "fullName": "string",
- "givenName": "string",
- "languageCode": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "lastName": "string",
- "originalScript": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "type": "PRIMARY"
], - "previousCountryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "provider": {
- "identifier": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "master": false
}, - "sourceDescription": "string",
- "sourceUris": [
- "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
], - "subCategory": "string",
- "updateCategory": "UNKNOWN",
- "updatedDates": {
- "ageUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "aliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alternativeSpellingUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "asOfDateUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "categoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "citizenshipsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "companiesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deceasedUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dobsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eiUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "enteredUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "externalSourcesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "firstNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "foreignAliasUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "furtherInformationUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "idNumbersUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "keywordsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "linkedToUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "locationsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lowQualityAliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "passportsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "placeOfBirthUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "positionUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ssnUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subCategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "titleUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatecategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "weblinks": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "entityDelete": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID"
], - "entitySupersede": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID",
- "supersedingEntityId": "Superseding Entity ID"
], - "entityPurge": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID",
- "purgedDate": "2023-02-23T21:01:00Z"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Get all the top-level Groups with their immediate descendants.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "id": "Group ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "parentId": "Parent Group ID",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "children": [ ]
Get a specified Group including its immediate descendants.
groupId required | string Group ID under which we wish to retrieve the Group containing its immediate descendants. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "id": "Group ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "parentId": "Parent Group ID",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "children": [ ]
Get the CaseTemplate for the given Group, used for constructing a Case.
Available secondary fields:
Type ID | NAME | VALUE |
groupId required | string The Group ID under which we wish to manage Cases and perform screening. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "groupScreeningType": "CASE_MANAGEMENT_AUDIT",
- "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": true,
- "label": "Field Label"
], - "secondaryFieldsByProvider": {
- "watchlist": {
- "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
- "individual": [
- {
- "typeId": "Gender Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "GENDER"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Date Of Birth Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "DATE",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "DATE_OF_BIRTH"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Place Of Birth Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH"
], - "organisation": [
- {
- "typeId": "Registered Country Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
], - "vessel": [
- {
- "typeId": "IMO Number Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": "[0-9]{7}",
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "IMO_NUMBER"
}, - "passport-check": {
- "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
- "individual": [
- {
- "typeId": "Passport Gender Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": true,
- "label": "PASSPORT_GENDER"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Passport ID Number",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": "^[a-zA-Z0-9<]{0,1000}$",
- "fieldRequired": true,
}, - "nameTransposition": {
- "selected": true,
- "available": true
}, - "mandatoryProviderTypes": [
Perform a synchronous screening for a given Case. This endpoint can perform a synchronous screening for a set of valid Case details. The returned result collection contains the regular Case result details plus identity documents and important events. Synchronous screening on the dedicated 'ZFS' gateway host should be used to perform 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. 'ZFS' is enabled by specifying a 'ZFS' group ID in the body and is available for 'Zero-footprint API' Customers only.
Note: The maximum number of World-Check screenings (including initial, rescreening, and 'ZFP' ones) that a Client can perform in an hour is limited.
Info about available secondary fields can be found here.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets ('8-bit' bytes). |
Screening Request.
name required | string <= 1000 characters Name to screen for this Case. |
providerTypes required | Array of strings (ProviderType) non-empty Items Enum: "WATCHLIST" "PASSPORT_CHECK" "MEDIA_CHECK" "CLIENT_WATCHLIST" Provider Types required to Screen this case. For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', only 'WATCHLIST' and 'CLIENT_WATCHLIST' are supported. |
groupId required | string <= 255 characters Group identifier owning this Case. The group determines whether the Case is screened as 'Zero Footprint Screnning (ZFS)' or not. |
entityType required | string (CaseEntityType) Enum: "INDIVIDUAL" "ORGANISATION" "VESSEL" "UNSPECIFIED" Case entity type enumeration. |
caseId | string <= 512 characters Case ID provided by the Client or else generated by the system for the Client. This field is not applicable for 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Custom Fields. Available custom fields and their definitions can be obtained via
| |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Secondary Fields. Available secondary fields and their definitions can be obtained via
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL"
{- "caseId": "string",
- "results": [
- {
- "resultId": "string",
- "referenceId": "string",
- "matchStrength": "WEAK",
- "matchedTerm": "string",
- "submittedTerm": "string",
- "matchedNameType": "PRIMARY",
- "secondaryFieldResults": [
- {
- "typeId": "string",
- "field": {
- "typeId": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "dateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "fieldResult": "MATCHED",
- "matchedDateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "matchedValue": "string",
- "submittedDateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submittedValue": "string"
], - "sources": [
- "string"
], - "categories": [
- "string"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get information about the version of the Public API, a link to the documentation, and a date and time that can be used to verify the 'Date' header.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "version": "1.6.0",
- "systemDateTime": "2022-07-26T11:46:28.131Z",
- "apiDocumentationLink": ""
Get Map of 'ISO-3166-1 alpha-3' country codes and country names in English.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Get a list of all available providers and their sources.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "identifier": "cnp_7",
- "code": "trwc",
- "name": "World Check",
- "master": true,
- "sources": [
- {
- "abbreviation": "ABC-DEF",
- "creationDate": "2022-07-26T11:46:28.000Z",
- "identifier": "b_trwc_ABC-DEF",
- "importIdentifier": null,
- "name": "John Smith",
- "provider": null,
- "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "UKRAINE",
- "subscriptionCategory": "STANDARD",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Description",
- "identifier": "ec_1",
- "name": "Sanctions",
- "providerSourceTypes": [ ]
}, - "identifier": "t_trwc_12345",
- "name": "Sanctions"
Get a profile by its ID.
This service returns a specific subclass of 'Entity', depending on its particular 'ProfileEntityType' discriminator field. Please note in the context of World-Check One, 'Profile' and 'Entity' are synonymous concepts.
For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', this endpoint should be called on the dedicated 'ZFS' gateway host.
The 'Entity' subclasses corresponding to each type of entity are:
profileId required | string Profile identifier. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "actions": [
- {
- "actionId": "string",
- "actionType": "CIVIL_ACTION",
- "comment": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "publicationType": "string",
- "published": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "source": {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
}, - "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "active": false,
- "addresses": [
- {
- "city": "string",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "postCode": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "street": "string"
], - "associates": [
- {
- "reversed": false,
- "targetEntityId": "string",
- "targetExternalImportId": "string",
- "type": "ADVISOR"
], - "category": "string",
- "comments": "string",
- "contacts": [
- {
- "contactDetailType": "EMAIL",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "detail": "string"
], - "countryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "detailType": "BIOGRAPHY",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "entityId": "string",
- "entityType": "CountryEntity",
- "externalImportId": "string",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "identityDocuments": [
- {
- "entity": { },
- "expiryDate": "string",
- "issueDate": "string",
- "issuer": "string",
- "locationType": {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "images": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "imageUseCode": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "width": 0
], - "lastAdjunctChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "names": [
- {
- "fullName": "string",
- "givenName": "string",
- "languageCode": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "lastName": "string",
- "originalScript": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "type": "PRIMARY"
], - "previousCountryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "provider": {
- "identifier": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "master": false
}, - "sourceDescription": "string",
- "sourceUris": [
- "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
], - "subCategory": "string",
- "updateCategory": "UNKNOWN",
- "updatedDates": {
- "ageUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "aliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alternativeSpellingUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "asOfDateUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "categoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "citizenshipsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "companiesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deceasedUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dobsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eiUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "enteredUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "externalSourcesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "firstNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "foreignAliasUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "furtherInformationUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "idNumbersUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "keywordsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "linkedToUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "locationsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lowQualityAliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "passportsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "placeOfBirthUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "positionUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ssnUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subCategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "titleUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatecategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "weblinks": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
Get all the top-level Groups with their immediate descendants.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "id": "Group ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "parentId": "Parent Group ID",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "children": [ ]
Get a specified Group including its immediate descendants.
groupId required | string Group ID under which we wish to retrieve the Group containing its immediate descendants. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "id": "Group ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "parentId": "Parent Group ID",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "children": [ ]
Get the CaseTemplate for the given Group, used for constructing a Case.
Available secondary fields:
Type ID | NAME | VALUE |
groupId required | string The Group ID under which we wish to manage Cases and perform screening. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "groupScreeningType": "CASE_MANAGEMENT_AUDIT",
- "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": true,
- "label": "Field Label"
], - "secondaryFieldsByProvider": {
- "watchlist": {
- "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
- "individual": [
- {
- "typeId": "Gender Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "GENDER"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Date Of Birth Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "DATE",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "DATE_OF_BIRTH"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Place Of Birth Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH"
], - "organisation": [
- {
- "typeId": "Registered Country Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": false,
], - "vessel": [
- {
- "typeId": "IMO Number Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": "[0-9]{7}",
- "fieldRequired": false,
- "label": "IMO_NUMBER"
}, - "passport-check": {
- "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
- "individual": [
- {
- "typeId": "Passport Gender Type ID",
- "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
- "regExp": null,
- "fieldRequired": true,
- "label": "PASSPORT_GENDER"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Passport ID Number",
- "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
- "regExp": "^[a-zA-Z0-9<]{0,1000}$",
- "fieldRequired": true,
}, - "nameTransposition": {
- "selected": true,
- "available": true
}, - "mandatoryProviderTypes": [
Get the resolution toolkit for the given Group, used to construct a valid resolution request(s) on the results for a Case belonging to the given Group 'groupId'.
groupId required | string ID of the Group to which the resolution toolkit belongs. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "providerType": "WATCHLIST",
- "resolutionFields": {
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": "Status ID 1",
- "label": "FALSE",
- "type": "FALSE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 2",
- "label": "POSSIBLE",
- "type": "POSSIBLE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 3",
- "label": "POSITIVE",
- "type": "POSITIVE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 4",
- "label": "UNSPECIFIED",
- "type": "UNSPECIFIED"
], - "risks": [
- {
- "id": "Risk ID 1",
- "label": "MEDIUM",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 2",
- "label": "LOW",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 3",
- "label": "HIGH",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 4",
- "label": "UNKNOWN",
- "type": null
], - "reasons": [
- {
- "id": "Reason ID 1",
- "label": "unreasonable",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Reason ID 2",
- "label": "reasonable",
- "type": null
}, - "resolutionRules": {
- "STATUS_ID_1": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1",
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": true,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_1": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_2": {
- "reasons": [ ],
- "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": false,
- "risks": [ ]
}, - "STATUS_ID_3": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_3": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_4": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_4": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
Get the resolution toolkit for a specific provider type the given Group, used to construct a valid resolution request(s) on the results for a Case belonging to the given Group 'groupId'.
groupId required | string ID of the Group to which the resolution toolkit belongs. |
providerType required | string Provider type for which the resolution toolkit applies. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "providerType": "WATCHLIST",
- "resolutionFields": {
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": "Status ID 1",
- "label": "FALSE",
- "type": "FALSE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 2",
- "label": "POSSIBLE",
- "type": "POSSIBLE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 3",
- "label": "POSITIVE",
- "type": "POSITIVE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 4",
- "label": "UNSPECIFIED",
- "type": "UNSPECIFIED"
], - "risks": [
- {
- "id": "Risk ID 1",
- "label": "MEDIUM",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 2",
- "label": "LOW",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 3",
- "label": "HIGH",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 4",
- "label": "UNKNOWN",
- "type": null
], - "reasons": [
- {
- "id": "Reason ID 1",
- "label": "unreasonable",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Reason ID 2",
- "label": "reasonable",
- "type": null
}, - "resolutionRules": {
- "STATUS_ID_1": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1",
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": true,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_1": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_2": {
- "reasons": [ ],
- "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": false,
- "risks": [ ]
}, - "STATUS_ID_3": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_3": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_4": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_4": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
Get the ResolutionToolkits for the given Group for all enabled provider types, used to construct a valid resolution request(s) on the results for a Case belonging to the given Group.
groupId required | string ID of the Group to which the resolution toolkits belong. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "property1": {
- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "providerType": "WATCHLIST",
- "resolutionFields": {
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": "Status ID 1",
- "label": "FALSE",
- "type": "FALSE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 2",
- "label": "POSSIBLE",
- "type": "POSSIBLE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 3",
- "label": "POSITIVE",
- "type": "POSITIVE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 4",
- "label": "UNSPECIFIED",
- "type": "UNSPECIFIED"
], - "risks": [
- {
- "id": "Risk ID 1",
- "label": "MEDIUM",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 2",
- "label": "LOW",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 3",
- "label": "HIGH",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 4",
- "label": "UNKNOWN",
- "type": null
], - "reasons": [
- {
- "id": "Reason ID 1",
- "label": "unreasonable",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Reason ID 2",
- "label": "reasonable",
- "type": null
}, - "resolutionRules": {
- "STATUS_ID_1": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1",
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": true,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_1": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_2": {
- "reasons": [ ],
- "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": false,
- "risks": [ ]
}, - "STATUS_ID_3": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_3": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_4": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_4": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
}, - "property2": {
- "groupId": "Group ID",
- "providerType": "WATCHLIST",
- "resolutionFields": {
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": "Status ID 1",
- "label": "FALSE",
- "type": "FALSE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 2",
- "label": "POSSIBLE",
- "type": "POSSIBLE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 3",
- "label": "POSITIVE",
- "type": "POSITIVE"
}, - {
- "id": "Status ID 4",
- "label": "UNSPECIFIED",
- "type": "UNSPECIFIED"
], - "risks": [
- {
- "id": "Risk ID 1",
- "label": "MEDIUM",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 2",
- "label": "LOW",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 3",
- "label": "HIGH",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Risk ID 4",
- "label": "UNKNOWN",
- "type": null
], - "reasons": [
- {
- "id": "Reason ID 1",
- "label": "unreasonable",
- "type": null
}, - {
- "id": "Reason ID 2",
- "label": "reasonable",
- "type": null
}, - "resolutionRules": {
- "STATUS_ID_1": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1",
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": true,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_1": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_2": {
- "reasons": [ ],
- "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": false,
- "risks": [ ]
}, - "STATUS_ID_3": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 2"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_3": null
}, - "STATUS_ID_4": {
- "reasons": [
- "Reason ID 1"
], - "remarkRequired": false,
- "reasonRequired": true,
- "risks": [
- {
- "RISK_ID_4": null
}, - {
- "RISK_ID_2": null
The 'caseIds' must be unique within each Client. If any Group under a Client has a Case with a particular 'caseId', that 'caseId' cannot be reused on another Case within the same Client. This endpoint allows the User to check if a given 'caseId' is available to use when creating or updating a Case.
caseId required | string The ID to check if it is available to use as a 'caseId'. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.head("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Returns the CaseReference containing the 'caseId' and 'caseSystemId' pair for an existing Case with the given 'caseId'.
This is useful if only the 'caseId' is known but 'caseSystemId' is required by other endpoints such as
GET /cases/{caseSystemId}
caseId required | string Case ID provided by the Client or else generated by the system for the Client. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "caseId": "Case ID",
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID"
Creates a new Case for asynchronous screening. Synchronous screening on the dedicated 'ZFS' gateway host
via POST /cases/screeningRequest
should be used instead of this for 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'.
Info about available secondary fields can be found here.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Case to be created.
name required | string <= 1000 characters Name to screen for this Case. |
providerTypes required | Array of strings (ProviderType) non-empty Items Enum: "WATCHLIST" "PASSPORT_CHECK" "MEDIA_CHECK" "CLIENT_WATCHLIST" Provider Types required to Screen this case. For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', only 'WATCHLIST' and 'CLIENT_WATCHLIST' are supported. |
groupId required | string <= 255 characters Group identifier owning this Case. The group determines whether the Case is screened as 'Zero Footprint Screnning (ZFS)' or not. |
entityType required | string (CaseEntityType) Enum: "INDIVIDUAL" "ORGANISATION" "VESSEL" "UNSPECIFIED" Case entity type enumeration. |
caseId | string <= 512 characters Case ID provided by the Client or else generated by the system for the Client. This field is not applicable for 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Custom Fields. Available custom fields and their definitions can be obtained via
| |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Secondary Fields. Available secondary fields and their definitions can be obtained via
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL"
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID",
- "caseScreeningState": "INITIAL",
- "lifecycleState": "ARCHIVED",
- "creator": {
- "userId": "Creator ID",
- "firstName": "Creator first name",
- "lastName": "Creator last name",
- "fullName": "Creator full name",
- "email": "Creator email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "modifier": {
- "userId": "Modifier ID",
- "firstName": "Modifier first name",
- "lastName": "Modifier last name",
- "fullName": "Modifier full name",
- "email": "Modifier email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "assignee": {
- "userId": "Assignee ID",
- "firstName": "Assignee first name",
- "lastName": "Assignee last name",
- "fullName": "Assignee full name",
- "email": "Assignee email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "creationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "modificationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "outstandingActions": false
Perform a synchronous screening for a given Case. This endpoint can perform a synchronous screening for a set of valid Case details. The returned result collection contains the regular Case result details plus identity documents and important events. Synchronous screening on the dedicated 'ZFS' gateway host should be used to perform 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. 'ZFS' is enabled by specifying a 'ZFS' group ID in the body and is available for 'Zero-footprint API' Customers only.
Note: The maximum number of World-Check screenings (including initial, rescreening, and 'ZFP' ones) that a Client can perform in an hour is limited.
Info about available secondary fields can be found here.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets ('8-bit' bytes). |
Screening Request.
name required | string <= 1000 characters Name to screen for this Case. |
providerTypes required | Array of strings (ProviderType) non-empty Items Enum: "WATCHLIST" "PASSPORT_CHECK" "MEDIA_CHECK" "CLIENT_WATCHLIST" Provider Types required to Screen this case. For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', only 'WATCHLIST' and 'CLIENT_WATCHLIST' are supported. |
groupId required | string <= 255 characters Group identifier owning this Case. The group determines whether the Case is screened as 'Zero Footprint Screnning (ZFS)' or not. |
entityType required | string (CaseEntityType) Enum: "INDIVIDUAL" "ORGANISATION" "VESSEL" "UNSPECIFIED" Case entity type enumeration. |
caseId | string <= 512 characters Case ID provided by the Client or else generated by the system for the Client. This field is not applicable for 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Custom Fields. Available custom fields and their definitions can be obtained via
| |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Secondary Fields. Available secondary fields and their definitions can be obtained via
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL"
{- "caseId": "string",
- "results": [
- {
- "resultId": "string",
- "referenceId": "string",
- "matchStrength": "WEAK",
- "matchedTerm": "string",
- "submittedTerm": "string",
- "matchedNameType": "PRIMARY",
- "secondaryFieldResults": [
- {
- "typeId": "string",
- "field": {
- "typeId": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "dateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "fieldResult": "MATCHED",
- "matchedDateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "matchedValue": "string",
- "submittedDateTimeValue": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submittedValue": "string"
], - "sources": [
- "string"
], - "categories": [
- "string"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get ongoing screening updates for all Case objects that are visible to the current User and are flagged for ongoing screening.
Filter and sort the ongoing screening updates in the response by:
updateDate: The date and time of this ongoing screening update in 'ISO 8601' format (excluding Week and Ordinal dates). Required.
e.g. Filter body that specifies the page size to be '50' and queries the first page of ongoing screening updates occurred since '2016-07-26T00:00:00Z' sorted by 'updateDate' in 'DESCENDING' order:
"query": "updateDate>='2016-07-26T00:00:00Z'",
"sort": [
"columnName": "updateDate",
"order": "DESCENDING"
"pagination": {
"currentPage": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 50
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Filter and sort the ongoing screening updates in the response.
query | string A query filter expression, which is written in a superset of the Atom Feed Item Query Language (FIQL). The FIQL is documented in, and the superset supported by the WC1 API documented in RSQL/FIQL parser contains some reserved characters:
If there are reserved characters or white spaces in the query expression, they must be escaped by enclosing
them in single or double quotes. If you need to use both single and double quotes inside an argument, then
you must escape one of them using The query examples:
Argument can be a single value, or multiple values in parenthesis separated by comma. Value that does not contain any reserved character or a white space can be unquoted, other arguments must be enclosed in single or double quotes. Example:
Array of objects (SortCriterion) [ items ] The sort criteria to apply to the query. | |
object (Pagination) Inbound - used to describe paginated partial result sets. |
{- "query": "fieldName>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "COLUMN_NAME",
- "order": "DESCENDING"
], - "pagination": {
- "currentPage": 1,
- "itemsPerPage": 10
{- "query": "updateDate>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "COLUMN_NAME",
- "order": "DESCENDING"
], - "totalResultCount": 45,
- "pagination": {
- "currentPage": 1,
- "itemsPerPage": 25,
- "totalItems": 45
}, - "results": [
- {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 1",
- "updateDate": "2016-07-28T10:05:05.000Z",
- "numberOfNewResults": 1,
- "numberOfUpdatedResults": 0
}, - {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 2",
- "updateDate": "2016-07-27T15:35:10.000Z",
- "numberOfNewResults": 0,
- "numberOfUpdatedResults": 2
Note: This endpoint is under strict rate limits and soon to be deprecated. Please use /cases/search endpoint instead.
Return a collection of Cases that were modified by Users in particular date range. Endpoint allows to initiate search and retrieve the first page of result set. The query supports next field to specify searching criteria:
To retrieve the next set of results please use POST /cases/summaries/cursor
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
The 'query' is a FIQL expression which allows specifying comparison expression on case fields and it also allows specifying boolean operators AND/OR. The 'sort' allows specifying items order in the response. The 'cursorOptions' allows specifying count of items in the first response.
query | string A query filter expression, which is written in a superset of the Atom Feed Item Query Language (FIQL). The FIQL is documented in, and the superset supported by the WC1 API documented in The query supports next field to specify searching criteria:
RSQL/FIQL parser contains some reserved characters:
If there are reserved characters or white spaces in the query expression, they must be escaped by enclosing
them in single or double quotes. If you need to use both single and double quotes inside an argument, then
you must escape one of them using The query examples:
Argument can be a single value, or multiple values in parenthesis separated by comma. Value that does not contain any reserved character or a white space can be unquoted, other arguments must be enclosed in single or double quotes. Example:
Array of objects (SortCriterion) [ items ] Details of sorting on a specific column. | |
object (CursorOptions) Used to indicate items per page. |
{- "query": "modificationDate>=2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "modificationDate",
- "order": "ASCENDING"
}, - {
- "columnName": "Modifier User ID",
- "order": "DESCENDING"
], - "cursorOptions": {
- "itemsPerPage": 10
{- "cursor": {
- "cursorId": "Cursor ID"
}, - "query": "modificationDate>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "modificationDate",
- "order": "ASCENDING"
], - "totalResultCount": 2,
- "results": [
- {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 1",
- "caseId": "Case ID 1",
- "groupId": "Group ID 1",
- "creator": {
- "fullName": "Creator Name"
}, - "modifier": {
- "fullName": "Modifier Name"
}, - "assignee": {
- "fullName": "Assignee Name"
}, - "modificationDate": "2018-09-28T16:55:05.000Z",
- "creationDate": "2018-09-28T16:55:05.000Z"
}, - {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 2",
- "caseId": "Case ID 2",
- "groupId": "Group ID 2",
- "creator": {
- "fullName": "Creator Name"
}, - "modifier": {
- "fullName": "Modifier Name"
}, - "assignee": {
- "fullName": "Assignee Name"
}, - "modificationDate": "2019-08-28T10:05:15.000Z",
- "creationDate": "2019-08-28T10:05:15.000Z"
Note: This endpoint is under strict rate limits and soon to be deprecated. Please use /cases/search endpoint instead.
Continue loading result sets by the Cursor ID retrieved from POST /cases/summaries
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Request to continue cases retrieval.
required | object (Cursor) Identifier which allows retrieving next N Cases. |
{- "cursor": {
- "cursorId": "Cursor ID"
{- "cursor": {
- "cursorId": "Cursor ID"
}, - "query": "modificationDate>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "modificationDate",
- "order": "ASCENDING"
], - "totalResultCount": 2,
- "results": [
- {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 1",
- "caseId": "Case ID 1",
- "groupId": "Group ID 1",
- "creator": {
- "fullName": "Creator Name"
}, - "modifier": {
- "fullName": "Modifier Name"
}, - "assignee": {
- "fullName": "Assignee Name"
}, - "modificationDate": "2018-09-28T16:55:05.000Z",
- "creationDate": "2018-09-28T16:55:05.000Z"
}, - {
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID 2",
- "caseId": "Case ID 2",
- "groupId": "Group ID 2",
- "creator": {
- "fullName": "Creator Name"
}, - "modifier": {
- "fullName": "Modifier Name"
}, - "assignee": {
- "fullName": "Assignee Name"
}, - "modificationDate": "2019-08-28T10:05:15.000Z",
- "creationDate": "2019-08-28T10:05:15.000Z"
Returns the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID",
- "caseScreeningState": "INITIAL",
- "lifecycleState": "ARCHIVED",
- "creator": {
- "userId": "Creator ID",
- "firstName": "Creator first name",
- "lastName": "Creator last name",
- "fullName": "Creator full name",
- "email": "Creator email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "modifier": {
- "userId": "Modifier ID",
- "firstName": "Modifier first name",
- "lastName": "Modifier last name",
- "fullName": "Modifier full name",
- "email": "Modifier email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "assignee": {
- "userId": "Assignee ID",
- "firstName": "Assignee first name",
- "lastName": "Assignee last name",
- "fullName": "Assignee full name",
- "email": "Assignee email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "creationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "modificationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "outstandingActions": false
Updates an existing Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. When the Case is updated, all the non-empty fields for the Case are required to be sent, including the updated field(s). Non-empty fields that are not sent when calling this endpoint will be overwritten as 'null'. For example, if the date of birth for a Case need to be updated, existing fields such as nationality, etc. should contain the original values, otherwise it will be updated as 'null'. That is, all the other fields should be included in the body with their existing data. This applies to Custom Fields as well.
Info about available secondary fields can be found here.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Update Case.
name required | string <= 1000 characters Name to screen for this Case. |
providerTypes required | Array of strings (ProviderType) non-empty Items Enum: "WATCHLIST" "PASSPORT_CHECK" "MEDIA_CHECK" "CLIENT_WATCHLIST" Provider Types required to Screen this case. For 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)', only 'WATCHLIST' and 'CLIENT_WATCHLIST' are supported. |
caseId | string <= 512 characters Case ID provided by the Client or else generated by the system for the Client. This field is not applicable for 'Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS)'. |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Custom Fields. Available custom fields and their definitions can be obtained via
| |
Array of objects (Field) [ items ] Case Secondary Fields. Available secondary fields and their definitions can be obtained via
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
{- "caseId": "Client Case ID",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "providerTypes": [
], - "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 1",
- "value": "Reference ID 1234567"
}, - {
- "typeId": "Custom Field ID 2",
- "value": "Deal ID 1234567"
], - "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "groupId": "Client Group ID",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "caseSystemId": "Case System ID",
- "caseScreeningState": "INITIAL",
- "lifecycleState": "ARCHIVED",
- "creator": {
- "userId": "Creator ID",
- "firstName": "Creator first name",
- "lastName": "Creator last name",
- "fullName": "Creator full name",
- "email": "Creator email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "modifier": {
- "userId": "Modifier ID",
- "firstName": "Modifier first name",
- "lastName": "Modifier last name",
- "fullName": "Modifier full name",
- "email": "Modifier email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "assignee": {
- "userId": "Assignee ID",
- "firstName": "Assignee first name",
- "lastName": "Assignee last name",
- "fullName": "Assignee full name",
- "email": "Assignee email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
}, - "creationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "modificationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "outstandingActions": false
Delete a Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. The Case must be first archived in order to delete it. The user must be active and have delete permissions. The client must have delete functionality enabled.
Note: After successful deletion, a corresponding audit with actionType 'DELETE_CASE' will be saved for the Case. All other audits for this Case will be deleted within 15 minutes.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.delete("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Make a request for screening of the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. The screening request is an
asynchronous operation, and returns immediately. As a result of this call, the screening request will be
queued to be processed. When this request has been processed, there will be a new 'SCREENED_CASE' audit event
that can be queried via POST /cases/{caseSystemId}/auditEvents
and then the results can be retrieved via
GET /cases/{caseSystemId}/results
Note: The maximum number of World-Check screenings (including initial, rescreening, and ZFP ones) that a Client can perform in an hour is limited.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response ="") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Enable Ongoing Screening for the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. This will schedule the Case to be re-screened periodically by the system.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.put("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Disable Ongoing Screening for the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.delete("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Archive the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. This will put the case into a state from which it can be either unarchived or deleted. The user must be active and have the archive permission.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.put("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Unarchive the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'. The user must be active and have the archive permission.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.delete("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Assign the Case to a User. The GET /users
endpoint provides the active users that a Case can be assigned to.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
User to whom the case will be assigned.
userId required | string <= 255 characters Identifier of the assignee user. |
{- "userId": "string"
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Unassigns a Case with identified by the given 'caseSystemId' only if it's assigned to a 'User'.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.delete("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Return a collection of Results for the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "resultId": "Result ID",
- "referenceId": "Reference ID",
- "matchStrength": "MEDIUM",
- "matchedTerm": "TERM",
- "submittedTerm": "TERM",
- "matchedNameType": "PRIMARY",
- "secondaryFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "SFCT_1",
- "value": "MALE"
}, - {
- "typeId": "SFCT_2",
- "dateTimeValue": "1990-11-20"
], - "sources": [
], - "categories": [
], - "creationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "modificationDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "resolution": {
- "statusId": "Status ID",
- "riskId": "Risk ID",
- "reasonId": "Reason ID",
- "resolutionRemark": "REMARK",
- "resolutionDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z"
}, - "resultReview": {
- "reviewDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z",
- "reviewRemark": "REMARK",
- "reviewRequired": true,
- "reviewRequiredDate": "2016-02-18T14:00:00Z"
Add a review remark to the specified result IDs for the given Case.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Object representing the IDs to be reviewed, and the review remark.
resultIds required | Array of strings unique Result IDs of the case we are wishing to review. |
remark required | string The review remark we wish to assign to the supplied result IDs. |
{- "resultIds": [
- "string"
], - "remark": "string"
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Resolves a list of results for the Case identified by the given 'caseSystemId'.
The endpoint for the resolution toolkit GET /groups/{groupId}/resolutionToolkit
provides the resolution rules
to be applied when resolving results of any Case within a specific Group.
Any 'resultIds' which relate to records that have been removed from World-Check One can only be resolved as 'FALSE'.
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Represents the request details required for resolving Results.
Note: Fields 'reasonId' and 'resolutionRemark' are required if they are specified accordingly in the configuration settings.
statusId required | string <= 255 characters Unique status ID defined in Group's resolution toolkit and used when resolving this Result. Get the available
status IDs and their details via |
riskId required | string <= 255 characters Unique risk ID defined in Group's resolution toolkit and used when resolving this Result. Get the available
risk IDs and their details via |
resultIds required | Array of strings unique [ items <= 255 characters ] Identifiers of a set of results linked to one Case. |
reasonId | string <= 255 characters Unique reason ID defined in Group's resolution toolkit and used when resolving this Result. Get the available
reason IDs and their details via |
resolutionRemark | string <= 1000 characters Resolution remark added when resolving this Result. |
{- "statusId": "string",
- "riskId": "string",
- "reasonId": "string",
- "resolutionRemark": "string",
- "resultIds": [
- "string"
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Return all audit events related to cases visible to the current user. To get all audit events initial request with no payload should be provided. However, please note that when audit is requested without any date range for eventDate in the query, it returns audit data for the last 168 hours by default. Also, caller may filter and sort the response by:
eventDate: The time when the Audit Event was created ('ISO 8601' format excluding Week and Ordinal dates).
e.g. eventDate>=2010-07-28T22:25:51Z;eventDate<2015-07-28T22:25:51Z
actionType: Signifies the event links to a Case object. Please refer to 'ActionType' object for detailed description.
e.g. actionType=='ASSIGN_CASE'
actionType=in=('ASSIGN_CASE', 'NEW_MATCH')
actionedByUserId: Identifier of the User who created this audit event. Please refer to 'AuditEvent/properties/actionedByUserId' for detailed description.
e.g. actionedByUserId==663b4481-5b45-40a4-8b76-54ef805beea5
The above criteria can also be combined
e.g. eventDate>=20120915T155300;eventDate<=2015-07-28T22:25:51Z;actionType=='NEW_MATCH'
Please note that the above examples are only for the 'query' part of the Filter
caseSystemId required | string System generated ID for the Case. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Filter the AuditEvents in the response.
query | string A query filter expression, which is written in a superset of the Atom Feed Item Query Language (FIQL). The FIQL is documented in, and the superset supported by the WC1 API documented in RSQL/FIQL parser contains some reserved characters:
If there are reserved characters or white spaces in the query expression, they must be escaped by enclosing
them in single or double quotes. If you need to use both single and double quotes inside an argument, then
you must escape one of them using The query examples:
Argument can be a single value, or multiple values in parenthesis separated by comma. Value that does not contain any reserved character or a white space can be unquoted, other arguments must be enclosed in single or double quotes. Example:
Array of objects (SortCriterion) [ items ] The sort criteria to apply to the query. | |
object (Pagination) Inbound - used to describe paginated partial result sets. |
{- "query": "fieldName>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "COLUMN_NAME",
- "order": "DESCENDING"
], - "pagination": {
- "currentPage": 1,
- "itemsPerPage": 10
{- "query": "eventDate>='2016-07-27T00:00:00Z'",
- "sort": [
- {
- "columnName": "eventDate",
- "order": "DESCENDING"
], - "totalResultCount": 1,
- "pagination": {
- "currentPage": 1,
- "itemsPerPage": 1,
- "totalItems": 2
}, - "results": [
- {
- "id": "Audit ID",
- "objectId": "Object ID",
- "eventDate": "Event date",
- "actionedByUserId": "Actioned by User ID",
- "actionedByUserName": "Actioned by User Name",
- "note": "Note",
- "entityType": "CASE",
- "sourceType": "API",
- "auditEventToDate": null,
- "details": [
- {
- "detailsType": "ChangedCaseMediaCheckSmartFilterPreferenceAuditDetails",
- "casePreferenceType": "MEDIA_CHECK_SMART_FILTER",
- "status": false,
- "dateTimeModification": "2022-05-15T15:03:24.984Z"
Create or update a provider source for uploading entity records to. An example usage would be for a client watchlist.
identifier required | string Unique identifier for this provider source. Has to be alphanumeric. |
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
Provider source details.
abbreviation required | string <= 255 characters Abbreviated form of this source's 'name'. |
identifier required | string <= 255 characters ^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]*$ An alphanumeric value. |
name required | string <= 255 characters Full name of this source. |
providerSourceStatus required | string (ProviderSourceStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "DELETED" "HIDDEN" Provider source status enumeration. |
required | object (ProviderSourceType) Details about the Provider's source type. |
creationDate | string <date-time> Creation date and time. |
importIdentifier | string An import identifier of the source. |
object (Provider) Details about the Provider. | |
regionOfAuthority | string Region of the Provider's authority. |
subscriptionCategory | string (SubscriptionCategory) Default: "STANDARD" Enum: "PREMIUM" "STANDARD" Subscription category type enumeration. |
{- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
[- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Maintain your Watchlist data using the following supported entity actions.
'entityCreateOrUpdate' - Add a new entity to your Watchlist or replace it if it already exists.
'entityDelete' - Mark the given entity as deleted in your Watchlist.
'entitySupersede' - Supersede enables you to redirect matches against your superseded entity to a new entity. This is useful if you want to redirect users with existing matches against an old entity to a newer / more accurate version of those entities.
'entityPurge' - Purge enables you to remove an entity as required by GDPR, whereby the personally identifiable information is removed.
Due to the large number of entries within a Watchlist it is not possible to update the entire Watchlist in a single request. The overall request must be split into blocks of up to 500 individual entity actions.
The response consists of a list of any entities which were not successfully processed and a reason for failure.
Note: The client watchlist record may not be considered for re-screening if the 'modificationDate' field has not been specified while modifying the record.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
Content-Type required | string The media type of the request (e.g., 'application/json'). |
Content-Length required | integer The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
A collection of maintenance actions to be performed on your Watchlist.
Array of objects (Entity) [ items ] A list of Create or Update actions. | |
Array of objects (EntityDelete) [ items ] A list of Delete actions. | |
Array of objects (EntitySupersede) [ items ] A list of Supersede actions. | |
Array of objects (EntityPurge) [ items ] A list of Purge actions. |
{- "entityCreateOrUpdate": [
- {
- "actions": [
- {
- "actionId": "string",
- "actionType": "CIVIL_ACTION",
- "comment": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "publicationType": "string",
- "published": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "source": {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
}, - "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "active": false,
- "addresses": [
- {
- "city": "string",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "postCode": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "street": "string"
], - "associates": [
- {
- "reversed": false,
- "targetEntityId": "string",
- "targetExternalImportId": "string",
- "type": "ADVISOR"
], - "category": "string",
- "comments": "string",
- "contacts": [
- {
- "contactDetailType": "EMAIL",
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "detail": "string"
], - "countryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "detailType": "BIOGRAPHY",
- "text": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "entityId": "string",
- "entityType": "COUNTRY",
- "externalImportId": "string",
- "files": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "identityDocuments": [
- {
- "entity": { },
- "expiryDate": "string",
- "issueDate": "string",
- "issuer": "string",
- "locationType": {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "images": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "imageUseCode": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "width": 0
], - "lastAdjunctChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "names": [
- {
- "fullName": "string",
- "givenName": "string",
- "languageCode": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "lastName": "string",
- "originalScript": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "type": "PRIMARY"
], - "previousCountryLinks": [
- {
- "country": {
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "countryText": "string",
- "type": "LOCATION"
], - "provider": {
- "identifier": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "master": false
}, - "sourceDescription": "string",
- "sourceUris": [
- "string"
], - "sources": [
- {
- "abbreviation": "ABC",
- "creationDate": "2023-01-25T14:00:00Z",
- "identifier": "Provider Source ID",
- "importIdentifier": "Provider Source Import ID",
- "name": "Provider Source",
- "provider": {
- "identifier": "Provider ID",
- "code": "cnwl",
- "name": "Provider Name",
- "master": true
}, - "providerSourceStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "regionOfAuthority": "Region",
- "subscriptionCategory": "PREMIUM",
- "type": {
- "category": {
- "description": "Category Description",
- "identifier": "Category ID",
- "name": "Category Name"
}, - "identifier": "Type ID",
- "name": "Type Name"
], - "subCategory": "string",
- "updateCategory": "UNKNOWN",
- "updatedDates": {
- "ageUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "aliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alternativeSpellingUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "asOfDateUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "categoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "citizenshipsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "companiesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deceasedUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dobsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eiUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "enteredUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "externalSourcesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "firstNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "foreignAliasUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "furtherInformationUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "idNumbersUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "keywordsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastNameUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "linkedToUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "locationsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lowQualityAliasesUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "passportsUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "placeOfBirthUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "positionUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ssnUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subCategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "titleUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatecategoryUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "weblinks": [
- {
- "caption": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "entityDelete": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID"
], - "entitySupersede": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID",
- "supersedingEntityId": "Superseding Entity ID"
], - "entityPurge": [
- {
- "entityId": "Entity ID",
- "purgedDate": "2023-02-23T21:01:00Z"
{- "errors": [
- {
- "error": "ERROR_CODE",
- "cause": "Cause of failure",
- "objectId": "Object ID"
Get a list of active users in the client's account.
Authorization required | string The authorization credentials including 'keyId', 'algorithm', 'headers', 'signature' (see 'Security and Authentication details' documentation section for more details). |
Date required | string The date and time at which the message was originated in 'RFC 1123' format. |
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("") .header("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .header("Date", "SOME_STRING_VALUE") .asString();
[- {
- "userId": "User ID",
- "firstName": "User first name",
- "lastName": "User last name",
- "fullName": "User full name",
- "email": "User email",
- "status": "ACTIVE"