The Bond category regroups the following instruments: Fixed Rate Bonds, Municipal Bonds, and Floating Rate Notes (FRN).
Please refer to the Financial Contracts overview for details on how to structure the pricing request. In what follows we will explain how to build the instruments definition section, how to define your own pricing parameters and what fields can be calculated for Bond contracts.
A list of deprecated fields is provided here.
The table below contains the properties that are available to define the object property instrumentDefinition for Bond instruments. For more details which of the properties that can be used for a bond defined with the 'instrumentCode' or/and for a user-defined bond, please refer here.
For 'Date-time' parameters, ‘time’ is ignored. An information may be requested in a ‘Date’ format ('YYYY-MM-DD').
Input Name | Type | Description | Importance | Default value |
accruedCalculationMethod | String (enumeration) | The day count basis method used to calculate the accrued interest payments. The possible values are listed here. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, interestCalculationMethod is used. |
adjustInterestToPaymentDate | String (enumeration) | An indication if the coupon dates are adjusted to the payment dates. The possible values are:
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'Unadjusted'. |
amortizationSchedule | Array of objects | The amortization schedule of the instrument. The information that it contains is presented here. | Optional | No default value applies. |
endDate | Date-time | The maturity or expiry date of the instrument. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). Mandatory if no instrumentCode is defined and IsPerpetual is set to 'False'. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
firstAccrualDate | Date-time | The date from which the interest starts accruing. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is the issue date. |
firstRegularPaymentDate | Date-time | The first regular interest payment date used for the odd first interest period. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is computed from stubRule and interestPaymentFrequency. |
fixedRatePercent | Double | The interest rate of the instrument. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is '0'. |
fixedRatePercentSchedule | Dictionary | The step structure: a list of pre-determined future interest rates indexed by their dates. | Optional | No default value applies. |
indexCompoundingMethod | String (enumeration) | The method how the interest rate is calculated from the reset floating rates when the reset frequency is higher than the interest payment frequency (e.g., daily index reset with quarterly interest payments). The possible values are:
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'Constant'. |
indexFixingLag | Integer | The number of working days between the fixing date of the index and the start of the interest accrual period ('InAdvance') or the end of the interest accrual period ('InArrears'). | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is '0'. |
indexFixingRic | String | The RIC that carries the fixing value if the instrument has a floating interest rate. Mandatory for floating rate instruments if no instrumentCode is defined. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
indexResetFrequency | String (enumeration) | The reset frequency for the floating instrument. The possible values are listed here. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is derived from the index tenor. |
instrumentCode | String | The code used to define the instrument. The possible values for each asset type are listed here. Mandatory if no user-defined instrument data is provided. | Optional | No default value applies. |
instrumentTag | String | A user-defined string to identify the instrument. It can be used to link output results to the instrument definition. Limited to 40 characters. Only alphabetic, numeric and '- _.#=@' characters are supported. | Optional | No default value applies. |
interestCalculationMethod | String (enumeration) | The day count basis method used to calculate the interest payments. The possible values are listed here. Mandatory if no instrumentCode is defined. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
interestPaymentDelay | Integer | The number of working days between the end of the interest accrual period and the interest payment date. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is '0'. |
interestPaymentFrequency | String (enumeration) | The interest payment frequency. The possible values are listed here. Mandatory if no instrumentCode is defined. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
interestType | String (enumeration) | An indicator whether the instrument pays a fixed or floating interest. The possible values are:
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is 'Fixed'. |
isPerpetual | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is perpetual or not.
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'False'. |
issueDate | Date-time | The date when the issue was registered. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). Mandatory if no instrumentCode is defined. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
lastRegularPaymentDate | Date-time | The last regular interest payment date used for the odd last interest period. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is computed from stubRule and interestPaymentFrequency. |
notionalAmount | Double | The notional amount of the instrument. | Optional | Default value is 1,000,000. It can also be computed as [MarketValueInDealCcy / DirtyPricePercent x 100]. |
notionalCcy | String | The currency of the instrument's notional amount. The value is expressed in ISO 4217 alphabetical format (e.g., 'USD'). Mandatory if no instrumentCode is defined. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. |
paymentBusinessDayConvention | String (enumeration) | The method to adjust dates to working days. The possible values are here. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'ModifiedFollowing'. |
paymentBusinessDays | String | A list of comma-separated calendar codes to adjust dates (e.g., 'EMU' or 'USA'). The possible values are here. | Optional | By default, the calendar associated to NotionalCcy is used. |
paymentRollConvention | String (enumeration) | The method to adjust payment dates when they fall at the end of the month (e.g., 28th of February, 30th, 31st). The possible values are here. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'Same'. |
spreadBp | Double | The interest spread in basis points that is added to the floating rate index value. | Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is '0'. |
stubRule | String (enumeration) | The rule that defines whether regular payment roll dates are aligned to the maturity or issue date. The possible values are:
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. In case of a user-defined instrument, the default value is 'Maturity'. |
template | String | A reference to a style used to define the instrument. The possible values are listed here. Either instrumentCode, template, or full definition must be provided. | Optional | By default, template is filled from the instrument structure. |
This object property contains the properties that may be used to control the calculation. By default, override does not apply. For 'Date-time' parameters, ‘time’ is ignored. An information may be requested in a ‘Date’ format ('YYYY-MM-DD ').
Please note that the following pricing parameters can't be overridden at a time: assetSwapSpreadBp, benchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp, benchmarkAtRedemptionSpreadBp, cashAmount, cleanPrice, dirtyPrice, discountMarginBp, discountPercent, edsfSpreadBp, efpSpreadBp, govCountrySpreadBp, governmentSpreadBp, issuerSpreadBp, netPrice, neutralYieldPercent, nextCouponRatePercent, optionAdjustedSpreadBp, price, quotedPrice, ratingSpreadBp, sectorRatingSpreadBp, simpleMarginBp, stripYieldPercent, swapSpreadBp, yieldPercent, zSpreadBp.
Input Name | Type | Description | Importance | Default Value |
settlementConvention | String | The settlement tenor of the instrument (e.g., '1WD'), used to compute SettlementDate. Only 'D' (days) and 'WD' (working days) are supported. If another period code is used, settlementConvention is set to '0WD'. Only two parameters out of settlementConvention, marketDataDate and valuationDate can be overridden at a time. |
Optional | If instrumentCode is defined, the value comes from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is '0WD'. |
reportCcy | String | The currency code set for the fields ending with 'xxxInReportCcy'. The value is expressed in ISO 4217 alphabetical format (e.g., 'USD'). | Optional | The default value is notional currency. |
taxOnCouponPercent | Double | The tax rate on income. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | The default value is '0'. |
taxOnCapitalGainPercent | Double | The tax rate on capital gain. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | The default value is '0'. |
taxOnYieldPercent | Double | The tax rate applied to the yield of the bond for pricing. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | The default value is '0'. |
taxOnPricePercent | Double | The reference price used for capital taxation. The tax on capital gain is levied on the excess of the par value over TaxOnPricePercent. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | The default value is '0'. |
applyTaxToFullPricing | Boolean | The indicator weather to apply tax rates for computations of pricing analysis, risk measure and spread measure fields. | Optiona | Default value is 'False' |
concessionFee | Double | The fee used to compute the net price of the bond. The value is expressed in the same units as the bond price (percentage or cash). | Optional | The default value is '0'. |
roundingParameters | Object | The definition of rounding parameters to be applied on accrued, price or yield. | Optional | By default, rounding parameters are the ones default in the instrument structure. |
valuationDate | Date-time | The date at which the instrument is valued. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | By default, valuationDate is computed as [marketDataDate + settlementConvention]. |
tradeDate | Date-time | The date when the instrument is traded. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | By default, tradeDate is marketDataDate, use tradeDate to define a default valuationDate for future dates. |
marketDataDate | Date-time | The date at which the market data is retrieved. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | The default value is today. |
redemptionDateType | String (enumeration) | The type defining the redemption date of the instrument. The possible values are listed here. |
Optional | Default values are: - 'RedemptionAtWorstDate' for callable bond, - 'RedemptionAtBestDate' for puttable bond, and - 'RedemptionAtMaturityDate' in other cases. |
redemptionDate | Date-time | The date that defines the expiry date for cash flow computation. The notional of the instrument is also paid at this date. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Optional | By default, redemptionDate is computed from redemptionDateType. |
price | Double | The instrument's price quoted according to the market conventions defined by CashOrPercentConvention and CleanOrDirtyConvention. | Optional | No default value applies. |
cleanPrice | Double | The instrument's price excluding accrued interest. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. | Optional | No default value applies. |
dirtyPrice | Double | The instrument's price, which includes accrued interest. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. | Optional | No default value applies. |
netPrice | Double | The instrument's price before deducting fees. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention and CleanOrDirtyConvention. | Optional | No default value applies. |
discountMarginBp | Double | The margin that is earned in addition to the floating index rate value of the instrument. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
simpleMarginBp | Double | The average cash return per year of the instrument compared with its index rate. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
discountPercent | Double | A difference between the instrument's price paid for and its par value. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | No default value applies. |
benchmarkYieldSelectionMode | String (enumeration) | The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is 'Interpolate'. |
projectedIndexCalculationMethod | String (enumeration) | The method used to define how the projected floating index rate value is computed for a floating rate instrument. The possible values are:
Optional | Default values are: - 'ForwardIndex' for Preferreds and Brazilian Debenture bonds, - 'ConstantIndex' in other cases. |
isCouponPaymentAdjustedforLeapYear | Boolean | An indicator whether a fixed coupon market convention with 365.25 days in a year to is used to calculate yield and margin. It can be requested if projectedIndexCalculationMethod = "ConstantCouponPayment". The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is 'True'. |
computeCashFlowFromIssueDate | Boolean | The indicator defines the date, from which the cash flows will be computed. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is 'False'. |
computeAllAnalyticsWithReportCcy | Boolean | An indicator used to express the instrument analytics in the reporting currency. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is 'False'. |
yieldType | String (enumeration) | The yield type specified in the yield calculation convention and used for the instrument rate model. The possible values are listed here. |
Optional | The default value is 'Native' (no specific yield type is defined). |
yieldPercent | Double | The yield of the instrument expressed in percentages. | Optional | No default value applies. |
neutralYieldPercent | Double | The neutral yield of the instrument, at which its price moving neither up nor down over time. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
currentYieldPercent | Double | The current yield of the instrument. The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | No default value applies. |
stripYieldPercent | Double | The strip yield measures the return on only the debt portion of the instrument (removing the impact of any embedded options, or conversion rights, or accrued interest). The value is expressed in percentages. | Optional | No default value applies. |
inflationMode | String (enumeration) | The indicator used to define whether instrument parameters should be adjusted from inflation or not. The possible values are:
Available only for inflation-linked instruments. |
Optional | By default, 'Default' is used. That means it depends on the instrument quotation convention. |
adjustedCleanPrice | Double | The clean price of the instrument adjusted by InflationIndexRatio. It is computed with [inflationMode = 'Adjusted']. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
adjustedDirtyPrice | Double | The dirty price of the instrument adjusted by InflationIndexRatio. It is computed with [inflationMode = 'Adjusted']. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
adjustedYieldPercent | Double | The instrument yield computed with [inflationMode = 'Adjusted']. The value is expressed in percentages. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Optional | No default value applies. |
cashAmount | Double | The cash amount of the instrument. | Optional | No default value applies. |
marketValueInDealCcy | Double | The market value of the instrument. The value is expressed in the deal currency. | Optional | By default, the value is computed from the notional amount. (NotionalAmount, MarketValueInDealCcy and MarketValueInReportCcy cannot be defined at the same time). |
marketValueInReportCcy | Double | The market value ot the instrument. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. | Optional | By default, the value is computed from the notional amount (FxSpot, NotionalAmount, MarketValueInDealCcy and MarketValueInReportCcy cannot be defined at the same time). |
priceSide | String (enumeration) | The price side of the instrument which comes from the instrument's quote or from the curve (derived from quotes) used to value the instrument. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is 'Mid'. |
quotedPrice | Double | The instrument's price quoted according to the market convention defined by QuotationMode. | Optional | No default value applies. |
nextCouponRatePercent | Double | The annual rate of the next coupon. The coupon may be paid in kind (PIK) or in cash. The value is expressed in percentages. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Optional | By default, the value is computed from the current index. |
projectedIndexPercent | Double | The projected index rate value used for calculation of future cash flows of the floating rate instrument. Usually the projected index is the last known value of the index. The value is expressed in percentages. This parameter can be used If the parameter projectedIndexCalculationMethod is set to ConstantIndex. | Optional | By default, the projected index rate value is computed from the market data according to the instrument convention. |
zSpreadBp | Double | The zero volatility spread (Z-spread) computed as the constant spread that makes the price of the instrument equal to the present value of its cash flows when added to the yield at each point on the zero curve where cash flow is received. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
assetSwapSpreadBp | Double | The spread over or under the reference rate (e.g., 'LIBOR') for a bond whose cash flows have been converted from fixed to floating via an interest rate swap. The value is expressed in basis points. Available for fixed-rate and floating-rate notes. | Optional | No default value applies. |
swapSpreadTenor | String | The code indicating the interest rate curve tenor used for SwapSpreadBp computations. The possible value is 'OIS'. Available for fixed-rate and floating-rate notes. | Optional | If not provided, the discount curve basis is used as default value. |
optionAdjustedSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the benchmark yield curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced, taking into account the embedded options. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
swapSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the swap benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
swapBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the swap benchmark curve, which can be used to compute SwapSpreadBp. | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
governmentSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the government benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The government benchmark curve is computed from the currency of the instrument. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
governmentBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the government benchmark curve used to compute GovernmentSpreadBp. The government benchmark curve is computed from the currency of the instrument. For example, curve for Italian bond is a European benchmark. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
govCountrySpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the government country benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The government country benchmark curve is computed from the country of the instrument. It is available only for European countries and USA (USA govCountry benchmark is US Treasuries). The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
govCountryBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the government country benchmark curve, used to compute GovCountrySpreadBp. The government country benchmark curve is computed from the country of the instrument. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). It is available only for European countries and USA (USA govCountry benchmark is US Treasuries). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
ratingSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the rating benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
ratingBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the rating benchmark curve used to compute RatingSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
sectorRatingSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the sector rating benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
sectorRatingBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the sector rating benchmark curve used to compute SectorRatingSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
edsfSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the Euro-Dollar future benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. This spread is computed for the USD bond whose maturity is under 2 years. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
edsfBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the Euro-Dollar future benchmark curve, used to compute EdsfSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
issuerSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the issuer benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
issuerBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the issuer benchmark curve, used to compute IssuerSpreadBp. | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
benchmarkAtRedemptionSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the benchmark at redemption and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
benchmarkAtRedemptionYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the benchmark at redemption date of the instrument to be priced, used to compute BenchmarkAtRedemptionSpreadBp. | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
benchmarkAtRedemptionPrice | Double | The price of the benchmark at redemption date of the instrument to be priced, equivalent to benchmarkAtRedemptionYieldPercent. | Optional | By default, the price is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
benchmarkAtIssueRic | String | The RIC of the benchmark at issue date of the instrument to be priced. | Optional | No default value applies. |
benchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the benchmark at issue and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
benchmarkAtIssueYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the benchmark at issue, used to compute BenchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp. The yield is computed using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
benchmarkAtIssuePrice | Double | The price of the benchmark at issue, equivalent to benchmarkAtIssueYieldPercent. | Optional | By default, the price is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
efpBenchmarkRic | String | The RIC of the EFP benchmark, if the instrument to be priced is an Australian fixed rate bond. The RIC can only be 'YTTc1', 'YTCc1', 'YTTc2' or 'YTCc2'. | Optional | The default value is 'YTTc1'. |
efpSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield of the Exchange of futures for physical (EFP) benchmark and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced in case of an Australian fixed rate bond. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
efpBenchmarkYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the EFP benchmark in case of an Australian fixed rate bond. | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
efpBenchmarkPrice | Double | The price of the EFP benchmark in case of an Australian fixed rate bond. | Optional | By default, the price is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
oisZcBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Double | The yield percent of the overnight indexed swap (OIS) zero curve used to compute OisZcSpreadBp. The OIS zero curve is computed from the pricing currency. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Optional | By default, the yield is computed or retrieved from the market data. |
oisZcSpreadBp | Double | The spread applied to the yield the overnight indexed swap (OIS) zero curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The OIS zero curve is computed from the pricing currency. The value is expressed in basis points. | Optional | No default value applies. |
Input Name | Type | Description | Importance | Default Value |
accruedRounding | String (enumeration) | The number of digits to apply for accrued rounding fields, expressed in percentages. Rounding of fields, expressed in currencies, depends on notional amount. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. |
accruedRoundingType | String (enumeration) | The type of rounding for accrued rounding. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is 'Near'. |
priceRounding | String (enumeration) | The number of digits to apply for price rounding. Rounding of market value fields depends on NotionalAmount. The possible values are:
Only the computed fields can be rounded. A field cannot be rounded if its value is overridden or retrieved from market data.
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. |
priceRoundingType | String (enumeration) | The type of rounding for price rounding. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is 'Near'. |
yieldRounding | String (enumeration) | The number of digits to apply for yield and spread rounding. When the spread is the difference between two yields, there are two digits less. When the spread is computed from a curve, then rounding defined by user is applied. The possible values are:
Only computed fields can be rounded. A field cannot be rounded if its value is overridden or retrieved from market data.
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. |
yieldRoundingType | String (enumeration) | The type of rounding for yield rounding. The possible values are:
Optional | The default value is derived from the instrument reference data. Otherwise, the default value is 'Near'. |
The table below lists the available fields you can include in the API response.
The list of deprecated fields is provided here. For the rule of the calculation of fields expressed in the reporting currency, please refer here.
Field Name | Type | Description | Category | Returned by default |
BondType | String | The type of the bond. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
InstrumentTag | String | A user-defined string to identify the instrument. It can be used to link output results to the instrument definition. Limited to 40 characters. Only alphabetic, numeric and '- _.#=@' characters are supported. | Description | Yes |
InstrumentCode | String | The code used to define the instrument. The possible values for each asset type are listed here. | Description | Yes |
InstrumentDescription | String | The label that describes the instrument. | Description | Yes |
RIC | String | The Reuters Instrument Code (RIC) of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
Isin | String | The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
AssetIdCode | String | The Refinitiv AssetID code of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
AssetSubType | String | The code representing the subclassification of the instrument. | Description | No |
AssetStatus | String | A status of the asset (e.g., Issued, Called, Not Active, Preliminary, etc.). | Description | Yes |
DebtType | String | The code representing the class of debt, including the type of collateral backing the debt. | Description | No |
Ticker | String | The Equity ticker for the issuer of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
Cusip | String | The Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) code of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
Sedol | String | The Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) code of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
WertCode | String | The Wertpapierkennnummer (WERT) code of the instrument. | Description | Yes |
IssuerCountry | String | The country of the instrument's issuer. The value is expressed as ISO 3166 2-character code (e.g., 'CA' for Canada). | Description | Yes |
IssuerOrgID | String | A unique Lseg system-assigned identifier for the issuer. | Description | No |
CountryOfIssue | String | A country where the issue is registered. | Description | No |
CountryOfBorrower | String | A country where the borrowing company is registered. | Description | No |
CountryOfIncorporation | String | A country, in which the party received its charter allowing it to operate as a corporation. If a country of incorporation is not disclosed or if a company is not a corporation, then this is the country where the company was formed. | Description | No |
NotionalAmount | Float | The notional amount of the instrument. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Description | Yes |
NotionalCcy | String | The currency of the instrument's notional amount. The value is expressed in ISO 4217 alphabetical format (e.g., 'USD'). | Description | Yes |
ReportCcy | String | The currency code set for the fields ending with 'xxxInReportCcy'. The value is expressed in ISO 4217 alphabetical format (e.g., 'USD'). | Description | Yes |
ParValue | Float | The instrument's face value which determines its maturity value as well as the value of coupon payments. | Description | Yes |
DenominationMinimum | Float | The minimum face value of an instrument that can be purchased. The value is expressed in units of the issuing currency. | Description | Yes |
DenominationIncrement | Float | The minimum multiples in which a instrument can be held in the secondary market above the minimum denomination. The value is expressed in units of the issuing currency. | Description | Yes |
PriceFactor | Float | The divisor of the instrument price, used to calculate its percentage value. The par value of the instrument is equal to PriceFactor. | Description | Yes |
NumberOfUnits | Float | The number of the instrument units. | Description | Yes |
IssuePrice | Float | The instrument's price at the issue date quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. | Description | Yes |
IssueDate | Date | The date when the issue was registered. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Description | Yes |
EndDate | Date-time | The maturity or expiry date of the instrument. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | Yes |
TradeDate | Date-time | The date when the instrument is traded. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | Yes |
SettlementDate | Date | The date on which payments are made to settle a trade. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Description | No |
InterestType | String | An indicator whether the instrument pays a fixed or floating interest. The possible values are:
Description | No |
CouponRatePercent | Float | The interest rate of the instrument. The value is expressed in percentages. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Description | Yes |
CouponFormula | String | The formula used to compute the coupon rate. It comes from the Refinitiv reference data. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Description | Yes |
CouponType | String | The type of the instrument's coupon payment. This is identified by a code. A description is available in "CouponTypeDescription" field. (e.g., 'FXPV' stands for Plain Vanilla Fixed Coupon) | Description | Yes |
CouponTypeDescription | String | A description of the coupon type. | Description | Yes |
FirstAccrualDate | Date | The date from which the interest starts accruing. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | No |
FirstCouponDate | Date | The date of the instrument's first coupon payment. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Description | Yes |
FirstRegularPaymentDate | Date-time | The first regular interest payment date used for the odd first interest period. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | No |
LastRegularPaymentDate | Date-time | The last regular interest payment date used for the odd last interest period. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | No |
AnnouncementDate | Date | A date when the terms of issuance become available prior to the initial settlement date. For securities with initial placement via underwriting, this is the date on which terms of issuance are agreed upon between the Issuer and Underwriter. For securities with initial placement via an auction, this is the date on which the auction is announced. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Description | No |
AuctionDate | Date | The date the asset was issued via an auction process. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Description | Yes |
OriginalAmountIssued | Float | The total principal amount of the securities offered as per the front cover of the prospectus. | Description | Yes |
LatestReopeningPricePercent | Float | An issue price of the security at its latest re-opening, expressed as a percentage of par. | Description | No |
IsPIK | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is a Payment-In-Kind (PIK). The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsPreferred | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is a preferred stock. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsUsMuni | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is a US Municipal bond. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsCallable | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is callable. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsPuttable | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is puttable. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsPerpetual | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is perpetual. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
IsSinkable | Boolean | An indicator whether the instrument is sinkable. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
SettlementConvention | String | The settlement tenor of the instrument (e.g., '1WD'), used to calculate SettlementDate. | Description | Yes |
IndexFixingRic | String | The RIC that carries the fixing value if the instrument has a floating interest. | Description | Yes |
TaxStatusDescription | String | The status of the instrument for tax purposes. It is usually used to define whether TaxEquivalentYieldPercent or TaxExemptEquivalentYieldPercent should be used for a reference yield. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
Series | String | The unique code to identify the deal from the issuer. | Description | Yes |
IndustrySubSector | String | The code of the issuer's subsector. | Description | Yes |
AccruedCalculationMethod | String | The day count basis method used to calculate the accrued interest payments. The possible values are listed here. | Description | Yes |
InterestCalculationMethod | String | The day count basis method used to calculate the interest payments. The possible values are listed here. | Description | No |
InterestPaymentFrequency | String | The interest payment frequency. The possible values are listed here. | Description | Yes |
IndexResetFrequency | String | The reset frequency for the floating instrument. The possible values are listed here. | Description | Yes |
ProjectedIndexCalculationMethod | String | The method used to define how the projected floating index rate value is computed for a floating rate instrument. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
PercentOfUst | Float | A proportion of the instrument's yield to the US Treasury benchmark yields. Available only for municipal bonds. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Description | Yes |
CashOrPercentConvention | String | An indicator whether the instrument's price is quoted in cash or percent. The possible values are:
Description | No |
CleanOrDirtyConvention | String | An indicator whether the instrument's price is quoted in clean or dirty convention. The possible values are:
Description | No |
PriceQuotationDate | Date-time | The timestamp of the instrument's quotation data. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g. '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Description | Yes |
QuotationMode | String | The quotation defining the price type. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
PriceSide | String | The price side of the instrument which comes from the instrument's quote or from the curve (derived from quotes) used to value the instrument. The possible values are:
Description | Yes |
PriceSource | String | The contributor of the price quote. | Description | Yes |
AvailableZCCurves | Array of strings | The list of available zero-coupon curves that can be used as a forward curve or a discount curve. | Description | Yes |
OisZcBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the OIS benchmark curve used to compute OisZcSpreadBp. | Description | No |
InflationMode | String | The indicator used to define whether instrument parameters should be adjusted from inflation or not. The possible values are:
Available only for inflation-linked instruments. |
Description | Yes |
InflationIndexName | String | The name of the inflation index (consumer price index). It depends on the instrument's country of issue. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Description | Yes |
InflationIndexBaseReference | Float | The value of the consumer price index (CPI) at the time of issuing the inflation-linked instrument. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Description | Yes |
InflationIndexLookbackTenor | String | The lag applied to reference consumer price index (CPI) to be retrieved. The value is expressed as a tenor, usually a month tenor (e.g., '1M'). Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Description | Yes |
ErrorMessage | String | The error message in case of a blocking error in calculation. | Description | Yes |
ErrorCode | String | The code of ErrorMessage. | Description | Yes |
ProcessingInformation | String | The error message for the calculation in case of a non-blocking error. | Description | Yes |
MarketDataDate | Date-time | The date at which the market data is retrieved. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). The default value is today. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
ValuationDate | Date-time | The date at which the instrument is valued. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z (e.g., '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'). | Pricing analysis | Yes |
Price | Float | The instrument's price quoted according to the market conventions. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
PricePercent | Float | The instrument's price quoted according to the market convention defined by CleanOrDirtyConvention. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
NetPrice | Float | The instrument's price before deducting fees. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention and CleanOrDirtyConvention. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
NetPricePercent | Float | The instrument's price before deducting fees. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
CleanPrice | Float | The instrument's price excluding accrued interest. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
CleanPricePercent | Float | The price excluding accrued interest. The value is expressed in percentages. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
DirtyPrice | Float | The price of the instrument, which includes accrued interest. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
DirtyPricePercent | Float | The price including accrued interest. The value is expressed in percentages. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
NeutralPrice | Float | The price of the instrument, at which it moves neither up nor down over time. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldType | String | The yield type specified in the yield calculation convention and used for the instrument rate model. The possible values are listed here. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
IssueYieldPercent | Float | The yield computed from the issue price at the default redemption type. The value is expressed in percentages. Default redemption types are: 'RedemptionAtWorstDate' for callable bond, 'RedemptionAtBestDate' for puttable bond or 'RedemptionAtMaturityDate' in other cases. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldPercent | Float | The yield, if it is not defined in the pricing parameter, that equates the present value of the instrument to its dirty price, assuming that the yield is constant over the life of the instrument. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
NetYieldPercent | Float | The yield of the bond at the redemption date computed from the net price. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionDate | Date | The date when the instrument can be redeemed. The notional of the instrument is also paid at this date. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). RedemptionDate is either defined in input pricing parameters or computed from RedemptionDateType. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionPrice | Float | The price at which the instrument is redeemed. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionDateType | String | The type defining the redemption date of the instrument. The possible values are listed here. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionYieldType | String | The type of the redemption yield at which the bond has been priced. The possible values are listed here. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToMaturityPercent | Float | The yield that makes the present value of the bond equal to its dirty price, assuming that the yield is constant over the life of the bond and that the bond will be redeemed at maturity or perpetuity. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToWorstPercent | Float | The lowest yield among all yields calculated at each possible redemption dates, among which the bond issuer may choose to call the bond from its holder. This is the most favorable yield of a callable bond. The value is expressed in percentages. Available for callable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToWorstDate | Date | The date at which YieldToWorst has been computed. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available for callable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToBestPercent | Float | The highest yield among all yields calculated at each possible redemption dates, among which the bond holder may choose to put the bond to the issuer. This is the most favorable yield of a puttable bond. The value is expressed in percentages. Available for puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToBestDate | Date | The date at which YieldToBest has been computed. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available for puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToNextCallPercent | Float | The yield that makes the present value of the bond equal to its dirty price, assuming that the yield is constant over the life of the bond and that the bond will be redeemed at the next call date. The value is expressed in percentages. Available for callable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToNextCallDate | Date | The date of the next call, when the bond issuer may choose to buy the bond from its holder. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available for callable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToNextPutPercent | Float | The yield that makes the present value of the bond equal to its dirty price, assuming that the yield is constant over the life of the bond and that the bond will be redeemed at next put date. The value is expressed in percentages. Available for puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToNextPutDate | Date | The date of the next put, when the bond holder may choose to sell the bond to its issuer. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available for puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
NeutralYieldPercent | Float | The neutral yield of the instrument, at which its price moving neither up nor down over time. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
StripYieldPercent | Float | The strip yield measures the return on only the debt portion of the instrument (removing the impact of any embedded options, or conversion rights, or accrued interest). The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
DiscountPercent | Float | A difference between the instrument's price paid for and its par value. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
CurrentYieldPercent | Float | The current yield of the instrument. The value is expressed in percentages. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
AnnualDividend | Float | The annual dividend. Available only for preferred stocks (IsPreferred = True). For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionDatesArray | Array of dates | The list of all possible dates, when the bond may be redeemed. This field is mainly used for bonds with options. Therefore, the bond may be redeemed at each call date. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionYieldsArray | Array of floats | The list of yields computed for each redemption date. The Nth yield is the one computed for the Nth redemption date from RedemptionDatesArray. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionNeutralYieldsArray | Array of floats | The list of neutral yields computed for each redemption date. The Nth yield is the one computed for the Nth redemption date from RedemptionDatesArray. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionPricesArray | Array of floats | The list of prices computed for each redemption date. The Nth price is the one computed for the Nth redemption date from RedemptionDatesArray. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionDateTypesArray | Array of strings | The list of redemption date types computed for each redemption date. The Nth redemption type is the one computed for the Nth redemption date from RedemptionDatesArray. The possible values are listed here. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
RedemptionYieldTypesArray | Array of strings | The list of redemption yield types computed for each redemption date. The Nth redemption type is the one computed for the Nth redemption date from RedemptionDatesArray. The possible values are listed here. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
DeMinimisPrice | Float | The threshold price for tax purposes, at which a discount bond should be taxed as a capital gain rather than as an ordinary income. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
DeMinimisYieldPercent | Float | The threshold yield for tax purposes. It is computed from DeMinimisPrice. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedPrice | Float | The clean price adjusted for the difference between the refinancing rate and the coupon rate during the partial first period. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention and CleanOrDirtyConvention. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedCleanPrice | Float | The clean price of the instrument adjusted by InflationIndexRatio. It is computed with [inflationMode = Adjusted]. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedDirtyPrice | Float | The dirty price of the instrument adjusted by InflationIndexRatio. It is computed with [inflationMode = Adjusted]. The value is quoted according to the market convention defined by CashOrPercentConvention. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedYieldPercent | Float | The instrument yield computed with [inflationMode = Adjusted]. The value is expressed in percentages. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedSimpleMarginBp | Float | The average annual return of the floating rate instrument compared to its index rate. The measure is based on the adjusted clean price. The simple margin method does not take into account the current yield effect on the instrument's price, that is the value to the investor of buying an instrument below par or the cost of buying an instrument above par. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
AdjustedTotalMarginBp | Float | The adjusted margin, which includes the additional or lost return realized if the price of the floating rate instrument is below or above par. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
DiscountMarginBp | Float | The margin that is earned in addition to the floating index rate value of the instrument. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
SimpleMarginBp | Float | The average cash return per year of the instrument compared with its index rate. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
BondOptionFreePrice | Float | The bond's price minus the price of the embedded option. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
BondOptionPrice | Float | The price of the embedded option evaluated using the Hull-White model. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
QuotedPrice | Float | The instrument's price quoted according to the market convention defined by QuotationMode. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
QuotedBidPrice | Float | The quoted bid price on the market. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
QuotedAskPrice | Float | The quoted ask price on the market. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
ProjectedIndexPercent | Float | The projected index rate value used for calculation of future cash flows of the instrument. By default, it is computed from market data according to the instrument convention. Usually the projected index is the last known value of the index. The value is expressed in percentages. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
FxSpot | Float | The spot value of the cross-currency pair, which is the instrument currency against the reporting currency. It is used to convert amount to the reporting currency. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
YieldToMaturitySpreadBp | Float | The difference between the yield to maturity of the floating rate instrument and the effective internal rate of return (IRR) of the underlying index. The IRR of the index is calculated as a series of short-term investments that pay interest rates equal to the projected index rates, using the same frequency and day count convention as floating rate instruments. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
InflationIndexRatio | Float | The value of the consumer price index (CPI) at the settlement date used to calculate the inflation-adjusted instrument price. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
InflationCurrentIndex | Float | The value of the consumer price index (CPI) at the settlement date. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
BreakEvenInflationRatePercent | Float | The market-based measure of expected inflation rate, expressed in percentages. It is computed from the yield of the inflation-linked instrument and the yield of a government benchmark instrument with the same maturity. This is an annual inflation rate.
Available only for inflation-linked instruments. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | No |
InterpolatedBreakEvenInflationRatePercent | Float | The breakeven inflation computed by using a benchmark yield that has been computed by an interpolation of the Government benchmark curve. Available only for inflation-linked instruments. | Pricing analysis | No |
TaxOnCouponPercent | Float | The tax rate on income. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
TaxOnCapitalGainPercent | Float | The tax rate on capital gain. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
TaxOnYieldPercent | Float | The tax rate applied to the yield of the bond for pricing. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
TaxOnPricePercent | Float | The reference price used for capital taxation. The tax on capital gain is levied on the excess of the par value over TaxOnPricePercent. The value is expressed in percentages. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
TaxEquivalentYieldPercent | Float | The yield on a taxable instrument that an investor would earn to match the return on a comparable tax-exempt municipal bond. Available for municipal bonds. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
TaxExemptEquivalentYieldPercent | Float | The yield on a tax-exempt municipal bond that an investor would earn to match the return on a comparable taxable instrument. Available for municipal bonds. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Pricing analysis | Yes |
ConcessionFee | Float | The fee used to compute the net price of the bond. The value is expressed in the same units as the bond price (percentage or cash). | Pricing analysis | Yes |
CurrentIndexPercent | Float | The value of the index used to compute the current coupon. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
SpreadOverIndexPercent | Float | The spread applied to the current index used to compute a coupon, also called a quoted margin. The value is expressed in basis percentages. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Pricing analysis | Yes |
CashAmount | Float | The cash amount of the instrument. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
LftFactor | Float | The cumulative Selic factor computed for Brazilian LFT (Letras Financeiras do Tesouro). It is based on the daily Selic interest rate set by Brazilian Central Bank accumulated since the reference date (2000-07-01). For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
LftVna | Float | The nominal value (or VNA - Valor Nominal Acumulado) adjusted by the LftFactor. It is available for Brazilian LFT (Letras Financeiras do Tesouro) only. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
AccruedDays | Integer | The number of days since the last interest payment date or since the dated date of the instrument. | Valuation | Yes |
AccruedPercent | Float | The accrued interest amount, which is accumulated but not paid out. The value is expressed in percentages. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
Accrued | Float | The accrued interest amount, which is accumulated but not paid out. The value is expressed in bond quotation units (percentage or cash). For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
TradeDateAccrued | Float | The accrued interest amount, which is accumulated on the trade date but not paid out. The value is expressed in bond quotation units (percentage or cash). The field calculation is the same as for Accrued. |
Valuation | No |
TradeDateAccruedPercent | Float | The accrued interest amount, which is accumulated on the trade date but not paid out. The value is expressed in percentages. The field calculation is the same as for AccruedPercent. |
Valuation | No |
AdjustedAccrued | Float | The instrument Accrued computed with [inflationMode = Adjusted]. The value is expressed in bond quotation units (percentage or cash). Available only for inflation-linked instruments. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
AccruedAmountInDealCcy | Float | The accrued interest amount. It is computed from the accrued percent and the notional amount. The value is expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
AccruedAmountInReportCcy | Float | The accrued interest amount. It is computed from the accrued percent and the notional amount. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
CapitalizedAccruedAmountInDealCcy | Float | The amount of capitalized accrued interest. The value is expressed in the deal currency. | Valuation | No |
CapitalizedAccruedAmountInReportCcy | Float | The amount of capitalized accrued interest. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. | Valuation | No |
TotalAccruedInDealCcy | Float | The total accrued interest amount. The value is expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | No |
TotalAccruedInReportCcy | Float | The total accrued amount. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | No |
MarketValueInDealCcy | Float | The market value of the instrument. The value is expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
MarketValueInReportCcy | Float | The market value of the instrument. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
CleanMarketValueInDealCcy | Float | The market value of the instrument less any accrued interest. The value is expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
CleanMarketValueInReportCcy | Float | The market value of the instrument less any accrued interest. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
PositionInDealCcy | Float | The initial position of the instrument expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Valuation | Yes |
PositionInReportCcy | Float | The initial position of the instrument expressed in the reporting currency. | Valuation | Yes |
NormalizationFactor | Float | The factor at valuation date for amortizable bonds. It can be defined from the remaining notional amount of a bond. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Cashflows | Yes |
PreviousCouponDate | Date | The date of the latest coupon payment preceding the settlement date. If the settlement date is before the first regular coupon, then this field shows the instrument issue date. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponDate | Date | The date of the first coupon payment following the settlement date. If the settlement date is after the last regular coupon, then this field shows the instrument maturity date. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Cashflows | Yes |
PreviousExDividendDate | Date | The previous date from which the stock (bond) starts trading without the value of its dividend (coupon) payment. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextExDividendDate | Date | The next date from which the stock (bond) starts trading without the value of its dividend (coupon) payment. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). | Cashflows | Yes |
PreviousRecordDate | Date | The previous date on which the shareholder must own the share to be eligible to receive a dividend. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available only for preferred stocks (IsPreferred = True). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextRecordDate | Date | The next date on which the shareholder must own the share to be eligible to receive a dividend. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available only for preferred stocks (IsPreferred = True). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponValue | Float | The next coupon value expressed in bond quotation units (percentage or cash). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponInCashValue | Float | The value of the next coupon paid in cash. The value is expressed in bond quotation units (cash). It should be equal to NextCouponValue except for coupon paid in kind. | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponInKindValue | Float | The value of the next coupon paid in kind (PIK). The value is computed for PIK bonds. The value is expressed in bond quotation units (percentage or cash). | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponRatePercent | Float | The annual rate of the next coupon. The coupon may be paid in kind (PIK) or in cash. The value is expressed in percentages. | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponInCashRatePercent | Float | The annual rate of the next coupon paid in cash. The value is expressed in percentages. | Cashflows | Yes |
NextCouponInKindRatePercent | Float | The annual rate of the next coupon paid in kind (PIK). The value is computed for PIK bonds. The value is expressed in percentages. | Cashflows | Yes |
NextSinkDate | Date | The next date, when a portion of the sinkable bond would be paid off. The value is expressed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., '2021-01-01'). Available only for sinkable bonds. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlows | Array of objects | The information on the contract's cash flows during its lifetime. It consists of the following properties:
For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Cashflows | No |
CashFlowDatesArray | Array of dates | The dates of the future cash flows payments. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlowAnnualRatesPercentArray | Array of floats | The annual interest rates for each cash flow date. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlowAmendedAnnualRatesPercentArray | Array of floats | The annual interest rates for each cash flow date and amended by the paying agent. It can differ from CashFlowAnnualRatesPercentArray, because the paying agent may modify the value of the interest or the interest can be partially paid. | Cashflows | No |
CashFlowInterestPercentsArray | Array of floats | The interest payments for each cash flow date. The values are expressed in percentages of the instrument notional value. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlowCapitalPercentsArray | Array of floats | The principal payments for each cash flow date. The values are expressed in the percentages of the instrument notional value. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlowTotalPercentsArray | Array of floats | The total (interest + principal) payments for each cash flow date. The values are expressed in the percentages of the instrument notional value. | Cashflows | Yes |
CashFlowNormalizationFactorsArray | Array of floats | The normalization factors for an amortizable instrument. The normalization factor is equal to 1 at the issue date. | Cashflows | Yes |
BenchmarkYieldSelectionMode | String | The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument. The possible values are:
Default value is 'Interpolate'. |
Spread measures | Yes |
ZSpreadBp | Float | The zero volatility spread (Z-spread) computed as the constant spread that makes the price of the instrument equal to the present value of its cash flows when added to the yield at each point on the zero curve where cash flow is received. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the benchmark yield curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument, taking into account the embedded options. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | Yes |
ZeroVolatilityOptionAdjustedSpreadBp | Float | The option-adjusted spread computed with a flat volatility equal to zero. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | Yes |
AssetSwapSpreadAmount | Float | The amount equivalent to AssetSwapSpreadBp. The value is expressed in units of the bond currency. Available for fixed-rate and floating-rate notes. | Spread measures | Yes |
UpfrontSpreadAmount | Float | The amount that makes the bond price par, using the current or forward reference rates from the zero curve. The value is expressed in units of the bond currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
UpfrontSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the current or forward reference rates from the zero curve to make the bond price par. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | Yes |
AssetSwapSpreadBp | Float | The spread over or under the reference rate (e.g., 'LIBOR') for a bond whose cash flows have been converted from fixed to floating via an interest rate swap. The value is expressed in basis points. Available for fixed-rate and floating-rate notes. | Spread measures | Yes |
SwapSpreadTenor | String | The code indicating the interest rate curve tenor used for SwapSpreadBp computations. The possible value is 'OIS'. | Spread measures | No |
SwapSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the swap benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
SwapBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the swap benchmark curve used to compute SwapSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
SwapBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the swap benchmark curve used to compute SwapSpreadBp. | Spread measures | Yes |
SwapBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the swap benchmark curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
SwapBenchmarkCurveLowerRic | String | The RIC of the point of the swap benchmark curve that is lower to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
SwapBenchmarkCurveUpperRic | String | The RIC of the point of the swap benchmark curve that is upper to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the government benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The government benchmark curve is computed from the currency of the instrument. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentNearestSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the government benchmark curve computed using the nearest point of this curve to the instrument redemption date. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | No |
GovernmentBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the government benchmark curve used to compute GovernmentSpreadBp. The government benchmark curve is defined by the currency of the instrument. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the government benchmark curve used to compute GovernmentSpreadBp. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government benchmark curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentBenchmarkCurveLowerRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government benchmark curve that is lower to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovernmentBenchmarkCurveUpperRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government benchmark curve that is upper to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountrySpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the government country benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The government country benchmark curve is defined by the country of the instrument. It is available only for European countries and USA (USA govCountry benchmark is US Treasuries). The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountryBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the government country benchmark curve used to compute GovCountrySpreadBp. The government country benchmark curve is defined by the country of the instrument. It is available only for European countries and USA (USA govCountry benchmark is US Treasuries). The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountryBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the government country benchmark curve used to compute GovCountrySpreadBp. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountryBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government country benchmark curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountryBenchmarkCurveLowerRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government country benchmark curve that is lower to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
GovCountryBenchmarkCurveUpperRic | String | The RIC of the point of the government country benchmark curve that is upper to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
CdsSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the CDS benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | No |
CdsBasisBp | Float | The difference between CdsSpreadBp and the spread of the instrument (ZSpreadBp for the fixed rate instrument or DiscountMarginBp for the floating rate instrument). The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | No |
CdsNearestSpreadBp | Float | The spread of the CDS benchmark curve at the nearest point to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | No |
CdsNearestBasisBp | Float | The difference between CdsNearestSpreadBp and the spread of the instrument (ZSpreadBp for the fixed rate instrument or DiscountMarginBp for the floating rate instrument). The value ie expressed in basis points. | Spread measures | No |
CdsBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the CDS benchmark curve used to compute CdsSpreadBp. | Spread measures | No |
CdsBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the CDS curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | No |
RatingSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the rating benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The rating benchmark curve is the curve with same currency and rating as the instrument. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
RatingBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the rating benchmark curve used to compute RatingSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
RatingBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the rating benchmark curve used to compute RatingSpreadBp. | Spread measures | Yes |
RatingBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the rating benchmark curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
RatingBenchmarkCurveLowerRic | String | The RIC of the point of the rating benchmark curve that is lower to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
RatingBenchmarkCurveUpperRic | String | The RIC of the point of the rating benchmark curve that is upper to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the sector rating benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The sector rating benchmark curve is the curve with same currency, rating and sector as the instrument. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the sector rating benchmark curve used to compute SectorRatingSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingBenchmarkCurveName | String | The name of the sector rating benchmark curve used to compute SectorRatingSpreadBp. | Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingBenchmarkCurveNearestRic | String | The RIC of the point of the sector rating benchmark curve that is the nearest to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingBenchmarkCurveLowerRic | String | The RIC of the point of the sector rating benchmark curve that is lower to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
SectorRatingBenchmarkCurveUpperRic | String | The RIC of the point of the sector rating benchmark curve that is upper to the instrument redemption date. | Spread measures | Yes |
BenchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the benchmark at issue and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtIssueRic | String | The RIC of the benchmark at the instrument issue date. | Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtIssuePrice | Float | The price of the benchmark at the instrument issue date used to compute BenchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp. | Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtIssueYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the benchmark at the instrument issue date used to compute BenchmarkAtIssueSpreadBp. | Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtRedemptionSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the benchmark defined for the current instrument at redemption date and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtRedemptionRic | String | The RIC of the benchmark at the instrument current redemption date. | Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtRedemptionPrice | Float | The price of the benchmark at the instrument current redemption date, equivalent to BenchmarkAtRedemptionYieldPercent. | Spread measures | No |
BenchmarkAtRedemptionYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the benchmark at the instrument current redemption date used to compute BenchmarkAtRedemptionSpreadBp. | Spread measures | No |
EfpSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the Exchange of futures for physical (EFP) benchmark, computed at the instrument redemption date and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. Available only for Australian fixed rate bonds. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | No |
EfpBenchmarkPrice | Float | The price of the Exchange of futures for physical (EFP) benchmark, equivalent to EfpBenchmarkYieldPercent. Available only for Australian fixed rate bonds. | Spread measures | No |
EfpBenchmarkYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the Exchange of futures for physical (EFP) benchmark used to compute EfpSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date. Available only for Australian fixed rate bonds. | Spread measures | No |
EfpBenchmarkRic | String | The RIC of the Exchange of futures for physical (EFP) benchmark. The RIC can only be 'YTTc1' or 'YTCc1'. Available only for Australian fixed rate bonds. | Spread measures | No |
EdsfSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the Euro-Dollar future benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. This spread is computed for the USD bond whose maturity is under 2 years. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
EdsfBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the Euro-Dollar future benchmark curve, used to compute EdsfSpreadBp. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | Yes |
IssuerSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the issuer benchmark curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | Yes |
IssuerBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the issuer benchmark curve, used to compute IssuerSpreadBp. | Spread measures | No |
OisZcBenchmarkCurveYieldPercent | Float | The yield percent of the overnight indexed swap (OIS) zero curve used to compute OisZcSpreadBp. The OIS zero curve is computed from the pricing currency. The yield is computed at the instrument redemption date using the nearest point or by interpolation of the benchmark curve (defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode). | Spread measures | No |
OisZcSpreadBp | Float | The spread applied to the yield of the overnight indexed swap (OIS) zero curve and used to compute the yield of the instrument to be priced. The OIS zero curve is computed from the pricing currency. The mode of benchmark yield selection for the instrument redemption date is defined in pricing parameter benchmarkYieldSelectionMode. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Spread measures | No |
AverageLife | Float | The average remaining time to all principal instrument payments, weighted by the repayment amounts. It doesn't take into account interest payments. The value is expressed in years. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
Duration | Float | The weighted average maturity of all cash flows. The final cash flow includes the principal, which has a much greater weight than the intermediate cash flows. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
ModifiedDuration | Float | The measure of price sensitivity to 100 basis point change in the instrument's yield, or 1% parallel shift in the underlying zero-coupon curve in case of interest rate swap instruments. For a floating rate instrument, it is computed as time to next payment. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
Convexity | Float | The measure of the curvature in the relationship between the instrument's price and yield. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
IndexDuration | Float | The measure of price sensitivity to a small change in index rates used to calculate payments on the instrument. | Nominal measures | Yes |
SpreadDuration | Float | The measure of price sensitivity to a small change in the discount margin. Available only for floating rate instruments. | Nominal measures | Yes |
DV01Bp | Float | The sensitivity of the market value to a 1bp parallel shift in the zero-coupon curve. The value is expressed in basis points. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
DV01AmountInDealCcy | Float | The sensitivity of the market value to a 1bp parallel shift in the zero-coupon curve. The value is expressed in the deal currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
DV01AmountInReportCcy | Float | The sensitivity of the market value to a 1bp parallel shift in the zero-coupon curve. The value is expressed in the reporting currency. For more details on the field calculation, please refer here. |
Nominal measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedAverageLife | Float | The instrument's average life adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | No |
OptionAdjustedDuration | Float | The instrument's duration adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedModifiedDuration | Float | The modified duration adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedConvexity | Float | The convexity adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedDV01Bp | Float | DV01Bp adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. DV01Bp is the absolute change in the price of the bond caused by a change of the yield by one basis point. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | Yes |
OptionAdjustedDV01AmountInDealCcy | Float | The DV01 amount adjusted for an embedded option using the Hull-White model. DV01Bp is the absolute change in the price of the bond caused by a change of the yield by one basis point. The value is expressed in the deal currency. Available for callable/puttable bonds. | Effective measures | Yes |
The table below contains information which of the 'instrumentDefinition' object properties can be used for a bond defined with the 'instrumentCode' or/and for a user-defined bond.
Instrument definition | Bond defined with instrumentCode | User-defined Bond |
accruedCalculationMethod | n/a | Optional |
adjustInterestToPaymentDate | n/a | Optional |
amortizationSchedule | n/a | Optional |
endDate | n/a | Mandatory |
firstAccrualDate | n/a | Optional |
firstRegularPaymentDate | n/a | Optional |
fixedRatePercent | Optional | Optional |
fixedRatePercentSchedule | n/a | Optional |
indexCompoundingMethod | n/a | Optional |
indexFixingLag | n/a | Optional |
indexFixingRic | n/a | Mandatory |
indexResetFrequency | n/a | Optional |
instrumentCode | Mandatory | n/a |
instrumentTag | Optional | Optional |
interestCalculationConvention | n/a | Optional |
interestCalculationMethod | n/a | Mandatory |
interestPaymentDelay | n/a | Optional |
interestPaymentFrequency | n/a | Mandatory |
interestType | n/a | Fixed rate bond: Optional Floating rate note: Mandatory |
isPerpetual | n/a | Optional |
issueDate | Optional | Mandatory |
lastRegularPaymentDate | n/a | Optional |
notionalAmount | Optional | Optional |
notionalCcy | Optional | Mandatory |
paymentBusinessDayConvention | n/a | Optional |
paymentBusinessDays | n/a | Optional |
paymentRollConvention | n/a | Optional |
rateStructure | Optional | Optional |
spreadBp | n/a | Optional |
stubRule | n/a | Optional |
template | n/a | Optional |
Values | Description |
AGB | Australian Treasury Bonds |
AGTB | Australian Treasury Bills |
AUST | Austrian Treasury Bonds |
AUTTB | Austrian Treasury Bills |
BELTB | Belgian Treasury Bills |
BF_BDP | Conversion Factor Style for BDP |
BF_BM | Conversion Factor Style for Bourse de Montreal |
BF_EUROBTPF | Conversion Factor Style for EURO BTP future |
BF_CBOT | Conversion Factor Style for CBOT |
BF_EUREX | Conversion Factor Style for EUREX |
BF_JSE | Conversion Factor Style for South African Bond Futures JSE |
BF_LIFFE | Conversion Factor Style for LIFFE |
BF_MATIF | Conversion Factor Style for MATIF |
BF_MEFF | Conversion Factor Style for MEFF |
BF_MD | Conversion Factor Style for MexDer |
BF_MIF | Conversion Factor Style for MIF |
BF_MRTS | Conversion Factor for MRTS |
BF_NSEI | Conversion Factor style for Indian market |
BF_OM | Conversion Factor Style for OM |
BF_SWI | Conversion Factor Style for SWI |
BF_TAIFEX | Conversion Factor Style for TAIFEX |
BF_TES | Conversion Factor Style for Colombian government bond future TES |
BF_TSE | Conversion Factor Style for TSE |
BF_SFE | Conversion Factor Style for SFE |
BF_SHAHAR | Conversion Factor Style for SHAHAR |
BF_HKEFN | Conversion Factor Style for Hong Kong EFN |
BF_OFZ | Conversion Factor Style for Russian Government Bond Future |
BF_WSE | Conversion Factor Style for Polish Government Bond Future |
BGB | Belgian Treasury Bonds |
BONTE | Argentinian Fixed Rate Treasury Bonds |
BOT | Italian Treasury Bills (BOT) |
BOTE | Italian Treasury Bills (Harmonized) |
BRA_BBC | Bonus de Banco Central |
BRA_NTN | Notas de Banco Central |
BTAN | French Treasury Notes |
BTF | French Treasury Bills |
BTP | Italian Treasury Bonds |
BTPE | Italian Treasury Bonds (Harmonized) |
BUBILL | German Treasury Bills |
BULT | Bulgarian Treasury Bonds |
BULTB | Bulgarian Treasury Bills |
BULTN | Bulgarian Treasury Notes |
BUND | German Treasury Bonds |
CAN1 | Canadian Treasury Bonds (Greater than 3 years) |
CAN2 | Canadian Treasury Bonds (Less than 3 years) |
CANTB | Canadian Treasury Bills |
CDA0 | Certificates of Deposit (Actual/360) |
CDA5 | Certificates of Deposit (Actual/365) |
CETES | Mexican Treasury Bills |
CFAA2 | Conversion Factor Style (Actual/Actual) |
CHTB | Swiss Treasury Bills |
CL_PRBC | Pagares Reajustables del Banco Central |
CL_PRC | Pagares Reajustables con pago en cupones del Banco Central |
CLPDBC | Chilean Treasury Bills |
CNBOND | China Treasury Bond |
CNTB | China Treasury Bill |
CTZ | Italian Zero Coupon Bonds (CTZ) |
CTZE | Italian Zero Coupon Bonds (Harmonised) |
CZEC | Czech Corporate Bonds |
CZET | Czech Treasury Bonds Prague Stock Exchange |
CZETOTC | Czech Treasury Bonds OTC |
CZETB | Czech Treasury Bills |
DENTB | Danish Treasury Bills |
DGB | Danish Treasury Bonds |
DGB1 | Danish Treasury Bonds before 08Feb2001 |
EUR1 | European Treasury Bonds (Annual) |
EUR2 | European Treasury Bonds (Semi-Annual) |
EURO | Eurobonds |
FIN | Finnish Treasury Bonds |
FINTB | Finnish Treasury Bills |
GILT_OLD | UK Treasury Bonds (Act/365) |
GILT | UK Treasury Bonds |
GRE | Greek Treasury Bonds |
GRETB | Greek Treasury Bills |
HKEFB | Hong Kong Exchange Funds Bills |
HKEFN | Hong Kong Exchange Funds Notes |
HUFT | Hungarian Treasury Bond |
HUFTB | Hungarian Treasury Bills |
IDB | Indonesian Government Treasury Bonds |
IDFR | Indonesian Government Fixed Rate Bonds |
IDVR | Indonesian Government Variable Rates Bonds |
IGB_XD10 | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued From Sept. 1997 XD rule before 1-1-99) |
IGB | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued From Sept. 1997 XD rule after 1-1-99) |
IGB1_XD10 | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued Up to 1993 XD rule before 1-1-99) |
IGB1 | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued Up to 1993 XD rule after 1-1-99) |
IGB2_XD10 | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued From 1993 to Sept. 1997 XD rule before 1-1-99) |
IGB2 | Irish Treasury Bonds (Issued From 1993 to Sept. 1997 XD rule after 1-1-99) |
IND | Indian Treasury Bonds |
JGB | Japanese Treasury Bonds |
JGDTB | Japanese Discount Treasury Bill |
JGTB | Japanese Treasury Bills |
KEN | Kenya Debt Market |
KORG | Korean Treasury Bonds |
LETRA1 | Spanish Treasury Bills |
LETRA2 | Spanish Treasury Bills (18 Months) |
LUT | Luxembourg Treasury Bonds |
MEX_CETES | Certificados de la Tesoreria |
MEX_UDIBONOS | Bonos de Desarrollo del Govierno Federal Denominados en UDIS |
MGB | Malta Treasury Bonds |
MYB | Malaysia Government Treasury Bonds |
MYTB | Malaysia Government Treasury Bills |
NETH | Dutch Treasury Bonds |
NETHTB | Dutch State Loans |
NOR | Norwegian Treasury Bonds |
NORTB | Norwegian Treasury Bills |
NZB | New Zealand Treasury Bonds |
NZTB | New Zealand Treasury/Bank Bills |
OAT | French Treasury Bonds |
PHTB | Philippines Treasury Bills |
PHTN | Philippines Treasury Notes |
POL1 | Polish Treasury Bonds (Annual - Issued after April 2002) |
POL1_XD6 | Polish Treasury Bonds (Annual - Issued before April 2002) |
POL2 | Polish Treasury Bonds (Quarterly) |
POLTB | Polish Treasury Bills |
PORT1_AA | Portuguese Treasury Bonds (Annual Act/Act) |
PORT1 | Portuguese Treasury Bonds (Annual) |
PORT2_AA | Portuguese Treasury Bonds (Semi-Annual Act/Act) |
PORT2 | Portuguese Treasury Bonds (Semi-Annual) |
PORTI | Portuguese Treasury Bonds (Euro) |
PORTTB | Portuguese Treasury Bills |
ROMTB | Romanian Treasury Bills |
RSA | South African Treasury Bonds |
RUSTB | Russian Treasury Bills |
SGB | Singapore Treasury Bonds |
SGTB | Singapore Treasury Bills |
SLKC | Slovak Corporate Bonds |
SLKT | Slovak Treasury Bonds |
SLKTB | Slovak Treasury Bills |
SPGB | Spanish Treasury Bonds |
STRIPS | Spanish Strips |
SWE | Swedish Treasury Bonds |
SWETB | Swedish Treasury Bills |
SWISS | Swiss Treasury Bonds |
THB | Thai Treasury Bills |
THT | Thai Treasury Bonds |
THT_XD10 | Thai Treasury Bonds - 10 Day XD Period |
THT_XD15 | Thai Treasury Bonds - 15 Day XD Period |
TURTB | Turkish Treasury Bills |
TWB1 | Taiwan Government Bonds - Construction (Annual) |
TWB2 | Taiwan Government Bonds - Construction (Semi-annual) |
TWTB | Taiwan Treasury Bills |
UKRTB | Ukrainian Treasury Bills |
UKTB | UK Treasury Bills |
USC | US Corporate Bonds |
USM | US Municipal Bonds |
UST | US Treasury Bonds |
USTB | US Treasury Bills |
VETEM | Venezuelan Fixed Rate Treasury Bonds |
VIETNA | Vietnam Treasury Bonds |
FNMA | Fannie Mae |
GNMA | Ginnie Mae |
FHLMC | Freddie Mac |
GNMA2 | Ginnie Mae 2 |